U校园新标准大学英语(第二版)综合2Unit 4 Crime watch Unit test.pptx

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1、学 海 无 涯 选词填空-填单词 10 题,Directions: Complete each sentence using the words given below. Each word can be used only once. Change the form where necessary. custody destiny anonymous commonplace dec eption staunchest vicinity blessing wits exclaimed,The investigators searched her house after they receive

2、d a(n) 1),1,学 海 无 涯,4) custody,5) destiny,2) vicinity3) deception 7) staunchest8) blessing9) commonplace10) wit,1) anonymous 6) exclaimed s, 收起答案,词汇与结构 10 题,Directions: Choose the best word to complete each sentence. 11) The police presence at airports seemed to double after the bomb threat. overdue

3、 overage overall overnight 参考答案: D 收起答案 12) In order to information from people, investigators sometimes use questionable methods. exchange extort exert extract 参考答案: D 收起答案,2,学 海 无 涯 13) It is a federal crime to a lawyer in a courtroom. identify personalize personify impersonate 参考答案: D 收起答案 14) Af

4、ter the September 11 attacks in the United States, the government took extreme measures to make sure it wouldnt happen again. terrorist revolutionary radical activist 参考答案: A 收起答案 The new measures they have taken, though effective, have been praised by the manager. considerably doubtfully completely

5、 moderately,3,学 海 无 涯,参考答案: 15) D, 收起答案 16) I think pop-up ads on the Internet and spam in my e-mail inbox are terribly so much so that it might be an invasion of privacy. defensive offensive effective interactive 参考答案: B 收起答案 17) Online retailers such as Amazon and iTunes are so successful that the

6、y have become names. offensive opportunistic household obvious 参考答案: C 收起答案 The new facial recognition security system knows who you are and if you have access to the building. A. automatically,4,学 海 无 涯 anonymously simultaneously obviously 参考答案: A 收起答案 19) In the experiment we kept a(n) eye on the

7、developments and recorded every detail. doubtful eventual artful watchful 参考答案: D 收起答案 After my store was broken into, the police officer drove me home as a . prevention pretension prerequisite precaution 参考答案: 20) D 收起答案,5,学 海 无 涯 单词填空 10 题,Directions: Complete each sentence with a suitable preposi

8、tion or adverb.,21) We never do anything exciting any more we seem to be stuck,a,groove. 参考答案: 21) in 收起答案,22) The other spectator, submerged,his overcoat, listened with,interest. 参考答案: 22) in 收起答案,23) Excuse me. Do you have any information,file about the Frank,Spacey case? 参考答案: 23) on 收起答案,24) You

9、 can usually count,the police to help you out when youre in,trouble. 参考答案: 24) on 收起答案,6,25),学 海 无 涯,As she went past there was a gust,strong perfume.,参考答案: 25) of 收起答案 26) I know the security guards need to ask for identification, but I was very unhappy with the way he wentit. 参考答案: 26) about 收起答案,

10、27) After you check your bank balance online, remember to log,so no,one else can steal your information. 参考答案: 27) off 收起答案,28) I would have helped out last weekend,only I had known you were,moving. 参考答案: 28) if 收起答案,29) We need to take precaution,fire as a way to protect property or,even our lives.

11、 参考答案: 29) against 收起答案,7,30),学 海 无 涯,In such a heavy traffic jam, its impossible to reverse a taxi,the,bus. 参考答案: 30) let alone 收起答案 选词填空(15 选 10)10 题 Directions: Read the following passage, and select a suitable word for each blank from the word bank. Write down the corresponding letter for each i

12、tem in the blank. Each word can be used only once.,8,A) deception B) forge C) fraud D) trash E) mindset F) obviously G) scary H) ethical I) friction J) unauthorized K) widely L) undoubted M) perpetrate N) globally,学 海 无 涯,O) hack,Last summer, I went on vacation to Spain. On only the second day, my w

13、allet,frustrated and angered. At first, I was angry I had lost the cash in,my wallet. Then, I realized that the thief now had my credit cards and ID card!,I immediately called the credit card companies to cancel my cards. The more I,thought about it, the angrier I got. How could someone commit such

14、35),really made me wonder how someone could be completely without 37),standards or morals.,my vacation. In my opinion, the authorities must attack this problem 40),; its not enough to just focus on pickpockets or identify theft that happens locally. With the Internet, theres no such thing as local a

15、nymore. 参考答案:,31) scary32) obviously33) forge,34) unauthorized35) fraud 36) undoubted37) ethical38) widely39) mindset40) globally, 收起答案,9,仔细阅读 5 题,Directions:,10,学 海 无 涯 Read the passage and answer the following questions. Many people often wonder about the terms blue-collar crime and white-collar crime. Whats the difference? Is one worse than the o



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