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1、. 整理可编辑 专项练习一Name: 选出每组中不同类的那个单词 ()1. A: I B: you C: are ()2. A: no B: not C: yes ()3. A: is B: are C: me ()4. A: he B:my C: she ()5.A: family B: father C: mother ()6.A: Miss Li B: Mr Wang C: Mrs Fang ()7. A: afternoon B: evening C: good ()8. A: Helen B: Yang Ling C: Su Hai ()9. A: nice B:good C:thi

2、s ()10.A: Hi. B: Hello. C: Goodbye ()11.A: an B: a C:this ()12.A: friend B: father C: mother ()13.A: yellow B:colour C: green ()14. A: he B:me C: I ()15. A: I B:my C:you ()16. A: Helen B: Mike C: Tim ()17.A: look B: are C:is ()18.A: this B:that C:what ()19.A: nice B: new C: too ()20.A: doll B: toy C

3、:robot ()21.A: happy B: new C: what ()22.A: skirt B: pie C:sweet ()23.A: doll B: ball C: brown ()24 .A: uncle B:grandpa C: family ()25. A: she B:you C: my ()26. A: Miss B: Mrs C: Mr ()27.A:it B: he C:is ()28.A: green B:great C:brown ()29.A: Miss Li B: Mike C: Yang Ling ()30.A: egg B: orange C:hot do

4、g . 整理可编辑 专项练习二Name: 一、按要求写句子 1. 早上看到李老师,你可以说: 2. 波比介绍自己时,他可以说: 3. 想知道对方是不是刘涛时,你可以问: 当对方是刘涛时,刘涛可以回答: 4. 当人家问你是不是杨玲时,你可以回答: 5. 当别人赞美你的衣服好看时,你可以说: 6. 你想让你的朋友看你的全家福时,你可以说: 7. 询问别人要不要一个冰淇淋时,可以说: 8. 你想问知道那边的是什么东西时,可以说: 当人家告诉你它是一个鸡蛋时,别人可以说: 9. 你想知道你的夹克衫时什么颜色时,可以问: 10.你想问手边的物品是什么,你会问: 二、根据句意或图片提示写单词或词组 1,

5、Whats (这个)?(它是) a toy . What colour is it? It is (绿色). 1.am Mike. This is my (妹妹) Helen . Nice to you, Helen. 2. Would you like a ? No, Id like an . 3. Happy birthday, Liu Tao. This (蛋糕 ) is for you. 4. Su Hai would like a (洋娃娃 ). Wang BIng would like a ( 球 ) 5. This nice (机器人 ) is for (我的弟弟 ). ( 这个

6、 CD) is for (我). . 整理可编辑 专项练习三Name: 根据所给情景,选择正确的表达 ()1. 当你想让别人看你的新T 恤衫,你可以说: A: Look at my new cap. B: Look at my new T-shirt. C:Look at my new jacket. ()2. 当你想引起别人注意时,你可以说: A: Look at me! B: This is me. C: Im Tom. ()3. 你想接受南希推荐的冰淇淋,你可以说: A: No, thanks. B: Yes, please. C: Goodbye. ()4. 你想让你爷爷吃馅饼,你可以

7、说: A: What about a pie? B: Would you like an ice cream? C: A sweet? ()5. 妈妈问你是否想蛋糕,你表示同意,你可以说: A: Would you like a cake? B: Yes, please. C: No, thank you. ()6. 在快餐店里,妈妈会建议你说: A: Would you like a cap? B: Its an ice cream. C: Would you like an egg? ()7. 同学向你介绍他的朋友,你可以说: A:This is my friend. B: This is

8、 my family. C:Nice to meet you. ()8. 建议别人买这件蓝色的夹克衫,你可以说: A: What about a jacket? B:Would you like a blue jacket? C: What about this blue jacket? ()9. 新年走访亲友,你可以说: A: Happy New Year! B: Happy Birthday! C: Thank you. ()10. 朋友祝你生日快乐,你可以说: A: Happy Birthday! B: Happy New Year! C: Thank you. ()11. 你想告诉对方

9、他不是你的朋友,你可以说: A: Hes my friend. B: She s not my friend. C: Hes not my friend. ()12. 当你想问远处的东西是什么时,你应该问: A:Whats it? B: Whats this? C: Whats that? ()13.你好朋友向你介绍他的家人时,他可以说: A: This is my friend. B: This is my family. C:Nice to meet you. ()14. 你看见别人的新帽子时,你可以说: A: How nice. B: Thank you. C: Look at my n

10、ew cap. ()15 你妈妈过生日,你可以说: A: Happy Birthday! B: Happy New Year! C: Thank you. ()16. 向朋友展示自己的玩具汽车时,你可以说: A: This is my toy car. B: This toy car is for you. C: Look at my car! . 整理可编辑 专项练习四Name: 一、单项选择 ( )1. This is Tina. my sister. A: He B: She C: She s ( )2. This is you. A: of B: for C:to ( )3. Hes

11、my mother s father. He s my . A: grandma B: father C: grandpa ( )4. This is my father s brother. He s my . A: brother B: grandpa C: uncle ( )5.- Good morning, Helen. - , my friend. A: Good morning B: Goodbye C: Good afternoon ( )6.- is it? - Its green. A: What about B: What colour C: What ( )7. Hell

12、o, Mike. A: I B: my C: Im ( )8. -Happy New Year! - A: Happy New Year! B: Thank you! C: How nice! ( )9. -Happy Birthday! - A: Happy Birthday! B: Thank you! C: How nice! ( )10. -Would you like an ice cream? - A: Yes, it is. B: No, thank you. C: No, Im not. ( )11. I Liu Tao. She Helen. You Gao Shan. A:

13、 am, is are B: am , are , is C: is , is , are ( )12. This Su Hai, that Yang Ling. A: is, are B: is, is C: am, is ( )13. -Hello, are you Liu Tao? - A: Yes, Im. B: Yes, I m not. C: Yes, I am. ( )14.- What s that? - Its red egg. A: a B: an C: / ( )15. - What is this? -Its an skirt. A: green B: blue C:

14、orange ( )16. Alice is my friend. Paul is my friend . A: too B: to C: all . 整理可编辑 ( )17. 下面哪组字母含有相同的音素? A: i y r B: f x s C: b v j ( )18. Mike准备跟一位新同学打呼,下列句子中不恰当的是: A: Hello, Im Mike. B: Nice to meet you! C: Who are you? ( )19. 在读句子“ Whats this? ”时,应读 在读句子“ Are you Wang Bing? ”时,应读 A: 升调降调B: 降调升调C:

15、升调降调 ( )20. you a pie? A: What; like B: Would; like C: What ; about ( )21. -This is my father. - A: Nice to meet you. B: Yes, she is. C: Great! ( )22. -Hi, Im Liu Tao. - A: Hi, Im Liu Tao. B: Hi, Im Wang Bing. C: Hi, Wang Bing. ( )23. It is a . A: ice cream B: egg C: hot dog ( )24. This is Bobby. A:

16、 a B: my C: / ( )25. I am Tom. I am Jim. A: no B: / C: not . 整理可编辑 专项练习五Name: 翻译下列词组或句子 1.一顶橙色的帽子 2. 黑白相间 3.这件新的短裙 4.一个鸡蛋 5.那个蛋糕 6.我的姐姐 7.我的玩具汽车 8.一件棕色的 T 恤衫 9.一个新的球 10.一个洋娃娃 11.一辆黑白相间的小汽车 12.我的妹妹 13. 给你 14.你和我 15. 黄色还是绿色 16. 遇见你 17. 我的好朋友 18. 一个白色的蛋糕 19.一张光盘 20.新年快乐! 21. What about.? 22 .This is for me. 23. Nice to meet you. 24. Would you like.? 25. They all look great! 26. nice clothes 27 .They all love one another. 28.They all live toge



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