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1、Unit 3Topic 2Section D1 八年级上册教案设计 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 2What sweet music! Section D . Materialanalysis 该部分是本话题的最后一小节。本部分主要通过Grammar、Functions 的小结来巩固本 话题 What sweet music! 通过本话题的学习学生能够用感叹句表达自己的情感。本话题要求 教师通过设计不同形式的活动来引导学生自己总结整个话题的语法结构: 感叹句。语言功 能:用感叹句表达自己的喜好。通过学生互动练习,复习并巩固SectionsA-C 所学的谈论 音乐的话题,并将

2、所学知识运用到实际生活当中。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能复习本话题的重点词汇,并能正确拼读黑体词如:concert, lend, violin, instrument, rock 等。 2. 能复习总结本话题的单词并能够正确拼写如下黑体词:concert, lend, violin, instrument, rock 等。 3. 能复习并灵活运用感叹句:What sweet music! How interesting! 4. 能熟练谈论不同形式的音乐和音乐家。 Skill aims: 1. 能听懂表示情感情绪的感叹句。 2. 能够将本单元所学内容

3、和以前所学知识相结合,能用英语在日常生活中表达自己的 喜欢和不喜欢等情感。 3. 能够读懂跟课文水平相当的有关音乐和音乐家的文章。 4. 根据所学内容写出自己及朋友喜欢的音乐家。 Emotional aims: 1. 能够从自己喜欢的音乐家身上看到自己的不足,学习他人坚韧的品格。 2. 了解不同种类的音乐,体会音乐带给人们的欢乐,积极地面对生活。 . The key points and difficultpoints Key points: 1. 巩固感叹句的用法。 2. 复习 Sections A-C 中的重点短语和句型。 Difficultpoints: 感叹句的用法。 . Learni

4、ngstrategies 1. 课前查找不同类型音乐和音乐家的信息,可以为你的学习打下基础。 2. 通过认真阅读表格、图片等信息可以弥补生词方面的不足。 Unit 3Topic 2Section D2 3. 用英语在课堂内外谈论音乐和音乐家不仅可以提高你的听力、口语,还能扩大你的知识面。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector . Teaching procedures Step Interaction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (5 minutes) 1. T

5、hewhole class work 2. Individual work 3. Group work andindividual work 1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2. One student reports on theplatform.Other studentsanswerthe questions. 3. Answer the questions. For example, A likes Mozart, becausehe thinksMozartwas a wonder boy. I think there is a li

6、ttle mistake here. That is. And we should change it into. For me, I think What a cleverboyA is! 1. Get studentsready for learning. 2. Ask students to report their homework “ My Favorite Musician”.Show two questions to students “ Who is his/her favorite musician?” “ Why doesA like him?” Praisethe stu

7、dentwho gives the report on the platform. 3. Invite students to answer thequestions. And encourage the student who answers questions to evaluate the studentwhogivesthereport. Unit 3Topic 2Section D3 Presentation (8 minutes) 1. The whole classwork 2. Group work 3. Group work andthe whole class work 4

8、. The whole classwork 5. The whole classwork 1. Read through Sections A-C. Write down some sentenceson the paper. They may write down some words, phrasesor sentences. 2. Put the six notebooks together, and number all the words, phrases andsome sentences. 3. Each group chooses one student to write on

9、 the blackboard. 4. Look attheblackboard anderasethesamepart. 5. Read andremember all the key points, and make surethey can master them. 1. Provide 3 minutes for student to readthrough SectionsA-C. Ask them to underline or write down the key points in the topic they think. 2. Ask students to share t

10、he notes in groups. Number these words, phrases and sentencesaccording to the frequency that the words and phrasesoccur. For example, if all the six members write down “ What sweet music!”, then number this phrase 1. If 5 members have, so number it 2. 3. Ask them to write the most important 5 words,

11、 3 phrases and 3 sentences on the blackboard. 4. Of course,many words and phrases are the same, because sometimes each group has the same idea. If there are8 “ What sweet music!”on the blackboard. keep one, eraseothers. 5. Give students several minutes to read these key points and check whether they

12、 can master them. Unit 3Topic 2Section D4 Consolidation (8minutes) 1. Individual work 2. Group work and individual work 3. Individualwork andthe whole classwork 4. Individualwork 5. Group work and individual work 6. The whole classwork 1. After reviewingSections A-C, studentsshould fill in the blank

13、s, they had betterfinishit by themselves. 2. Check the answers in groups.Try to remember allthefunctionson page 69. And sum up howtouseexclamations. 3. Listen to the teacher carefully, remembering the key points. 4. Finish 2 individually. Hands up when meet any problems. 5. Check the answersin group

14、s, helpingeach other.At this time, most of the students canget the correct answers. 6. Standupandspeakout the answers. 1. After students reviewSections A-C, teacherasksstudentsto fill in theblanksonpage69. 2. Givestudents 1minuteto checktheanswers in groups. 3. Ask studentsto sharetheir opinionsabou

15、texclamations. Add some points that the students should pay attention to when they use exclamations. 4. Ask students to finish Part 2 on page 70 individually. Walk around the classroom to observestudentsanswers. Help them if necessary. 5. Give students several minutesto checkthe answersin groups. 6.

16、 Check the answers in class. Unit 3Topic 2Section D5 Practice (15minutes) 1. Individual work 2. Individual work 3. The whole classwork andindividual work 4. Group work 5. Group work andindividual work 1.Read1aquickly.Findout thenames.Findoutsome information accordingto the names.Don tmind the newwordsif students canfinishthework withoutthenewwords. 2.Readthrough1acarefully. Use some readingskills. And finish the table on page70. Try to guessthe meanings. 3.Checktheanswers. Some volunteer



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