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1、第 1 页 共 32 页 高考英语二轮复习完形填空专项训练 Passage 1 Money, or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be working out in 2010. In these belt-tightening times 1 , cost-conscious workouts (锻炼) at home and at the gym topped the list of fitness trends for this year in a survey, followed

2、 2 by shorter, more time-efficient regimens, such as 3 boot camp(强力集中训练)and circuit training. People are looking 4 for ways to accomplish as much as possible with as little 5 time and money as necessary, said Cedric X. Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE), which co

3、nducted the online poll of fitness professionals. Last year money was on the list but this 6 year the majority of the respondents put 7 it as one of the top, he added. Bryant said some 600 ACE-certified fitness 8 professionals responded to the annual poll 9 , which the non-profit organization has be

4、en conducting for a decade. Other money-saving measures 10 , such as the shift from personal training sessions to small group training 11 classes and in-home workouts 12 using smaller, more portable equipment, also made the list. Personal trainers are seeing theyve got to respond to market needs 13

5、. Working with two to four clients at a 14 time they can charge less 15 but still get their hourly fee, Bryant said. Boot-camp workouts and circuit training, both of which burn 16 calories while building strength and endurance(持久性), will be among the most popular trends in 2010, as time-constrained(

6、受压制的)consumers 17 seek shorter, more intense activities. One bright spot is the rise of exergaming-type systems, like Nintendos Wii Sports, Wii Fit and the PC-based Dancetown. Bryant says the fitness-based video games are turning up 18 in health clubs and senior centers. Functional training workouts

7、, which are geared to improving the quality of life and the ability to perform everyday tasks, will remain strong 19 , and the use of computerized tracking and online training and scheduling tools will increase 20 in the coming year. ( ) 1. A. times B. years C. centuries D. societies ( ) 2. A. caugh

8、t B. followed C. covered D. conducted ( ) 3. A. such like B. in other words C. such as D. that is to say ( ) 4. A. taking B. developing C. opening D. looking ( ) 5. A. little B. much C. many D. few ( ) 6. A. that B. next C. this D. previous ( ) 7. A. manage B. put C. try D. organize ( ) 8. A. medici

9、ne B. train C. economy D. fitness ( ) 9. A. poll B. conference C. observation D. reception ( ) 10. A. measures B. procedures C. policies D. systems ( ) 11. A. speaking B. training C. exercising D. processing ( ) 12. A. work B. workouts C. rest D. race 第 2 页 共 32 页 ( ) 13. A. changes B. prices C. nee

10、ds D. habits ( ) 14. A. some B. no C. any D. a ( ) 15. A. less B. fewer C. more D. much ( ) 16. A. produce B. burn C. cut D. add ( ) 17. A. professionals B. students C. consumers D. trainers ( ) 18. A. turning up B. turning down C. turning around D. turning out ( ) 19. A. weak B. useful C. strong D.

11、 possible ( ) 20. A. decrease B. appear C. increase D. want 答案及解析 本文通过一项调查说明了钱左右着人们的健身方式。完成本完形填空时,我们应把生活 中的金融危机这个实际和作者的思路逻辑联系起来。 1. A 检测名词的含义辨析及准确理解应用。联系上下文的语境,及日常生活中的常识,我 们容易推理出这一句的语境是:在当下需要勒紧裤腰带过日子的时期,人们将在家和健身房 用省钱的方法健身列为首选,紧接着是如强力训练和循环训练这种更省时间的强化锻炼方 式。我们容易判断出此处应该填上表示时期时代之意的名词,这四个词中只有A 项( times: 时

12、代)有这样的意思。BCD 项依次分别所表达的意思是:数年,数世纪,社会,很明显放 在这儿都不能使句意通顺,故我们选择A 项为最佳答案。 2. B 考查动词过去分词的含义理解及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。由上一题的分析我们不难 看出此处应该填上表示紧接着之意的动词的过去分词,用它来和by 搭配,构成表示由 , 紧跟着,由 , 紧接着等这样的意思,也即是B 项( follow: 跟在,跟着) ,而其余ACD 项 依次分别所表达的意思是:抓住,覆盖,实施,这些词语所表示的意思都和这儿的语言逻辑 及语境不相契合,故我们选择B 项为最佳答案。 3. C 检测介词短语的含义的准确记忆与理解英语。由第一题的分

13、析我们很容易确定此处应 该填上表示例如之意的介词短语,也即是 C 项(such as :例如) ,而 BD 项依次分别所表达的 意思是:换句话说,也就是说,其实它们两个意思一样,至于A 项,根本就没这样的搭配, 故 C 项为准确答案。 4. D 考查动词现在分词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。经过分析, 语意是: 人们 一直在寻找能尽量少花时间、少花钱, 达到最好的效果的方法。我们容易推理出此处应该填 上表示寻找之意的动词现在分词,而 A 项和 for 搭配后, 所表达的意思是: 把, 当做, , 而其余 BC 两项依次分别所表达的意思是:发展,打开,通常也不会和for 搭配,再者即使

14、搭配起来, 这些词语所表示的意思都和这儿的语言逻辑不相适宜,显得不伦不类, 故我们选 择 D 项为最佳答案。 5. A 检测形容词的含义的准确记忆与理解辨析及在语言逻辑方面的合理应用。由上一题的 分析我们不难发现此处应该填上表示少之意的形容词来修饰time,D 项(少)的具有很大的迷 惑性,但是它用来修饰可数名词,而time(时间 )是不可数名词,故用A 项来修饰。而其余 BC 两项依次分别所表达的意思是:很多(修饰不可数名词),很多(修饰可数名词),这样 的意思和这儿要表达的意思刚好相反,当然不对了,故我们选择A 项为最佳答案。 6. C 检测指示代词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。联

15、系上下文的语境,我们容易 推理出这一句的语境是:去年, 钱被列为需要考虑的因素,但今年大部分受访者将其列为最 重要的考虑因素之一,我们不难看出此处应该填上表示这之意的代词,和year 一起表示今 年这样的意思,也即是C 项,而其余ABD 项依次分别所表达的意思是:那个,下一个,先 前的, 很明显放在这儿都都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑,也不能使句意通顺,故我们 选择 C 项为最佳答案。 第 3 页 共 32 页 7. B 考查动词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此 处应该填上的词应和后面的as 一起构成动词短语,并且表示把, 归为,.,把, 列 为, ,之意,

16、这四个词中只有B 项( put:放,搁置)有这样的意思,而其余ACD 三项 依次分别所表达的意思是:管理,尝试,组织,这些词语所表示的意思都和这儿的语言逻辑 不相契合,故我们选择B 项为最佳答案。 8. D 检测名词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。联系上下文的语境,我们容易推 理出这一句的语境是:约600 名经美国锻炼协会认证的保健专业人士参与了这一年度调查。 之所以是保健专业人士,是因为全文论述的都是人们花钱来锻炼,当然是为了保持身体健康, 对从事这样专业的人士进行调查更具有意义,而其余 ABC 项依次分别所表达的意思是:药, 培训,经济,很明显放在这儿都不能使句意通顺,故D 项为准确答案。 9. A 检测名词的含义辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。由上一题的分析我们不难看出此 处应该填上表示调查之意的名词,也即是A 项, BCD 项依次分别所表达的意思是:会议, 观察,接待,其中C 项的具有很大的迷惑性,但是全文是建立在调查之上的,前文已经有 了提示,故我们选择A


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