四川省成都市蒲江县朝阳湖镇九年制学校八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 3 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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四川省成都市蒲江县朝阳湖镇九年制学校八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 3 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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四川省成都市蒲江县朝阳湖镇九年制学校八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 3 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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《四川省成都市蒲江县朝阳湖镇九年制学校八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 3 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省成都市蒲江县朝阳湖镇九年制学校八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 3 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、How often do you exercise学习目标【Learning objectives】1.掌握下列单词:maybe, least, at least2.掌握Grammar Focus中的内容,巩固频率词汇及如何询问活动频率。3.完成3a-3c.重点和难点【Important and difficult points】 1.重点:掌握下列单词:maybe, least, at least.2.难点:掌握Grammar Focus中的内容,巩固频率词汇及如何询问活动频率。预习内容【Preview contents】自主预习并完成Section A Grammar Focus3c的导学

2、单,为上课做好准备。学习过程【Learning process】一、 预习反馈,明确目标【Preview feedback, Clear objective】 翻译句子。 1. 你周末通常做什么? _2. 我总是锻炼。 _3. 他们周末做什么? _ 4. 他们经常帮助做家务 _5. 她经常周末做什么?_6. 她有时去购物。 _ 7. 你隔多长时间去看一次电影?_8. 我大概每隔一月看一次电影。 _9. 他多长时间看一次电视? _10. 他几乎从不看电视?_11. 你购物吗? _12. 不,我从来不购物。 _二、创设情境,自主探究【Create situations, Self inquiry】

3、 1. Recite Grammar Focus. 2.Finish 3a.三、展示交流,点拨提升【Display communication, Coaching to enhance】Pairwork 3b. Use the words given to write questions. Then ask and answer them with a partner.Pairwork 3c. What can you do to improve your English? Add more things to the chart. Then ask your classmates the q

4、uestions the questions and find the best English student.A: How _ do you read English books?B: I read English books about _ _ _(每周两次).四、师生互动,拓展延伸【Teacher-student interaction, Development】Grammar Focus:1. maybe 与 may be 的区别:maybe 副词,意为“或许”,“大概”,“可能”;may be 属于“情态动词+be动词”,意为“可能是”。 (1)You_ right. (2) _

5、you are right.2. at least意为“至少,不少于;起码”,是副词词组,一般指在数量或程度上。 You have to clean your house _ _ once a week. 你必须至少一周打扫你的房间一 次。 3. sometimes , sometime, some times , some time 的区别:(1) sometimes用作副词,表示“有的时候”,与from time to time 意思相同,可以把它放在句首,句尾或句中。sometimes是频率副词,它暗指某动作(在过去、现在或将来)有时候重复。如: Last year she went t

6、o the park sometimes. Sometimes I get up at six. (2)sometime 用作副词。表示某个不确切或不具体的时间,表示“某个时候”,它后面应该接一个过去或将来的时间。例如: We will have a meeting sometime next week.(sometime last year,sometime next month等常修饰非延续性的谓语) 另外,sometime还可以用作形容词,表示“以前的”,如: A sometime student of yours is waiting for you at the gate. (3)

7、some time 表示一些时间或“一段时间”,可以用作名词或副词短语。例如: It took us some time to water the flowers. some time表某一段时间时,常常修饰延续性的谓语。如: She stayed in bed for some time. (4) some times 是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”,如: The factory is some times larger than that one. 用sometimes , sometime, some times , some time填空。1. Tom went back home _

8、last month.2. I _ think you are wrong.3. She always spends _ on her English.4. I will work in Japan for _. 5. I met him _ in the street last month.五、达标测评, 巩固提高【Evaluation standards,Consolidation and improvement】.用方框内的单词或短语完成下面的句子。 always, every day, often, sometimes, never, hardly ever 1. He _gets u

9、p at six oclock. 2. How _do you go to the movies? 3. It _rains here. Its usually sunny and warm. 4. Some of my friends exercise every day and hardly ever eat junk food,but the others eat junk food _.5. 1 cant swim. So I _go to the beach to swim. Sometimes I go there with my friends to run. .单选。1.-Sa

10、lly, how often do you use the Internet ?-_.A. Twice a week 3. Three hours C. Two years ago D. This afternoon 2. -Zhang Lili , the most beautiful teacher, moved us deeply. -Yes, and she is _popular with her students. A.sometimes B. never C. Always D. hardly 3. -_do you visit your grand- parents? -Onc

11、e a month. A. How soon B. How long C. How much D. How often 4. - _do you watch TV every week? -Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do. A.How many B. How much C. How long D. How often 5. Tom studies _.He _plays with his friends. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. Hard; hardly D. hardly; hard 作业布置: A(必做): B(选做): 教学反思: 本节课成功之处和亮点: 需要改进和注意的地方:3



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