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1、 精品范文八年级英语上册词组大全3_八年级英语教案be afraid of 害怕/担心be afraid to do sth. 不敢做dont be afraid. 别害怕。im afraid 恐怕12. go for a walk / swim / rest 去散步/游泳/休息13. no longer = not any longer 不再no more = not any more 不再14. push sth. out 把推出去15. get sth. back from sb. 把拿回来16. * take sth. away 把拿走17. a group of 一群的18. a w

2、ildlife park 野生动物园19. after a while 过一会儿1. too ( for sb. ) to do sth. 太而不能做2. sooner or later 迟早3. solve the problem 解决问题4. as soon as 一就5. * north of the city 在城市的北面= in the north of the city 在城市的北面6. prepare sth. for ones lunch 为午饭准备7. climb about half way up a hill 大约爬到半山腰8. drop from 从上落下来1. loo

3、k for sth. 寻找2. look behind the tree 在树后寻找3. look over there 在那儿仔细寻找4. run after 追着跑5. run away 跑开了6. eat sth. up 吃光7. carry sth. to sp. 把带到8. in the sunshine 阳光下9. * in the sea 在海里10. in the tree 在树上11. pull sth back to land 把拉回陆地上12. * go on doing sth. 继续做(同样的)事13. go on to do sth. 继续做(另外的)事14. sp

4、eak to sb. 跟说话15. say to sb. 16. sit up 坐起来17. at the edge of 在的边沿上18. try hard to do sth. 努力做19. go down to the bottom of 掉到的底部20. break into pieces 摔成碎片1. buy sb. sth = buy sth for sb. 给某人买2. not yet. 还没有。3. know about sth. 了解4. teach oneself sth. 自学= learn sth. by oneself 自学5. have a nice weekend

5、 周末玩得愉快6. have cancer 得了癌症have a cold / headachehave a pain in ones 7. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事8. think of / about sth. / sb. 想到/想起9. *get sb. some medicine 给某人抓药1. keep a diary 记日记2. a page from a students diary 学生日记一则3. after lunch 午饭之后4. come in / out 进来/出来5. leave sb. by oneself = leave sb. alone

6、 把单独留下6. at first 起初7. wake up 醒来8. talk to sb. 和交谈9. cry harder and harder 哭得越来越厉害10. laugh and laugh happily 高兴得笑了又笑11. turn on / off 打开/关闭 12. not any more 不再13. make a face at sb. 向某人做一个鬼脸make faces at sb.14. all kinds of 各种各样的15. take good care of 好好照顾 = look after sth. well16. *rush into the r

7、oom 冲进房间里去17. go to field 上地里18. pick wheat 割小麦1. the summer holidays 暑假the spring holidays 寒假2. in the south 在南方3. find ones way to s.p. 找到去的路4. stand on ones head 倒立着5. make a kite 做个风筝6. make music 作曲7. a plan for sth. 一个的计划8. *bad luck ! 真倒霉。9. knock on the door 敲门10. carry sb. on ones back 背着某人

8、1. show sb. sth = show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物2. in the forest 在森林里3. speak to sb. 对某人说话4. look into the river 看河里5. with these words 说着这些话6. *stop being a doctor 不当医生7. winter holiday 寒假8. a summer resort 暑胜地9. feel at home 感到在家里10. take a holiday 度假11. play the violin 拉小提琴12. make oneself a cup of tea 自己沏杯茶13. swimming trunks 游泳裤14. kick off ones shoes 踢掉鞋子15. what bad luck ! 多倒霉呀!16. on ones way back 在某人回来的路上17. hurry down to 急急忙忙地走下到18. a room upstairs 楼上的房间19. around the corner 在拐角处20. so that .



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