2021届英语新高考一轮复习资料专题3.2 Language(自主练习解析)

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1、2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料模块三Unit 2自主练习一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.Barriers to success cant _(打败)us. Instead, they can only make us stronger.【答案】defeat【解析】通往成功路上的障碍不能打败我们,相反,它们只会让我们更强大。2.He couldnt lift the sack, so he _(拖)it out of the of the shop.【答案】dragged【句意】他提不动那个袋子,只好把它拖出了商店。3.Theycouldheareachoth

2、erscockscrowanddogsb_.【答案】bark【句意】鸡犬之声相闻。4.Since 1949, the peoples living standard has been r_, causing a big rise in population.【答案】raised【句意】自1949年以来,人民的生活水平提高了,导致了人口的大幅增长。5.When he picked up a large sum of money by accident, he b_ with his conscience whether he should keep it or return it to the

3、owner.【答案】battled【句意】当他意外地捡到一大笔钱时,他良心上一直在挣扎,到底该把钱留着还是把钱交给失主。6.The _(猎人)shot at that tiger, but luckily, it avoided being shot.【答案】hunter【句意】猎人向那只老虎射击,但幸运的是,它躲过了一劫。7.Mark has lived in China for many years, yet he still cant adapt himself to the Chinese c_.【答案】customs【句意】马克在中国住了很多年,但他仍然不能适应中国的风俗习惯。8.T

4、he_(打字员)clicked out an article on a_(打字机).【答案】typist, typewriter【句意】打字员在打字机上劈劈啪啪地打出了一篇文章。9.HeansweredourquestionsinEnglishbutwitha thick _(口音).【答案】accent【句意】他用英语回答了我们的问题,不过口音很重。10.Weconsiderthatafriendinneedisafriend ind_.【答案】deed【句意】我们认为患难之友才是真正的朋友。11.She seems to be _ (温柔的), but she can explode wi

5、th anger when she is treated unfairly, which is surprising.【答案】gentle【句意】她似乎很温柔,但是当她被不公平对待的时候,她会怒不可遏,这真是令人惊讶。12.We are all _(独特的)individuals. Those who may work for me may not work for you.【答案】unique【句意】我们每个人都是独特的个体,为我效力的人也许不会为你效力。13.People _ (现在/如今)are very_ (关心)about the problems_(与有关的)with enviro

6、nmental pollution.【答案】nowadays/now, concerned, concerned【句意】现在人们非常关心与环境污染有关的问题。14.The housing problem we are faced with is becoming more and more serious. T_, we must take some effective measures to solve it.【答案】Therefore/Thus【句意】我们面临的住房问题越来越严重。因此,必须采取有效措施加以解决。15.By“public s_”wemeanacadrewhoservesth

7、epeoplewhole-heartedly.【答案】servant【句意】所谓“公仆”,是指干部要全心全意为人民服务。16.Normally its necessary to know what _(图案)looks nice against the wall when picking the curtain.【答案】pattern【句意】通常,挑选窗帘的时候知道哪种图案和墙搭配最好是很必要的。17.Marriages usually break down as a result of the s_ of both partners 【答案】shortcomings【句意】婚姻常因为配偶双方

8、的缺点而破裂。 18.In the p_of fightingagainstnaturaldisasters,variousAPECmembershaveaccumulatedrichexperiences.【答案】process 【句意】在抗击自然灾害的过程中,亚太经合组织各成员国积累了丰富经验。19.I think that Han Meimei in Class 9 resembles her sister in appearance but not in_(性格).【答案】character【句意】玛丽在外表上和姐姐很像但是性格不像。20.In my opinion, although

9、 paper books are less popular, there is little chance for them to be r _ by e-books.【答案】replaced【句意】在我看来,虽然纸质书不那么受欢迎,但它们被电子书取代的可能性很小。21.She had a pretty guilty look _(表示) that she had done something wrong to Jim.【答案】indicating【句意】她一副很内疚的样子,表示她对吉姆做了错事。22.The match took nearly three hours and was _(中断

10、) at times by rain. 【答案】interrupted【句意】比赛花了将近三个小时,不时地因下雨而中断。23.In a competitive marketplace, finding the key factor that _(区分)your business from others is highly valuable.【答案】distinguishes【句意】在竞争激烈的市场中,找到你的企业与其他企业区别的关键因素是非常有价值的。24.The system has been designed to give the users quick and easy a _ to

11、the required information.【答案】access【句意】该系统的设计使用户能够快速方便地获取所需的信息。 25.Mother told her son to p_ firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.【答案】press【句意】妈妈叫儿子用力压住伤口止血。二、词性转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空)1.WHO welcomes Chinas _ of mobile laboratory to west Africa against Ebola, which can_ to fighting the disease.(contribu

12、te)【答案】contribution, contribute【句意】世卫组织欢迎中国为西非抗击埃博拉提供流动实验室,这有助于抗击埃博拉疾病。 2.Only when you have obtained enough evidence can you come to a sound _(conclude).【答案】conclusion【句意】只有当你获得了足够的数据,你才能得出一个合理的结论。3.He was _ to hear that two of his essays _ agriculture couldnt be published.(concern)【答案】concerned, c

13、oncerning【句意】听说他写的两篇关于农业的文章不能出版,他很担心。4.Ifacomputer userfailstologoff,thesystemis_(access)toall.【答案】accessible【句意】如果计算机用户没有成功退出,那么谁都可以进入该系统。5.The beauty of a woman doesnt lie in her _(appear), but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.【答案】appearance【句意】女人的美丽不在于外表,一个女人真正的美丽反映在她的心灵上。6.In

14、this much-travelled world, there are still thousands of places which are _(access)to tourists. 【答案】inaccessible【句意】在这个旅游频繁的世界上,仍有成千上万个游人足迹未至的地方。 7.The knowledge and skills the trainees have learned can help them make a clear _(distinct)between what is right and wrong.【答案】distinction【句意】受训者所学到的知识和技能可以帮助他们区分对错。8.His reaction to her visit is _. It is a _ of excitement and worry. (mix)【答案】mixed, mixture【句意】他对于她的来访的反应是很复杂的,夹杂着兴奋和担忧。9.The _(distinguish)scient



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