八级英语上册 Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble讲析课件 上海牛津版

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1、Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble,阅读目标 知识目标 学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。 能力目标 掌握英语日记格式和地址写法。 情感目标 教育学生遇到突发事件,要沉着冷静,有勇有谋。 教学方法 采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。 重点和难点 词汇学习 核心词汇,argue (v )争吵,争论 empty (a.) 空的 crowd (n) 人群 stare (n)。,2、根据上下文猜测词意(Page 34 C 1) Find these words in Pauls diary on page 33. Read the words

2、 around them and choose the best meanings.,1. an argument A) when a big crowd of people are all talking noisily B) when people do not agree about something and get angry 2. aboard A) onto a ship or boat B) onto a piece of wood or cardboard 3. strange A) funny, amusing B) different, unusual 4. to rep

3、ort A) to give information about sth. B) to do sth. against the law 5. a robbery A) when someone hits or kills a person B) when someone steals something,词汇精讲,1 argument (n)争吵,争论 eg. This afternoon we heard a big argument. argue (v)争论 argue with sb about/on sth eg. Dont argue with such a man. 2 empty

4、 (adj) 空的(反义full) e.g. There is nothing in my hand. It is empty. empty (v) 倒空,使空 e.g. He emptied everything out of his bag. 3 crowd (n) 人群 a crowd of people(一群.) eg. He walked through the crowd. crowded (adj) 拥挤的 be crowded with挤满的,4 stare (at sb/sth) 瞪视,盯着看 e.g. Its rude to stare at others. 5 purse

5、 (n) (女用)钱包 e.g. She carried her purse in her handbag. 6 follow (v) 跟从,跟随 e.g. The boy followed his father out. 7 aboard (adv) 在船上,到船上(火车上,飞机上等) e.g. Be careful when you step aboard the ferry. 区别:abroad (adv) 到国外,在国外 go abroad,8 action (n) 行为,举动 eg. It will be late if we dont take action quickly. ac

6、t (v) 行动,表演 eg. She acted well in the film. active (adj) 积极的 eg. He is always active in class. activity (n) 活动 eg. We have many activities at school. actor (n.)男演员 actress (n.)女演员,9 dial (v) 拨号 (dial(l)ed) eg.You can dial 110 if you want to call the police. 10 robbery (n) 抢劫案 a bank robbery rob (v)

7、抢劫 ( robbed-robbed) robber (n) 抢劫犯 11 report (v) an angry disagreement : act, behave in a certain situation ; handle a problem or person : (v.) select the numbers on a telephone ; make a phone call : (n.) wooden or metal barrier like a door, but usually in a wall or fence outside a building,_: (n.)

8、two strong metal things which police put around the wrists of prisoners : (v.) move or do something quickly : (v.) see something; to become aware of it : (n.) a small bag in which we keep money : (n.) metal bars which keep you out of an area : (v.) tell someone something, in an official way,_: (n.)

9、the act of robbing somebody : (v.) look at someone or something with great interest, with ones eyes wide open : (v.) take something which is not yours; be a thief : (adj.) unusual, puzzling : (n.) a problem or difficulty of some type,一般过去时基本用法 Teaching procedures,Ask students about their activities

10、yesterday to review the past form which they can useT: What did you do yesterday?S: I went to/ bought,Leading in Ask students to find out the certain rule on the past form-ed -d -ied -双写+ed 不规则的,More practice:,dial, stare, show, notice, move, carry, stop, look, drop, begin, buy, break, put, cost, pu

11、t , come, run, get, leave, pay, say, stay, teach, can, do, drive, fall, give, speak, steal, take, go, do, see, follow, tell, think, help, use, talk,Understanding the grammar by more practice: T: Later Paul told his friend Julia about the robbery. Here are some of Julias questions and Pauls answers. Fill the gaps with one or more words. Model: P38,A: Did you hear the argument? B: Yes, I heard the argument. A: Did you see the robbery? B: No, I did not see the robbery.,Consolidation 练习册14,15,


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