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1、精品文档 666 专题九系动词和情态动词 单项选择 ( D )1. Mum ,it s too hot. I swim in the lake? No,you .That s too dangerous!(2019 滨州 ) A.Should ;cant B.Need;mustnt C.Must ;neednt D.Could ;mustnt ( A )2. This task is really beyond me. Well ,if you solve it,you won t get paid.(2019 泰州 ) A.can t B.needn t C.mustn t D.should

2、n t ( B )3. Look at the dark clouds,and the wind is blowing strongly. It that a big storm is coming.(2019 本溪 ) A.sounds B.seems C.feels D.smells ( C )4.Buses stop when the traffic lights turn red.(2019 怀化 ) A.can B.may C.must ( A )5.The fruit salad delicious,I d like to have more.(2019 贺州 ) A.tastes

3、 B.touches C.sounds D.feels ( A )6.According to the notice ,guests at this hotel use the sports center at no extra cost. (2019 连云港 ) 精品文档 666 A.can B.should C.must D.need ( D )7. Lily , you finish the letter in ten minutes? Yes,I can.(2019 北京 ) A.must B.should C.need D.can ( C )8. Is that red school

4、bag Marys? It be hers.She hates that color.(2019 河池 ) A.may B.must C.cant D.might ( D )9. I take the magazine out of the reading room? I m sorry you . (2019 毕节 ) A.Could ;couldn t B.Must ;couldn t C.Will ;cant D.May;cant ( C )10. Must I finish this work at once? No,you . (2019 青海 ) A.can t B.wont C.

5、neednt ( B )11.Every one of us always breathe the same breath and share the same future as the people. (2019 株洲 ) A.might B.should C.could ( A )12. Where is Monica? I cant find her anywhere. She be in the library.She loves reading books when she is free.(2019 乐山 ) A.must B.need C.cant 精品文档 666 ( B )

6、13. Will you stay here for dinner with us? Sorry ,I .My mother is waiting for me at home.(2019 淮安 ) A.mustn t B.can t C.neednt D.couldn t ( A )14. Must I clean my bedroom this afternoon,Mom ? No,you.You can do it tomorrow,dear. (2019 梧州 ) A.needn t B.mustn t C.cant D.wont ( B )15.You walk on the wet

7、 hill path because you fall and hurt yourself.(2019 天津 ) A.must ;might not B.mustn t ;might C.neednt ;need D.must ;must ( C )16.Ants are pretty small.You might think that they be rather weak.But what you might not know is that ants are actually very strong for their size.(2019 临沂 ) A.need B.can t C.must ( A )17. Tony,can you guess what I am cooking? It like mutton. A.smells B.looks C.tastes D.feels ( A )18.The pizza looks .It is my favourite. A.lovely B.sweetly C.softly D.healthily


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