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1、点击职业英语教案 教研室:教师姓名: 课程名称英语授课班级 授课内容Unit 6 What s it like? 授课学时6 教学方法交际法,小组讨论法,任务型学习法,翻转课堂教学法 教学目标1 知识目标:掌握用来“描述地点”的基本词汇句型 2 能力目标:谈论所处的位置;描述地点;读懂游客指南;掌握预订类文本 的写作技巧 3 情感目标:了解东西文化差异 教学重点 介词“ in, on, near”的意义和用法以及谈论地点的词汇句型; 应用文游客指南的设计 教学难点 多音节单词的重音 预订类文本的写作 教学手段多媒体、图片、黑板 教学过程1.学习目标 2.热身活动(1 学时) 3.主题对话 4.

2、语法栏目( 1 学时) 5.词汇练习( 1 学时) 6.听力阅读( 1 学时) 7.阅读(1 学时) 8 11 实用阅读及写作(1 学时) 教学内容 Goals:. Direct students attention to the unit title, “ What s it like?” and explain to students that they are going to learn how to talk about places in this unit. Ask at random what the city they live in is like and prompt w

3、ith questions like, “ Is it big?” “ Is it modern? ” etc. Ask students what kind of places they like to go to on vacation. Warm Up A.PAIR WORK Choose a place for your vacation. Is it Los Angeles, New York, or Beijing? Discuss your answer. Look at the pictures of the three cities and ask “What can you

4、 see in the picture?” and “ What s Los Angeles like?” B. Listen. What city is the person describing? Circle the correct answer. Tell students they are going to listen to a description of a city and should decide if it is Los Angeles, New York, or Beijing. TAPESCRIPT It s a big city. You can see the

5、ocean and mountains. There are a lot of houses in the hills. And there are a lot of freeways. You can drive very fast. You can visit Hollywood. Answer key: Los Angeles; ocean, mountains, houses in the hills, freeways, Hollywood Conversation New York is very exciting! A.Look at the story and listen.

6、Have students look at the photos and ask them who they see. Then ask “ What does Jason do?” Ask students if they know where they are from. Responses: Jason and Casey; he s an actor Jason is from Stony Brook on Long Island near New York City, and Casey is from Hollywood, Los Angeles. B. Answer the qu

7、estions. Have students look back at the conversation and answer the questions individually. Call on selected students to give the answers. 1. Where is Jason from? _ 2. Jason is in Los Angeles. Why? There are a lot of people. He s an actor. Hollywood is exciting. Answer key: 1. Stony Brook 2. He s an

8、 actor. Grammar Talking about location Ask students to look at the map of Los Angeles. Direct their attention to the notes and explain that a freeway is a main road where you dont pay tolls, a route is an older main road and a boulevard is a large city street, and a street is a term used to describe

9、 any kind of road that isnt a major highway in towns and cities. Responses: in: for a city or suburb or for a country on: for a road, street, boulevard, etc. A. Complete the sentences. Use Where is? or Where are? Then answer the questions. Read the instructions and ask students when we use “ Where i

10、s.” and when we use “Where are.” 1. _ the Rocky Mountains? (Colorado) They re in Colorado. 2. _ Orlando? (Florida) 3. _ the Lakeside Apartments? (Park Street) 4. _ China? (Asia) 5. _ Italy? (Europe) 6. _ the Empire State Building? (Fifth Avenue) 7. _ your house? (street and city) 8. _ your school /

11、office? (street and city) Answer key: 1. Where are 2. Where is 3. Where are 4. Where is 5. Where is 6. Where is 7. Where is 8. Where is B. Listen. What is the person saying: in or on? Check ( ) the correct box. Tell students they will listen to eight sentences about different places and need to deci

12、de if the speaker says “ in” or “ on” . Tell them to check the box with “ in” or “ on” . C. PAIR WORK Look at the maps. Take turns. Ask and answer questions. Have students look at the maps and ask at random “ Where s Tacoma/Chongqing/Long Island?” , etc. and elicit “ It s in/near.” D. Student A: loo

13、k at the addresses on the cards and matchbox below. Student B: look at page 175. Ask each other questions to get the information you need to fill in the blanks. Tell students that some of the information is missing (the words in the box) and they need to work with a partner and ask and answer questi

14、ons to fill in the blanks. Describing specific features of places A. PAIR WORK Take turns. Ask and answer questions. Use Theres a. or There are a lot of. B. Hollywood has three syllables with the stress on the first syllable: Hol -ly-wood. Listen to these words. Circle the stressed syllable. Tell st

15、udents to underline or draw a box above the syllable that they think takes most stress or emphasis in each word. Vocabulary in Context Describing places Have students look at the photos, indicate one and introduce the vocabulary by asking “ Whatsit like?” “ It s.” To reinforce the concept, ask students the places they know that are quiet/ noisy/busy, etc. Focus students attention on the note andpresent the negative forms there isn t/aren t by describing places the students know. A. You a



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