下学期 Could you help me, please_七年级英语教案

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1、 精品范文下学期 Could you help me, please_七年级英语教案教学建议教学内容分析 本单元的核心教学项目是“提供帮助”和“请求帮助”,同时涉及对物品的描述。 第65课是本单元的第一课,也是新学期开学的第一节英语课。第一部分内容是教师Mr Green与值日生Hu Ming的对话,通过对全班学生出勤情况的了解,复习上一学期所学的知识,进而引出本单元的重点语法项目:Hu Ming,could you help me?第二部分通过猜测游戏,引出不定代词one的用法,复习has的用法。 第66课,第一部分对话引出本单元的核心教学项目:Let me help you(提供帮助)重点语

2、言项目:Thats a big boxIs it heavy?Its light / empty第二部分的两组对话引出了另一个核心教学项目:Could you help me,please?(请求帮助)以及其他语言项目:I want to take toLets putinCan you carry it/Certainly! 第67课的三段对话,意思连贯,教学重点仍是本单元的核心教学项目,同时也引出新的语言项目:This bag/box is too big/heavy. We cant carry it. There! Now give me a bottle of orange juic

3、e, please. 第68课是复习课,第一、二部分是单词的拼写、发音及重音方面的练习。第三、四部分是用英语描述娃娃以及自己身体的各部分名称。第五、六部分的两段对话仍是对本单元的核心教学项目的重点练习。教学重难点 1句型:1)Let me help you. Let me carry it. 2) Could you help me, please? 3)This box is too heavy. 2日常交际用语:请求帮助和提供帮助。 本单元的重点是掌握提供帮助,请求帮助的交际用语。难点是形容词的用法。重难点和疑点分析(一)重点、难点 单词及短语 full, light, too, carr

4、y, bottle, big, small, listen to 1. full在本单元作“满的”讲,其反义词是empty例: (l)The box is full (2)The bottles is empty. Could you give me a full one? full还可以作“饱的”讲,其反义词是hungryIm no hungry,I am full 2. light在本单元作形容词用,意思是“轻的”,其反义词是 heavy例:The box is light, it isnt heavy light还可以作名词,其意思是“灯”。Whats that?Its a light

5、3. listen to作“听,倾听”讲,要与hear区别开来。 Listen to him carefully, but I hear nothing句子 1. Today is Tuesday, February 18th 2. Could I have a full one, please? 本句中的 could可以用can来代替。Could I?或Can I ?都是用来征求对方是否允许自己做某事。但could比can语气要委婉。 3. I want to take some books to the classroom “want”是“想要”的意思。 want to do sth“想要

6、做某事” want sth“想要某物” wan sbto do sth“想要某人做某事” 4. Could you help me, please? 5. Now give me a bottle of orange, please. give sb. sth. =give sth. to sb.语法 学习形容词的用法。(二)疑点 1. Is everyone here today? (1)该句是日常用语中用来询问或了解“出勤”、“出席”情况的。其肯定回答形式为: Yes, we are all here today或Yes, all are here;;其否定回答为: No或No, is n

7、o here (2)当everyone作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称的单数形式。 2. Please let me help you 以let开头的祈使句常用来表示说话人的建议、请求、命令等。“Let sb. do sth”意思是“让某人于某事”,“sb”用宾格。 例如:Let him play games ./Let them have a look at these pictures. 3. Here you are, Dad. 4. What about this blue one? What about.? 用来征求意见或询问消息,后面可直接跟名词、代词、动名词。 例如:What abo

8、ut your father? /What about playing basketball this afternoon?词汇教学 1利用图片或实物教学Tuesday, February, face, eye, ear, leg, hand, mouth, tape, basket, head, nose, hair, arm, foot 2借助表情、手势或动作教学 carry, there, listen to, draw, long, short, heavy, empty, say. 3创设情景教学Could,help,want to,certainly, too.口语训练 1本单元的

9、口语训练应结合各课的会话展开。重点围绕本单元的核心教学项目“Let me help you”和“Could you help me,please?”教师应充分利用形象性的动作和表演或实物、挂图、投影片等直观教具,进行情景对话的教学,组织学生进行口语训练。比如第66课,教师和学生可以进行以下句型操练: T: Hi, . . . (人名) ! Could you come here, please? S: OK. Im coming, Miss/Mr. T: I want to take these books/pears/apples to my office. Could you help m

10、e, please? S: Certainly! T: Thanks. Lets put them in the bag/box/basket. S: OK. T: The bag/box/basket is heavy/big/full. Can you carry it? S: Yes, I can. T: Could you take it to my office? S: Certainly. T: Thanks. S: You re welcome. 然后替换斜线部分的词,多做几组练习。有条件的可利用投影或微机呈现替换部分的词,激发学生的兴趣。 比如第67课,可以设计以下的情景对话。

11、 Dad: Let s carry these things to the room. Mum: OK. Ann: OK. Ann: Mum, this bag/box/basket is too heavy/big/full. I cant carry it. Could you help me, please? Mum: Certainly. Let me help you. There! OK? Ann: Thanks. Mum. Mum: Youre welcome. Ann: Dad, this desk/table/bike is too heavy. I cant carry i

12、t Could you help me, please? Dad: OK! Let me carry it, please. There! Ann: Thank you. Dad. Dad: Youre welcome.语法教学 本单元的重点语法项目是形容词,主要是对物品进行的对比性的描述。教师在教学语法时,可补充一些替换练习。1实物对比性描述与问答。 (1)This box is heavy. That box is light. (2) Is this box heavy? Is that box light? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. (3)These baske

13、ts are heavy. Are these baskets heavy? Yes, they are./No, they arent. 指出基本句式2利用实物进行问答训练 (教师可利用教室内的物品组织学生进行问答练习) T: Whats this? S: Its a book/bag/box/pen/bottle. T: Is it new/heavy/big/old/full? S: Yes, it is./No, its old/light/small/new/empty.能力训练教学 本单元的核心教学项目是“提供帮助和请求帮助”(Offering help and requestin

14、g help)。在整个教学过程 中教师应始终围绕“提供帮助”(Let me help you)和“请求帮助”(Could you help me, please?)这两个中心以及其他语言项目:Thats a big box. Is it heavy? No, its light/ empty. I want to take to/ Lets put in/ Can yon carry it?I think I can组织学生进行反复操练,以达到熟练掌握的目的。学习方法建议(一)本单元的词汇比较多,为了便于记忆,学生可以采取如下方法: 1对比法掌握形容词eg:lightheavy, fullem

15、pty, shortlong, etc 2借助实物或图片,学生两人一组互相提问Whats this?Its a/an反复操练,达到熟练掌握的目的。 3借助表情和手势创设情景掌握动词的用法。 A学生做出动词carry, draw, listen to, help 的手势,B学生说出其英文单词,然后相互交换。(二)学生要熟练掌握以下短语和句型。 短语:give sb. sth. ,want to do sth. ,take sth. to, be full of, a bottle of 句型:Could I/you. . . ? What about. . . ?(三)在熟读课文的基础上,学生组

16、成对话小组,参照挂图进行表演,从而掌握“请求帮助”和“提供帮助”的习惯用法。Lesson 65多媒体教学设计方案Teaching aims“四会”掌握: Could you help me? Please give these new books to your classmates“三会”掌握: Today is Tuesday, February 18thKey points Could you help me? Please give these new books to you classmatesDifficult points 1身体各部位的名称及复数的发音。Teaching proceduresStep 1


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