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1、搞定高中英语语法的100个句子,关于冠词用法的注意点, One of my friends is still in hospital. 我的一个朋友还住在医院里。 个体名词如school, prison, market, hospital, bed, class和court等直接位于某些介词后,当表示该名词的深层意义时,不用冠词。当bike, car, bus, train, boat, ship和plane等词与by连用,表示一种交通手段时,不用冠词,但是当这些名词特指某一种交通工具时,则要与冠词连用。在月份、星期、季节、三餐等的名词前,通常不加冠词,如有描绘性修饰语时,可加冠词。两个名词各

2、指不同的人、事和概念时,要用冠词。两个名词如指同一个人、同一物时,后一个名词可不用冠词。,关于冠词用法的注意点, (1) She has gone to market. 她去市场了。 语法分析:个体名词前不用冠词。 (2) I go to work by bike. 我骑车去上班。 语法分析:当bike, car, bus, train, boat, ship和plane等词与by连用,表示一种交通手段时,不用冠词。 (3) She went out on a bike. 她骑一辆车子出去了。 语法分析:当这些名词特指一种交通工具时,则要与冠词连用。 (4) Summer comes afte

3、r spring. 春去夏来。 语法分析:季节名词前一般不用冠词。,关于冠词用法的注意点,(5) He came to that place in the auturn of 1990. 他1990年秋天去过那个地方。 语法分析:如果有限定词修饰或表示一般特定的时间,则需要用定冠词。 (6) This road winds its way from west to east. 这条路自西向东蜿蜒而行。 语法分析:在并列使用的两个名词前,常省掉冠词。 (7) They are the students of our school. 他们是我们学校的全体学生。 语法分析:在复数名词或数词前用the

4、强调全体,不用则强调部分。 (8) She raises a black and a white dog. 她养了一只黑狗和一只白狗。 语法分析:两个形容词都有冠词,后面的名词为单数,表示两个不同的事物,如后一个形容词没有冠词,则指一物。,关于冠词用法的注意点, 1. _ water in th wet clothes is being burned into vapor. 2. She is in _ first year class. 3. After the school I returned home on _ 9:20 train. 4. Our school was complet

5、ed in _ October of 2000. 5. We had _ terribly cold winter last year. 6. _ breakfast I had last morning was very nice. 7. She came first in _ race. 8. She sang and played _ piano.,关于冠词用法的注意点,9. My brother went to see _ film yesterday evening. 10. I listen to _ radio every morning. 11. Turn on _ TV pl

6、ease. 12. _ square has four sides. 13. I cannot finish the task in so short _ time. 14. Brave _ man though he is, he trembles at the sight of snakes.,关于冠词用法的注意点, 1. The 2. the 3. the 4. the 5. a 6. The 7. the 8. the 9. a 10. the 11. the 12. A 13. a 14. a,人称代词和物主代词, It was she who had been wrong. 是她错

7、了。 人称代词在句子里作表语,但在口语中常用宾格形式。人称代词在句子中可以作很多成分如主语、宾语、表语等。物主代词分为形容词型物主代词和名词型物主代词。形容词型物主代词在句子中可以作定语,还可以和own连用在句子中充当定语、表语或宾语等。名词型物主代词在句子中可以充当表语、主语、宾语或介词短语等。有时候也可以和of连用。,人称代词和物主代词, (1) Tell her to call back a little later. 请她过一会儿再来电话。 语法分析:人称代词作宾语或介词宾语。 (2) The mare whined when she saw her master. 这匹母马见到主人时

8、会嘶叫。 语法分析:she除了指人,还可以指其他东西如雌性动物或国家等。 (3) You can never tell what they will do next. 谁也说不上他们下一步会做什么。 语法分析:you,we或they可以用来泛指一般人。,人称代词和物主代词,(4) Virtue is its own reward. 为善其乐融融。 语法分析:形容词型物主代词和own连用作定语。 (5) She is a great admirer of yours. 她是你的崇拜者。 语法分析:名词型物主代词和of连用。,人称代词和物主代词, 1. Nice car, how much did

9、 _ cost? 2. We, you and _ must together carry out the plan. 3. Mary has broken _ leg. 4. She took me buy _ hand. 5. She looked at me in _ face. 6. I love her more than _ does. 7. Has she any idea of _ own.,人称代词和物主代词, 1. she 2. they 3. her 4. the 5. the 6. she 7. her,关于物主代词的注意点, He took me by the han

10、d. 他拉着我的手。 物主代词常用语表示两个名词之间的所属关系,但有时,定冠词the常用来代替物主代词。在简短的对话中或表示比较的非正式文体里,宾语可以代替主格在句子中作主语。如果比较状语从句的谓语保留,则主语用主格,比较双方会发生误解时,主格和宾格不能替换。在口语里或强调句子中宾格可替代代主格在句子中作表语,有时,主格可替代宾格。,关于物主代词的注意点, (1) The police seized the thief by the ear. 警察抓住了贼的耳朵。 语法分析:the常用来代替物主代词。 (2) “Me?” asked the girl. “我?”女孩问道。 语法分析:在简短的对

11、话中,宾格可以代替主格在句子中作主语。 (3) He is not as experienced as me. 他没我有经验。 语法分析:在表示比较的非正式文体里,常用宾格代替主格。,关于物主代词的注意点,(4) What would you do if you were him? 如果你是他你会怎么办? 语法分析:在口语里,宾格可替代主格在句子中作表语。 (5) It was I who broke the law. 犯法的是我。 语法分析:在强调句子里,当强调的主语是人称代词时,书面语体重常用主格,在口语中,常用宾格。 (6) Everybody excepts understood hi

12、m. 除了我,每个人都了解他。 语法分析:在介词out 和 expect 后,有时用主格代替宾格。,关于物主代词的注意点, 1. The old man was grasped by _ arm. 2. The student led the blind man by _ sleeve. 3. The father often strikes his son in _ face. 4. She was wounded in _ stomach. 5. He looked at me in _ face. 6. He patted the boy on _ head. 7. Who is fas

13、ter, you or _?,关于物主代词的注意点,8. She is cleverer than _. 9. He is not as experienced as _me am. 10. There are two years between you and _me. 11. She has no house of her _. 12. I have some reason of my _ for wishing to do so.,关于物主代词的注意点, 1. the 2. the 3. the 4. the 5. the 6. the 7. me 8. me 9. I 10. I 11

14、. own 12. own,It 的用法, It was you who had been wrong. 错的是你。 it 强调句子的主语,可用 who 或 that 引导句子的后面部分。用于强调的 it,可以对句子的某一处成分加以强调。例如可以强调句子的主语、宾语以及状语等。It 的用法有很多,它最基本的用法是作代词,主要代表刚提到的事物以避免重复,也可以代表某些抽象事物或代表一个彼此都知其何所指的东西。有时也可以不指具体的东西,例如天气、环境和时间等。先行词的it 主要作为句子的形式主语,从而使句子变得平稳。,It 的用法, (1) It was a great surprise to m

15、e when she did a thing like that. 她做这样的事情我大为吃惊。 语法分析:It代表抽象的事物。 (2) Where does it hurt? 哪儿疼? 语法分析:it代表一个彼此都知其何所指的东西。 (3) How fat is it to Beijing? 到北京有多远? 语法分析:it代表距离。,It 的用法,(4) It was she who lent us the money. 是她借钱给我们的。 语法分析:it用于强调句中,强调句子的主语。 (5) Its beyond me to say why. 我无法说个究竟。 语法分析:It作先行词,作句子

16、的形式主语,有平稳句子的作用,句子谓语有这几种:be +形容词或名词,介词短语+不定式,及物动词+宾语+不定式。,It 的用法, 1. _ says here there was a big fire in the city. 2. “Why, _ is you!” she cried. 3. _ takes two to make a quarrel. 4. Why is _ that everyone thinks Im narrow-minded? 5. Was _ you that broke the window? 6. Does _ itch much?,It 的用法, 1. It 2. it 3. It 4. it 5. it 6. it,自身代词和相


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