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1、00014-15 学年新目标八上 Unit6 试题一. 选择填空 (15 分)( )1. Lucy, whats on table? Oh, its article about how to learn English well. A. a; a B. an; the C. the; an D. /; an ( )2. What are you reading, Tony? Gullivers Travels (格列佛游记) Jonathan Swift. A. on B. by C. for D. with( )3. Kelly wants to be a to save peoples l

2、ives in the future. A. doctor B. engineer C. violinist D. performer( )4. Did Minnie and Sarah have a good time at the party? Yes. They enjoyed there. A. herself B. itself C. themselves D. yourselves ( )5. Whats your , Sarah? I like reading quietly at home. A. number B. plan C. resolution D. hobby (

3、)6. are you going to be a good actor? I am going to watch more films.A. How B. Where C. Why D. When( )7. What do you usually do in your free time, Mr. Wang? I write stories and them to newspapers. A. share B. show C. send D. discuss( )8. Look! It is going to rain. Yes. Lets that all the windows are

4、closed.A. care about B. make sure C. look for D. bring out( )9. He is going to for his family during the Spring Festival.A. cook B. cooking C. cooks D. cooked( )10. What are you going to do this summer vacation? I am going to a hobby. A. take up B. take off C. take out D. take down( )11. What does P

5、eter want to when he up? An actor. A. do; grew B. do; growing C. be; is going to grow D. be; grows( )12. She is able calm (沉着) in an emergency (紧急情况 ). A. keep B. keeping C. kept D. to keep ( )13. Next weekend they an action movie.A. watch B. watched C. are watching D. are going to watch000( )14. Th

6、ere a basketball game in our playground this afternoon. A. is going to have B. be C. is going to be D. have( )15. Mary is really good at English. She always gets good grades in English tests. A. I dont think so. B. I agree with you. C. How does she learn English? D. What does she want to be?二. 完形填空

7、(10 分)I asked three friends about their New Years resolutions. Here are the results. Jenny is going to get good 16 , because she doesnt think she studied well last term. She is going to study 17 and listen to teachers more carefully in class. Ian is going to eat healthier food. He 18 thinks he is no

8、t healthy. He is going to eat more 19 of fruits and vegetables, and he is going to eat less 20 . He hopes he can 21 his health. Sometimes Jack didnt finish his homework, 22 he is going to finish the homework first every day. He is going to 23 less time watching TV and playing computer games. How abo

9、ut 24 ? Im going to exercise more to keep fit, because exercise is very 25 . Im going to get up early and exercise three times a week.( )16. A. grades B. habits C. ideas D. hobbits ( )17. A. worse B. harder C. less D. further ( )18. A. never B. hardly C. ever D. always( )19. A. lots B. pieces C. way

10、s D. kinds( )20. A. meat B. fish C. junk food D. rice ( )21. A. put up B. look after C. find out D. bring out ( )22. A. so B. because C. though D. when ( )23. A. spend B. pay C. make D. cost ( )24. A. I B. me C. mine D. my ( )25. A. careful B. serious C. similar D. important三. 阅读理解 (30 分)ATurbo is a

11、 cartoon. Turbo is a little snail (蜗牛). He dreams of becoming the greatest racer in the world. On his trip to the Indy 500, he meets Tito. Tito decides to help Turbo raise money and make his dream come true. Michael Pea dubbed (配音) for Tito in the film.The following is part of his interview.TFK: Wha

12、t can you tell us about Tito, your character in the film?PEA: Tito and his brother have a company called Dos Bros Tacos. Its hard for them to raise money only by selling tacos (墨西哥夹饼). Tito is trying to make Turbos dreams come true. Hes really optimistic (乐观的). TFK: Why do you think kids will enjoy

13、Turbo?000PEA: Its an interesting story. This one has a lot of heart and is really funny. You have to try your best to go for what you want. Dont let anyone knock you down. 根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。36. What is Turbos dream?37. When does Turbo meet Tito?38. Does Tito have a brother? 39. What does Michael Pea th

14、ink of the film?40. What does the underlined sentence “Dont let anyone knock you down” mean in Chinese? B2014 New Years Resolutions1. Be a brave (勇敢的) dog in the house. At leaststop letting Mimi, the cat, push me around. 2. I will not eat Mimis food, before or after she eats it. 3. Remember not to s

15、tand up after sleeping under the coffee table.4. Remember not to put my toys behind the fridge.5. Never eat fish and other seafood, or I will die.6. I will not eat Dads socks or pens.7. Keep an eye on the dog Piggy. Never let him take my meat away. 8. We dont have a doorbell. I will not bark (叫) when I hear one ring on TV. 9. I will not wake Mom up by touching her with my cold and wet nose.10. Mom and Dad are in bed and I have to sleep on the floor. 根据以上内容,选择最佳答案。( )26. Who is Mimi? A. A dog.


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