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1、学 海 无 涯 2 、 Have you ever heard of Jon Stewart ? he is currently one of the most popular comics on television. His pessimistic view of the politics and government induces laughter ,thought and even anger . he has a clever wit that often runs into collision with some government policies. His whole sh

2、ow is devoted to making fun of the nonsense that occurs in politics. But ,that makes his show so successful is his ability to tell his jokes with intelligence. Its not just comedy , said one media expert . his comments have a lot of influence over a very large audience in American. He has a lot of p

3、olitical power. Recently Stewart was a guest on a news show about politics. The host journalist sparked a heated debate when he inquired about Stewart responsibility to the American public. Stewart argued that while the content of the script for his show may be political in nature, his primary oblig

4、ation is to entertain. The host journalist, however ,emphasized the political influence of his performance. The argument ended up rousing anger from both parties. The incident underlined how sensitive some people can be to what others find funny. It also showed how important comedians have become to

5、 politics. 你听说过斯图尔特乔恩吗?他目前是电视上最受欢 迎的漫画家之一。他对政治和政府的悲观看法引起了笑声、思考甚至愤怒。他聪明机智,经 常与一些政府政策发生冲突。他的整个表演都致力于来取笑政治上发生的荒唐事。但是,他 富有智慧的笑话使得他的表演很成功, 一位媒体专家说,这不仅仅是喜剧。他的评论对美国观众有很大的影响。他有很多政治权力。 最近,斯图尔特在一个关于政治的新闻节目上当嘉宾。当主持人问到斯图尔特对美国公众的 责任时,与主持人引发了一场激烈的辩论。斯图尔特认为,虽然他的表演的剧本的内容可能,1,学 海 无 涯 是政治性质的,但他的主要职责是娱乐。然而,主持人记者强调了他的表

6、演的政治影响力。 争论在双方的极端愤怒中结束。这一事件强调了一些人对于发现越缺德东西是多么敏感。这 也显示了喜剧演员已经成为政客是多么的重要。 5. How do you spend your time when youre alone? Do you turn up your music as loud as you can and listen to your own entertainment? Do you buy yourself the biggest steak you could find and sit down to a good meal? It has been my

7、observation that these activities can be the best type of therapy for a troubled mind. It is crucial for humans to find some solitude in life. They must find some time to let the universe go spinning on without others interruption. The portion of this world that belongs to one person is increasingly

8、 becoming smaller. And whatever we have we must share with others. Therefore, our ability to maintain a healthy balance between social interaction and personal pursuits is being challenged. Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity not only for poets and philosophers but for ordinary people as we

9、ll. A healthy adult needs alone-time-time to reflect on what is truly important to them. When you are alone, you can stretch out your soul until it fills up the whole room, and use your freedom, moving at your own pace. However, its important to stay rational. Dont forget that in order to be a healt

10、hy part of other lives, you must yourself be healthy. 当你独自一人时,你是如何度过你的时间的?你会把你的音乐开的很大声,并自己聆听吗? 你会给自己买最大的牛排,并坐下吃一顿好饭吗?通过我的观察,这些活动是治疗一个困扰 心灵的最佳方式。对人类来说,在生活中找到一些孤独是至关重要的。他们必须找到一些时 间让宇宙在没有其他干扰的时候去旋转。这个世界上的一部分,属于一个人越来越小。无论,2,3,学 海 无 涯 我们拥有什么,我们都必须与他人分享。因此,我们在社会互动和个人追求的能力保持一个 健康的平衡正在受到挑战。孤独的灵感是一种重要的商品,不仅是

11、对诗人和哲学家来说,还 有对普通人来说,也是一种重要的商品。一个健康的成年人需要“独处的时间”-时间用来 反思什么是真正重要的东西。当你独自一人时,你可以展开你的灵魂,直到它占据了整个房 间,并使用你的自由,以你自己的速度移动。然而,保持理性是很重要的。别忘了,为了成 为别人生命中的健康的一部分,你必须自己健康。 6In the past several years, many new stories about corporate greed have come to surface. The illegal practices of some executives have negativ

12、ely impacted our economy. What makes this worse is that these executives seem to have the consent of some political leaders. Some of the executives even bribe lawmakers. Recently a member of congress from California was caught demanding gifts from interest group in exchange for supporting new laws.

13、A few top leaders in the government are under investigation for illegal activities. This doesnt even scratch the surface of the problem. A few years back a company made many purposeful accounting errors to fool investors. Many believe that one reason the problem became so big was that our nations to

14、p leaders shielded the company. By the time the truth was unveiled ,many innocent people had lost their entire savings. There seems to be more and more companies that exploited the publics trust for their own interests. This calls for laws and strict regulations to put the illegal practice to an end

15、. 在过去的几年里,许多关于企业贪婪的新故事已经浮出水面。一些高管的违法行为对我 们的经济产生了负面影响。更糟糕的是,这些高管似乎有一些是经过政治领导人的同意。一 些高管甚至贿赂立法者。最近,一位来自加利福尼亚的国会议员被抓住了收取来自利益集团,4,学 海 无 涯 的礼物,以换取支持新的法律。政府中的一些高层领导正在调查非法活动。但这甚至不伤害 问题的表面。几年前,一家公司做了许多有目的的会计错误来愚弄投资者。许多人认为,问 题变得如此之大的一个原因是,我们国家的最高领导人屏蔽了公司。在真相公布的时候,许 多无辜的人失去了他们的全部积蓄。似乎有越来越多的公司利用公众的信任来为自己牟利。 这要求

16、法律和严格的规定来结束掉非法行为。 8 As a boss, I have dealt with all types of employees. The ones that are the least productive are those who are not adaptive. They may have high IQ points, but the y just dont understand how to apply their theories to reality. I recently read a boo k by Daniel Goleman, which suggested that the true measure of intelligence was n ot IQ, but rather EQ or Emotional Intelligence. This made a lot of sense to me. I ha ve never been at the top of my class, but I have always been effi



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