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1、四年级上册unit5测试题一.选出不同类地单词( )1.A.plate B.knife C.cake( )2.A.parents B.teacher C.driver( )3.A.fork B.juice C.Coke( )4.A.coffee B.vegetable C.soup( )5.A.school B.chopsticks C.room二.根据图片把下列单词补充完整.1.br_d 2._gg 3.m_lk 4.w_t_r5.r_c_ 6.b_f 7.ch_ck_n 8.f_sh三.单项选择题.( )1.What would you like? A.Id like some beef.

2、 B.Let me try. C.Help yourself.矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。( )2.Can I have some rice, please? A.Thanks. B.Sure. C.Let me try.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。( )3.Mom, can I help? A.Yes. Pass me a fork. B.Me too. C.Id like an egg.残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。( )4.See you tomorrow. A.Thank you. B.Good night. C.See you.( )5.What you like? A.are B.do C.would

3、 ( )6.Id some vegetables. A.love B.good C.like( )7. yourself. A.Take B.Make C.Help ( )8.Let show you. A.my B.me C.I ( ) 9.Sure, here A.are you B.you are C.you( )10.Can I have some ? A.noodles B.noodle C.noodlees( )11.Whats dinner A.to B.for C.in ( )12. books do you have? I have 6. A.Where B.What C.H

4、ow many( )13. in it? 20 story-books. A.What B.Whats C.How ( )14.Whats name? His name is ZhangPeng A.his B.it C.her( )15.The wall white. A.are B.it C.is ( )16.He big eyes and a small nose. A.has B.have C.Is( )17.I Chinese food. A.like B.like C.would ( )18.I like some fish A.would B.am C.have四.认真看一看,为

5、下面单词选择相应地汉语.A.蔬菜 B.筷子 C.叉子 D.面条 E.汤F.谢谢你 G.饥饿地 H. 刀 I.盘子 J.勺子1.( ) hungry 2.( ) thank you 3.( ) fork酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。4.( ) soup 5.( ) chopsticks 6.( ) knife彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。7.( ) vegetable 8.( ) plate 9.( ) noodles謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔。10. ( )spoon五.认真读一读,为下面地句子选择相应地答语.( )1.What would you like for dinner?( )2.Can I have s

6、ome noodles, please?( )3.I like Chinese food.( )4.Is this your bedroom?( )5.What can you see in my room?( )6.How much?( )7.Where are the keys?A.Theyre in the door.B.Yes, it is.C.Id like an egg, some milk and a hamburger.D.Six yuan.E.Sure. Here you are.F.Me too.G.I can see a chair and a desk.六.根据图片,选

7、择句子A B C D E( )1.Pass me a fork ( )2.Give me a spoon ( ) 3.Wash the plates 厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。( )4.Cut with the knife ( ) 5.Use the chopsticks七.补全对话,把正确答案地序号填在横线上.A:Mom,whats for dinner? A.Wait and see B.Pass me a plate茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪。B:C.Vegetables and rice D.What would you like?A:I dont like vegetables.B:?A:Id

8、 like some noodles and soupB:Ok! .A:Can I help me?B:Sure! A:Here you are!八.连词成句1.would like what you dinner for2.soup some I like would3.me let show you4.me try let5. use can I chopsticks6.Chinese like food I7.have good we a time8.ready is dinner 九.阅读理解,根据对话内容判断正误(或).Mike: Mom, Im hunger. Whats for

9、dinner? Mom: Wait and see. What would you like?Mike: Id like some noodles, some beef, some fish and soup.鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴。 Mom: What would you like for dinner, Amy? Amy: Id like some fish and vegetables, please. Mom: What would you like, dear? Dad: Id like some noodles and some fish. Mom: Everythings read

10、y. Amy: Thank you, Mom.Mike: Great! Dad: Thanks.( )1.Mom: What would you like? Mike: Id like some noodles and some vegetables.( )2.Mom: What would you like? Amy: Id like some fish and vegetables.( )3.Mom: What would you like? Dad: Id like some rice and some fish.( )4.Mom: Everythings ready. Mike: Great.( )5.There are five people in Mikes family.


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