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1、1,Contractual English,2,讨论下列句子用词是否准确、明白、严密,并说出原因 1.The Seller shall deliver the goods before December 31,2003. 2.The payment shall be made by Party B in a week. 3.Party A shall send technicians to train Party Bs personnel. 4.The goods are to be shipped by a steamer at a port on the West Coast as per

2、 bill of lading dated not later than Oct. 30, 2003. 5.The shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 600 M/T each. 6.The Seller shall be liable for any damage to the goods due to improper packing, inadequate or improper protective measures. 7.This Contract can only be altered, in accordance with docume

3、nts signed and sealed by representatives of both parties. 8.All the activities of ABC Co. Shall be governed by the laws of China. 9 9.The term of lease shall begin upon receipt of the Lessees acknowledgement of receipt of the leased object. 10.The Lessee shall insure the leased object at the purchas

4、ed price against fire. 11.All charges, taxes, contributions and other duties directly relating to the financing lease contract shall be paid by the Lesser 12.Received of Mr. John Smith a brief case containing US$ 10000 only for custody. 13.The First Party shall cover the Second Partys international

5、flight ticket.,3,Reference: 1.The Seller shall deliver the goods before (on or before) December 31,2003. 2.The payment shall be made by Party B in (within) a week. 3.Party A shall send technicians (at Party Bs expense) to train Party Bs personnel ( within 30 days after signing the Contract). 4.The g

6、oods are to be shipped by a steamer at a port or ports on the West Coast as per bill or bills of lading dated or to be dated not later than Oct. 30, 2003. 5.The shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 600 M/T each. 6.The Seller shall be liable for any damage to the goods (and extra expenses) due to

7、improper packing, inadequate or improper protective measures. 7.This Contract can only be altered, (amended or supplemented) in accordance with documents signed and sealed by (authorized) representatives of both parties. 8.All the activities of ABC Co. Shall be governed by the laws, (decrees, and pe

8、rtinent rules and regulations) of China. (PRC),5,约定俗成的契约用语及句型 以下简称 hereinafter referred to as / hereinafter to be called as 方 甲方the First Party 乙方 the Second Party 中方the Chinese Party 外方 the Foreign Party 买方 the Buyer 卖方 the Seller 承租方 the Lessee 受聘方 the Engaged Party 双方 both parties the present par

9、ties the parties hereto 合同双方 both parties to the contract 合营双方 both parties to the venture 签约双方 the contracting parties 本着的原则 in the light of the principle of adhering to the principle of 按照的原则 in conformity with 根据的精神 in accordance with 为了 With a view to doing sth.,6,特订立本 is hereby formulated The p

10、resent Contract is worked out hereunder. An agreement is hereby concluded and entered into between The Regulations hereunder are formulated This Contract is made this( ) day of (month) in Shanghai by and between First: AAA (hereinafter called “ The Employer”) of the one part and Second: Messers (her

11、einafter called “ The Contractor”) of the other part 具体条款如下The following provisions have been determined. The terms and conditions are as follows: ABC Co. Of Pakistan (hereinafter called Party A) and XYZ Co. Of China (hereinafter called Party B) through negotiations hereby agree to sign this contrac

12、t this day of (month),20subject to the following conditions:,7,Home work: Translate the following into English 1)中国AAA公司和 国BBB公司,根据中华人民共和国中外合资经营法和中国的其他有关法规,本着平等互利的原则,通过友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国上海市,共同投资举办合资经营企业,特订立本合同。 2)中国国际旅行社长沙分社(以下简称甲方)与美国建筑公司(以下简称已方)就修建旅游宾馆一事,订立协议书。双方经充分讨论和协商,一致同意以下各条: 3) 中华人民共和国为了扩大国际经济合

13、作和技术交流,允许外国公司、企业和其他经济组织或个人(以下简称外国合营者)按照平等互利的原则,经中国政府批准,在中华人民共和国境内,同中国的公司、企业和其他经济组织(以下简称中国合营者)共同举办合营企业。 4)为了便于中华人民共和国中外合资经营法(以下简称中外合资经营法)的顺利实施,特制订本实施。 5)根据中华人民共和国中外合资经营法的规定,为了对中外合资经营企业进行登记管理,保障合法经营,特制订本办法。 6) 根据中华人民共和国中外合资经营法及中华人民共和国中外合资经营法实施实施,为了明确中外合资经营企业注册资本与投资总额的比例,特制订本规定。,8,第一条 Article One 第 款 i

14、tem/ clause 第 章 指定 designate 1)The Second Party shall pay to the First Party at such place as the First Party may designate in writing.乙方应在甲方书面指定的地点向甲方支付款项。 2)Either party may designate an arbitrator.双方均可指派仲 裁人员一名。 to procure individual project 为其争取工程项目 All the materials and equipment under the cont

15、ract shall be procured by the Contractor for the government. After completing the formalities of procurement双方在共同完成争取项目之后, Feasibility study 可行性研究 project proposal 项目建议书 Articles of association公司章程 report of verification验资报告 Tender answer 答标 应改为 preparation of tender deliver sb. a commission fee 应改为

16、 pay sb. commission Should you bring about the sale of our company, we will pay you commission of US$. 1) The Manufacturer agrees to pay representative a commission of % for every monthly turnover. 2) It is represented that we have appointed AAA as our agent on a commission basis for five years.,9,1.第八条第(一)项中 “公路以及铁路干线”修改为 “公路以铁路干线”; 2.增加一项作为第(十)项目 “利用核能和储存处置放射性物质的建设工程,10,Another item is added as Item (10) “Constru


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