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1、精选2020年9月英语四六级英汉互译模拟题三篇2020年9月英语46级英汉互译摹拟题(1)农历5月初5是中国的端五节。传说这是为了记念2000多年前的诗人屈原而构成的节日,同时也是人们乞求农业丰收,驱除瘟疫(pestilence)的节日。相传屈原投江后,人们为了不让鱼鳖咬食屈原的躯体,就用竹叶或苇叶(reed leave),包上食粮投入江中,以喂饱鱼鳖。这样就流传下来端五节吃粽子的风俗。用龙头、龙尾装潢的木船称作龙舟。赛龙舟最初表达屈原投江后,人们寻救他的迫切心情,后来成为端五流行的1项民间体育竞技活动。(182字)参考译文:The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival f

2、alls on the fifth day of the fifth month on the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The story goes that the day is kept in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan who died more than 2000 years ago. Its also a day to pray for agricultural harvests as well as to drive pestilences away. Legend has it that in order to

3、 keep the fish away from eating Qu Yuans body, people would throw rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves into the water to feed the fish. Thats how the tradition of eating zongzi (rice dumplings wrapped in leaves) around the Dragon Boat Festival started. The dragon boat is made of wood, with mythical

4、 dragon head and dragon tail decorations on it. Dragon boat racing originally showed peoples wish to rescue Qu Yuan from drowning, and gradually became a popular competitive mass sport.2020年9月英语46级英汉互译摹拟题(2)旗袍(Cheongsam)是中国的女性服装,由满族(Manchurian)女袍服演化而来,已有300多年的历史了。满族人曾被称为旗人,因此得名旗袍。现在,旗袍作为礼宾、节庆时中国女性的标

5、志性服装。受现代衣饰的影响,人们对传统旗袍进行了改造:取消袖子,缩短衣长,下降领口,以突出穿着个性和型体美感。现代旗袍在不同季节、场合穿着,更加舒适大方。后来,旗袍还传至国外,为他国女子模仿穿着。(165字)Cheongsam, a typical dress for Chinese women, has evolved from the long gown worn by the Manchurians women over 300 years ago. As the Manchurians are always called the Qi People, the clothes they

6、wear, therefore, get the name of Qi Pao(Pao means the long gown). Up to date, women can still be seen wearing the elegant cheongsam on formal or festive occasions. As time changes, adaptions have been made to traditional cheongsam to suit modern women: with sleeves removed, length shortened, and col

7、lar cut low, so as to make the woman who wears it look more graceful and sexy. So the cheongsam we now have is as comfortable to wear as it is appealing to look at. Later, cheongsam, even spread to foreign countries and became the favorite of foreign females.2020年9月英语46级英汉互译摹拟题(3)雄踞于山东省中部,主峰海拔1545米的

8、泰山自古以来就遭到中国人的敬佩。它享有5岳之首的称赞。泰山是我国几千年古老文明的缩影,它包含的文化内涵,世界范围内没有第2座山可以与之相媲美,它和万里长城、黄河、长江1样,成为中华民族的意味。1987年12月,泰山被联合国教科文组织作为文化和自然两重遗产列入世界遗产名录。(149字)参考译文:Mount Taishan, situated in central Shandong Province, has, since ancient times, been a mountainheld in high esteem by the Chinese people with its main pe

9、ak rising 1545 meters above sea level. It is known as the First of the Five Sacred Mountains. Mt. Taishan is a microcopy of the thousands years old civilization of China that contains a cultural wealth no other mountain in the world is comparable. Just like the Great Wall, Yellow River, and Yangtze River, Mt Taishan is now the symbol of the Chinese people. In December of 1987, UNESCO inscribed Mt Taishan on the World Heritage List as both a natural and a cultural property of the whole world.


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