高考英语一轮复习 Module1 Basketball 课件 外研选修7

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1、选修7Module 1Basketball,基础自主回顾,.课标单词1_(n.)职业球员2_(v.)保持3_(adj.)有价值的4_(v.)上(学)5 _(n.)平均数,professional,hold,valued,attend,average,6_(n.)动力7_(v.)应得;值得8_(adj.)杰出的;优秀的;出色的9_(v.)支配;控制10_(v.)(尤指通过提供更多证据)证实,进一步确定11_(adj.)体谅的,考虑周到的,motivation,deserve,outstanding,dominate,confirm,considerate,12_(v.)防守_(n.)防卫,辩护1

2、3_(adj.)有天资的;有才能的_(n.)才能;天分_(同义词)14_(adj.)立刻的_(adv.)立刻15_(v.)任命,委派_(n.)约会,预约16. _(v.)道歉;谢罪_(n.)道歉,defend,defence/defense,talented,talent,gifted,instant,instantly,appoint,appointment,apologise,apology,.常用短语1_一直;始终2_以为基础3_在历史上4_平均为5_因某事向某人道歉6_吸引某人注意,all the time,be based on,in the history of,with an a

3、verage of,apologise to sb. for sth.,draw ones attention to,7_拥有,占有8_以命名9_长大10_如果有必要的话11_对粗鲁12_曾经,一度,take possession of,name after,grow up,if necessary,be rude to,at one point,.重点句型,1Several universities have topclass amateur basketball teams, and talented players often _ as soon as they finish their

4、 studies.几所大学有一流的业余篮球队,出色的球员往往是完成学业后便转为职业球员。,答案:turn professional,2_ he retired, Wilt held many NBA records:he scored 50 or more points 118 times and 60 or more points 32 times.一直到退役,威尔特还保持了多项NBA记录:118次单场比赛得50分或50分以上,32次得60分或60分以上。,答案:By the time,3But _ he deserves the title “outstanding player of h

5、is generation”但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。,答案:there is no doubt that,4_, he told Yao to be more aggressive and, _, to be rude to his teammates.为了做到这一点,他(教练)让姚明变得更加具有侵略性,如有必要,可以对他的队友粗鲁一点。,答案:To do this;if necessary,.模块语法写出下列单词的相应形式VerbNoun,1appear_,答案:appearance,2produce _,答案:production,3agree _,答案:agree

6、ment,4marry _,答案:marriage,5mean _,答案:meaning,NounAdjective,6mouth _,答案:mouthful,7wood _,答案:wooden,8fun _,答案:funny,9medicine _,答案:medical,10luck _,答案:lucky,用括号中单词的适当形式填空11The soldiers were filled with_(angry) when they heard all the villagers had been killed by the enemy.,答案:anger,12The success of ou

7、r experiment is a great_(satisfy) to us all.,答案:satisfaction,13They have_(success) in sending every one of the satellites into space.,答案:succeeded,14The adventurer (冒险者) gave a_(friend) smile to all those who came to greet him.,答案:friendly,15You must do the exercises_(care),答案:carefully,16It will be

8、_(difficulty) to drive a motorcar through such a storm.,答案:difficult,考点探究解密考 点 解 读,1defend v防护;辩护;防卫精讲拓展:defend sb./sth.(from/against).保卫某人/某物免遭defence n防卫,防卫设备defence works防御工事come to ones defence帮助/保卫某人in defence of为了保卫;辩护,拥护,defensive adj.防御的,自卫的defender n防卫者,辩护者,朗文在线:They needed more troops to d

9、efend the border against possible attack.他们需要更多的部队来保卫边境地区免受可能的攻击。The rockets are a purely defensive measure against nuclear attack.火箭纯粹是针对核进攻的防御性措施。,Several people witnessed the attack, but no one came to her defence.有好几个人目睹了这次袭击事件,但是没人站出来帮助她。,命题方向:defend及其名词形式的用法以及与同义词之间的词语辨析。,活学巧练:(1)They had thre

10、e players _(防守)the goal against attack.(2)Its important to _ (预防)diseases.(3)They tried their best to _(保护)the old temple.(4)We shall _(保卫)our homeland, whatever happens.,defending,guard against,protect,defend,(5)The policemen were on duty around the clock to _ the city against attack.A. protectB. d

11、efendC. guard D. promise,答案:B,2hold v拿,握;保持;占据;阻止;容纳;举行n.抓,握,精讲拓展:hold back阻止;扣住;隐瞒hold down保持住;压低,垂下hold on继续;抓住;坚持hold to坚持(原则、方向);紧握take/catch/get hold of抓住;得到hold on to紧紧抓住;守住,保住hold out(供给品等)维持,持续;守住,坚守hold up支撑;(使)耽搁,推迟,误区警示:hold是不规则动词,过去式和过去分词分别是held, held。如:A meeting will be held tomorrow.明天

12、将召开会议。,朗文在线:The movie theatre holds 500 people.这家电影院能容纳500人。We shall hold down prices until the new year.我们会抑制价格上涨,直至新的一年来临。,I think I will hold on to the records, but you can hold the tapes.我想我会把唱片留着,但你可以拿走磁带。,命题方向:hold作动词的用法以及与不同介词或副词搭配构成的短语动词。,活学巧练:We thought of selling this old furniture, but we

13、 decided to _it. It might be valuable.Ahold on to Bkeep up withCturn to Dlook after,答案与解析:Ahold on to不放手,保住。,3attend v参加,出席;看护,照料,精讲拓展:attend a meeting/lecture出席会议(听演讲,听课)attend a wedding/a funeral参加婚礼(葬礼)attend school/church上学(去教堂)attend to sb.伺候某人,照顾某人attend to sth.处理某事,专心于某事,误区警示:attend school/ch

14、urch中,school, church前通常不用冠词。Li Qun was ill and didnt attend school.李群病了没有去上学。,朗文在线:Only 7 people attended the meeting.只有7个人参加了会议。The teacher got angry with me when I didnt pay attention.当我不专心听讲时,老师很生气。The article was intended to draw attention to the situation in Cambodia.这篇文章旨在呼吁人们关注柬埔寨的局势。,词语辨析:attend, join, join in与take part in,attend用来表示“出席,参加(会议、讲座、婚礼、报告等)”。join表示参加某一团体,并成为其中的一员,如入党、入团、参军等;如果后边接人,则表示参加某人的活动。Will you join us for dinner?你来与我们一起吃饭吗?join in多指参加比赛或活动,常用于口语。join in强调“加入某人一起干”或“加入某项正在进行中的活动”。We stopped ou



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