牛津上海版(试用本)四年级下册英语Module3Unit 2 Time_教案

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1、Unit 2 Time【教学目标】1知识与技能:1) To ask Wh questions to find out the time. e.g What time is it ?2) To use the impersonal it to express time. e.g. Its .2过程与方法:To use the impersonal it to express time. e.g. Its .3情感、态度和价值观:To save time.【教学重点】To ask the time and answer the time.【教学难点】To use imperatives to gi

2、ve the instructions.【教学准备】Multimedia, PPT, etc.【教学过程】一、导入新课: Have the students look on the book, and then answer my questions.1Song2Teach the “clock”e.g., hour hand, minute hand二、自主学习 Take out some pictures of clock and let them talk about it.Eg: Its seven oclock.三、新知传授1. Teach “oclock”2. Practise t

3、he sentence patterne.g. What time is it? Its _oclock.3. Teach “half past”4. Do a pair work5. Teach “a quarter past” and “fifteen past”6. Do a pair work7. Show a flash四、示范制作1. Ask and answer2. A poem3. A chant五、课堂实践S1 (say to S2) Whats time is it?S2: Its eight oclock.(1)Listen and follow(2)Answer the questions.六、评价反馈教师分组进行抽评,选出今天最棒的组,并展示。【板书设计】M3U2 TimeWhat time is it? Its seven oclock.a quarter past sevenhalf past sevena quarter to sevenWhat are you doing? Im getting up.washing my face 4 / 4


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