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1、英语习语的翻译,Translation of English Idiom,contents,The Definition of Idioms The Characteristics of Idioms The Comparison and Contrast between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms The Techniques of Translating Idioms,The Definition of Idioms,习语是某一语言在使用过程中形成的独特的固定的表达方式。广义的习语(idioms)包括俗语(colloquialisms)、 谚语(pr

2、overbs)和俚语(slang expressions)等。 英汉两种语言历史悠久,包含着大量的习语,它们或含蓄、幽默、或严肃、典雅,不仅言简意赅,而且形象生动,妙趣横生,给人一种美的享受。由于地理、历史、宗教信仰、生活习俗等方面的差异,英汉习语承载着不同民族的文化特色和文化信息,它们与文化传统紧密相连,不可分割。习语中的文化因素往往是翻译中的难点。,The Characteristics of Idioms,习语在语义上是不可以望文生义的,因为它的整体意义是不能从组成习语的各个词汇的表面含义中唾手可得的;另外,习语的结构是固定的,因为它经历了很长时间的运用,经千锤百炼而确立,是约定俗成的,

3、不能随意改动。,It was diamond cut diamond when the two men met because they were both so sure their own ideas were right.,英汉习语的对比,1.英语习语与汉语习语形义完全相同 Barking dogs do not bite 吠犬不咬人 More haste, less speed 欲速则不达 heart to heart 心心相印 Like father, like son 有其父必有其子 a lion at home, a mouse abroad 在家如狮,在外如鼠 Life is

4、short and time is swift 人生苦短,岁月如逝,2.英语习语和汉语习语形义部分相同 as strong as a horse 力大如牛 a lion in the way 拦路虎 drink like a fish 牛饮 talk horse 吹牛 kill the goose to get the eggs 杀鸡取卵 burn ones boats 破釜沉舟 One boy is a boy; two boys are half a boy; three boys are no boy at all 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚提水吃,三个和尚没水吃,3.英语习语与汉语习语看

5、似相同,实则不相同 pull ones leg 欺骗或戏弄某人 a walking skeleton 骨瘦如柴的人 a big fish in a small pond 显赫人物,头面人物 eat ones words 承认说错;收回前言,4.英语习语在汉语中找不到相对应的习语 childs play 非常容易做的事 go great guns 生龙活虎地做某事 soft soap 奉承;讨好的言行举止 oil and vinegar 截然不同的东西 as fit as a fiddle 非常健康,英语习语的译法,由于习语具有以上的特点,翻译时就尽量保持这些特点。这就要求译者不仅要忠实表达原文

6、习语的意义,还要尽可能保持原文的丰富联想,修辞效果以及民族和地方特色。 习语不仅大量地出现在文艺作品中和政治、科学论文中,在口语中也会使用一些习语,因此,习语的翻译是一个非常重要的问题,习语翻译的好坏对整个译文的质量及听懂英语口语都有直接的影响。,英语习语汉译主要有以下四种方法: 直译法 直译加注法 释义 归化,1.直译 (对等翻译法),如果英语习语和汉语习语在形义方面完全相同,或是英语习语的形式和意义均能为中国读者接受,在这种情况下采用直译既能再现原文的比喻形象和意义,还能保留原文独特的表现手法以及原文所体现的异域文化,借以丰富汉语语言。 Easy come, easy go 来得容易,去得

7、快 strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁 Example is better than precept 身教胜于言传 Living in an ivory tower, Sally had no understanding of politics 萨利身处象牙塔内,对政治一点也不了解,I ask you before you play your last card and destroy me, to consider where you will be without me. 在你们还没有摊出最后一张牌来毁我之前,我请你们好好想想,没有我,你们的地位会怎样。 J

8、ohnson obviously knows this street like the back of his hand. 显然约翰逊对这条街了如指掌。,under ones nose armed to the teeth packed like sardines sour grapes a gentlemans agreement the Trojan horse the heel of Achilles the sword of Damocles the cold/hot war,在某人鼻子底下 武装到牙齿 挤得象沙丁鱼罐头 酸葡萄 君子协定 特洛伊木马 阿基里斯的脚跟 悬在达摩克里斯头顶

9、上的剑 冷/热战,A cat has nine lives. 猫有九命。 Barking dogs do not bite. 吠犬不咬人。 A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔。 A light heart lives long. 不恼不愁,活到白头。,2.直译加注 (形象意义兼顾法),直译加注可以对文化信息作必要的补充和解释,从而最大限度地传达习语固有的文化内涵,使读者尽可能领略原作的风姿和神韵。注释可长可短,既可采用文中注释,也可采用脚注,还可二者合用。如: 15% percent of the nations largest companies h

10、ave installed golden parachute* for top management because of the recent upsurge in hostile corporate takeover bids. 鉴于公司间的恶意接收出价最近猛增,这个国家里的那些最大的公司有15%已为高级管理人员配备了“黄金降落伞”(*黄金降落伞:一种工作合同,规定所在公司如被收购,雇员常为高级行政管理人员可以辞职,而其薪水和各种福利照旧,直至合同期满。),Pampering is building into what is called the four-two-one syndrome

11、*-four grandparents and two parents, all doting on an only child. 溺爱与“四二一综合症”的产生-祖父母四人,父母二人都对唯一的一个小孩宠爱有加-密不可分。(*四二一综合症:指伴随着中国独生子女这种家庭模式而来的社会问题,由三代人祖父母、父母、子或女的数目分别为四、二、一而来),This was a rag to the bull. 这话简直是朝着公牛摇晃红布,火上浇油。 While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr.

12、Alistair Cookes excellent article. 我想给阿里斯太尔.库克先生的杰作稍加几笔,尽管这也许是为百合花上色,费力不讨好。,Advice and correction roll off him like water off a ducks back. 劝导和惩罚对他好像水过鸭背似的根本不起作用。,3.释义 (意译改造法),在直译和加注无法翻译原文习语时可考虑采用释义法,牺牲原文比喻形象,只保留其意义。 1)She found herself to be a fifth wheel in the family. 她感到自己成了这个家里多余的人。 2)The senat

13、e investigation turned out to be a Pandoras box for the administration. 参议院的调查结果给政府带来了意想不到的麻烦。 3)Save your breath; the boss will never give you the day off. 说也无用,老板不会准你假的。,4)Lets get the record straight. You say that you last saw this man on Monday, and you havent seen him since then. 让我们澄清一下,你是说你最后

14、一次见到这个人是在星期一,自那以后就再也没有见过他了。,5)Among so many well-dressed and cultured people the country girl felt like a fish out of water. 在众多穿着体面而又有教养的人群里,这位乡下姑娘感到很不自在。 6)We still love each other very much ,but we fight like cat and dog. 我们常吵吵闹闹,但仍很相爱。,The boss gave her the sack. 老板把她解雇了。 He was born with a silv

15、er spoon in her mouth. 他出生在富贵之家。 The teenagers dont invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket. 青少年们不邀请鲍勃参加他们的聚会因为他是一个令人扫兴的人。,4.归化 (优势互补法),归化译法也叫套译法。由于文化的差异,英语习语中的形象不符合汉语习惯时,直译出的意义就不宜被理解和接受,意译则又失去了习语生动形象的特点,这时可采用归化译法。恰到好处的归化可使译文地道简洁、生动活泼,便于译入语读者理解和接受。 None of his children have any love

16、for the old man. They would be pleased if he kicked the bucket tomorrow. 他的子女对老头子全都毫无感情。他们巴不得他明天就翘辫子。 teach ones grandma to suck eggs. (美国俚语;令人讨厌;蹩脚) 班门弄斧 a fair weather friend. 酒肉朋友,1)Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 在这节课里学习那节课的内容无异于拆东墙补西墙。 2)I didnt tell George when he came home. Hed have laugh


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