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1、1,UNIT 10 The Idiocy of Urban Life,2,Content Background Information Pre-reading Questions Word Study Structure Analysis Rhetorical Features,3,Pre-reading questions:,1. Have you ever lived in the country ? If yes, how do you feel about the differences between country life and city life? If no, do you

2、 wish to live in the country for some time? 2. How do you understand the new word “urbanization”? What might be the result of this trend? Talk about the above two questions,4,5,6,Please talk about the following cartoons.,1. Traffic in the future,7,2. What is urbanization?,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,Henry Fa

3、irlie *Born in London *Received a degree from Corpus Christi College圣体学院at Oxford University in 1945 *An expatriate British and journalist *Wrote mostly for American publications, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Yorker, and The Atlantic,15,Books written by him The Life of

4、Politics (1969) 政治的生活 The Kennedy Promise (1973) 肯尼迪许诺 The Spoiled Child of the Western World: the Miscarriage of the American Idea in Our Time (1976) 西方世界的被宠坏的孩子:在我们的时间美国想法的失败 The Parties: Republicans and Democrats in This Century (1978) 那些党:这个世纪的共和党人和民主党人,16,Word Study Congregate v. Collect or gat

5、her into a mass or crowd 聚集,集合 e.g. People quickly congregated round the speaker.,17,Cruise v. 1)(of a vehicle or its driver) travel 漫游 e.g. We are planning to spend our retirement cruising on luxury liners around the world. 2)To go or move along in an moderate speed 航游,巡航 e.g. Taxis cruised about,

6、hoping to pick up the late fares.,18,Disdain v. Think oneself superior to; reject 蔑视,鄙视,鄙弃 e.g. Our new neighbors seem to be disdaining to speak to us. The older musicians disdain the new, rock-influenced music.,19,Exertion n. Efforts or endeavors 努力,尽力 Make exertion 尽力 Exert v. To make use of sth.

7、e.g. Parents exert a powerful influence on their childrens opinions.,20,Gregarious a. Fond of company; living in flocks or communities 社交的,群居的 e.g. She is very outgoing and gregarious. Grievous a. Very serious and often causing great pain or suffering 极严重的,使人痛苦的 e.g. Washing food when others are sta

8、rving is a grievous wrong.,21,Insolence n. Arrogance; contempt 傲慢;无礼 e.g. He had the insolence to tell me to leave the room. Insolent a. 无礼的 Insolent to/ towards sb.,22,Insomniac a. Experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness 失眠的;失眠症的 e.g. Insomniac old people Insomniac nights 2) n. Sb. Who can not

9、 sleep 失眠症患者 e.g. Insomniacs do not sleep because they worry about it, and they worry about it because they do not sleep.,23,Lunacy n. Unsoundness of mind; insanity; madness 精神错乱;疯狂 2)Very foolish behavior 机愚蠢的行为 e.g. Its sheer lunacy driving in this whether.,24,Pampering n. Overindulgence (of a per

10、son, taste etc.); luxury 过分放纵;奢侈 e.g. City dwellers take the city with them to the country, for they will not live without its pampering. Pamper v. Treat with too much kindness or indulgence; spoil 纵容;溺爱 e.g. Dont pamper your little daughter.,25,Posture 1) n. The position in which you hold your body

11、 when standing or sitting 姿势 e.g. So when they adopt a posture of restraint, I understand their thinking. 2)v. 姿势;作姿势 e.g. He enjoys posturing in front of the audience.,26,Pose n. be in a whirl (心智或头脑)眩晕,迷乱,发昏 e.g. The very idea sets my head reeling.,31,Reign 1) v. Hold royal office; prevail; hold s

12、way 统治,当政。为王 e.g. It is the rats that reign over the urban life according to the author. 2) n. e.g. During the reign of Henry VII, Spain was also a very powerful country in Europe just like France.,32,Scurry v. Run or move hurriedly, especially with short quick steps 碎步疾驰 e.g. We all scurried for sh

13、elter when the storm began.,33,Simulation n. Imitation of the conditions of (a situation etc.); resemblance 模拟;仿真 e.g. I was quite deceived by her simulation of innocence. Simulate v. Imitate; give the appearance of 模拟,模仿 e.g. In cheap furniture, plastic is often used to simulate wood.,34,Slump v. M

14、ove or walk in a clumsy, heavy or laborious manner 垂头哈腰地走 e.g. Slump along the street Solitude n. The state of being alone 独处,独居 e.g. She enjoys the solitude of her own flat.,35,Urbane a. Good at knowing what to say and how to behave in social situations; courteous and refined 温文儒雅的,练达的,从容不迫的 e.g. A

15、n urbane man Well-groomed a. (of a person) with carefully tended hair, clothes etc. 干净整洁的,衣冠楚楚的 e.g. He always looks very well-groomed.,36,Structure Analysis,Part One: Para. 1-2,The author presents the thesis of his argument: aggressively individualistic and atomized urban life today goes against bo

16、th the purpose of the City and human nature, and thus is foolish.,Part Two: Para. 3-9,Part Three: Para. 10,The author provides evidence for the idiocy of urban life, such as people living outside the city boundaries, maintaining the pointless frenzy of their work hours in their hours off, and isolating themselves from nature.,The author reiterates his point.,37,Part One Pre-reading questions: 1.How does the author think about the human urban life? 2.What is the purpose of men



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