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1、Practical English Writing,1,书信是日常生活中常用的文体,是用以交涉事宜、传达信息、交流思想、联络感情、增进了解的重要工具。英文书信分为两大类:私人信件和公务信件。 私人信件是指亲戚朋友之间的通信。这两类书信各有自己的格式。一般说来,私人信件不拘形式,信文多用手写,也可打印; 公务信件是单位与单位或单位与个人之间来往的书信,可能是推荐信、求职信、入学申请书、邀请信,或询问、答复、反映意见(如投诉信)等的信件。公务信件要求比较严格,必须遵循一定的格式。,2,5C Principles,Consideration Correctness Courtesy Concisen

2、ess Clarity,3,Block Form (齐头式),4,Intended Form (缩进式),5,折衷式,6,The Format of an English Letter,Heading (信头) Inside Address (信内地址) Salutation (称呼) Body of the Letter (正文) Complimentary Close (结束语) Signature (签名) Postscript (附言) Enclosure (附件),7,1. 信头(Heading) 信头是指发信人的姓名、地址和日期,通常写在第一页的右上角。行首可以齐头写,也可以逐行缩

3、进写。地址的书写顺序由小到大:门牌号、街道、城市、省(州)、邮编、国名,最后写发信日期。私人信件一般只写寄信日期即可。例如: 123 Tianhe Road Tianhe District Guangzhou 510620 Guangdong Province P. R. C. March 15, 2002,8,2. 信内地址(Inside Address) 信内地址要写收信人的姓名和地址。在公 务信件中要写明这一项,在私人信件中,这 一项常常省略。该项写在写信日期下一行的 左上角,格式与寄信人地址一样。,9,3 .称呼(Salutation) 称呼是对收信人的称谓,应与左边线对齐,写在收信人

4、姓名、地址下面1-2行处。在称呼后,英国人常用逗号,美国人则常用冒号。在私人信件中可直呼收信人的名字,但公务信件中一定要写收信人的姓。大部分信件在称呼前加“Dear”。如:DearProfessor/Prof.Bergen:DearDr.Johnson,对不相识的人可按性别称呼:DearSir:或DearMadam:DearLadies。如果不知收信人的性别则可用DearSirorMadam:,10,4. 信的正文(Body of the Letter) 正文是书信的主体。与中文信件不同的是,英文书信的正文的开头不是先写一些问候语,再阐明写信的目的,而是直接说明写信人的身份及写信的目的,然后提

5、出写信人的情况、想法或要求,并加以必要的解释或说明。英文书信陈述目的时,应该直截了当,意思明确,层次清楚,言简意赅。书信正文的第一句话或第一段,通常被称为起首语。一般说来,人们习惯用一些客套的写法作为书信正文的起始,即先将对方来信的日期、主题加以简单描述,以便使对方一看便知该信是回答哪一封信的。如果是第一次给别人写信,也可用开头语作必要的自我介绍,并表明自己写信的主要目的。,11,5. 结束语(Complimentary Close) 公务信件的结尾礼词包含两部分:发信人的结尾套语与署名。结尾套语写在签名上面一行,第一个字母要大写,套语结尾后面要加逗号。 在公务信件中,发信人常用的结尾套语有:

6、 Trulyyours, Yourstruly, Respectfullyyours, Yours respectfully, Faithfullyyours, Yoursfaithfully, Sincerely yours, Yourssincerely Yours truly, Yours 等。 私人信件中,发信人常用的结尾套语有: Sincerely yours, Lovely yours, Your lovely, Your loving son / daughter等。,12,6. 签名(Signature) 写信人的签名常位于结尾礼词正下方一二行。除非是给很熟悉的人写信,签名一般

7、须写出全名。签名常常较潦草,不易辨认,因此在签名的正下方须打印出全名。,13,英文信件格式 Formal,14,英文信件格式 Informal,15,THE HEADING,THE INSIDE ADDRESS,THE SALUTATION,The address of the writer,The address of the receiver,16,Post code after the address,American style,17,Envelope,18,An envelope,The receivers address,The writers address,Air mail,信

8、件类别、投递方式等写在信封的左下角或寄信人地址的下面,19,信件类型和邮递方式,Air mail 航空信 Registered 挂号 Double registered 双挂号 By (via) air mail registered 航空挂号 Express 快递 Special delivery 特邮快件 Rush 速件 ordinary mail 平信,20,信件类型和邮递方式,Urgent (immediate)mail 急件 Secret 密件 Confidential 机密的 Top secret 绝密 Personal 亲收 Private 私人信件 Photo enclosed

9、 内有照片,21,Practice,Writing a Personal Letter to your family. For this part, you should write at least 100 words. 请按照私人信件的格式要求或者规范写一封家书,告诉家人你在南昌工学院的生活和学习情况,不少于100个字。,22,Part Two Personal Letters and Communication Letter,私人信函和交际信函,23,Types and Features,Business letters Personal letters,24,Section A Per

10、sonal Letters,Personal letters are letters you write to your friends, relatives or family members to express your feelings and thoughts, convey information and maintain relationships.,25,The style of a personal letter is usually casual. The tone is frank and warm, and the language can be highly subj

11、ective.,26,Personal letters can be divided into two types: family letter and friendship letter. Personal letters dont have to be responsible and obligatory.,27,People write personal letters of their free will, and personal letters are necessary for communicating with relatives and friends.,28,In fam

12、ily letters, the sender usually bring some good news or pleasant things to share with the receiver. Sometimes there are some encouraging words in family letters. And the format of family letters is casual for the mutual trust.,29,Whats the differences between these two kinds of letters?,30,Personal

13、Letters,informal letters 信头的地址可以不写 称呼语后面一般加逗号 语气亲切,灵活,缩略语,非书面用语不限,31,Business Letters,Formal letters 商业信函,正式邀请函,推荐书, 申请信, 自荐信 要求语言准确,简洁,态度客气礼貌,措辞婉转得体,32,Difference in elements,Inside address can be omitted.,Inside address is put 1 line beneath the heading.,personal,business,Heading can be omitted if

14、 it is to very familiar friends.,Heading is compulsory; but can be omitted if a letterhead is pre-printed.,33,The body: usually indented paragraphs; informal in tone,The body: mostly the paragraphs are blocked with 1 line in between and it should always be typed; formal and polite in tone.,personal,

15、business,Greeting may be formal or informal,Greeting is formal,34,Signature: handwrite the full name or the first name,Signature: a typed signature with professional and/or social title (for women) and/or company name; Chinese name can be typed followed by its Pinyin in the next line,personal,busine

16、ss,35,personal,business,Complimentary close: Yours; with love; (with) best wishes; yours affectionately; cordially, yours; As ever, yours; (with) best regards,Complimentary close: Yours faithfully; yours sincerely; sincerely; yours truly,36,Common sentence pattern,1. I received your letter and I am sorry not to have answered it sooner. 2. I know I should have written long before this. 3. I would have written sooner,



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