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1、.,1,对话练习,.,2,00:00.00PART 2:PRIMARY DIALOGUES 00:-0.50初级对话 00:-1.001.How Long Will It Take to Learn English 00:-1.50学会英语要多长时间 00:-2.00A:How long will it take to learn English? Will I be able to take other courses next semester or will English take up all of my time? 00:-2.50学会英语要花多长时间?我下学期可不可以选修别的课程

2、?还是要把英语一直学下去? 00:-3.00B:Its hard to say. Language isnt like other studies. 00:-3.50很难说。语言不同于其他的学问。 00:-4.00A:You mean I could finish this course and still not know English? Youve got to be kidding! 00:-4.50你是说我修完了这门课还是不懂英文?你在开玩笑吧!,.,3,00:-5.00B:Im not kidding. Learning a language is a question of fo

3、rming language habits and that takes time. 00:-5.50绝无戏言。这是一个养成语言习惯的问题,得花不少时间。 00:-6.00A:So do we have to stay in this English class forever? 00:-6.50那我们一辈子都得留在英语班了吗? 00:-7.00B:No.You just have to stay here long enough to get some orientation. Then you go on practicing and learning outside. A lot of

4、learning depends on your personal motivation. 00:-7.50那倒不必。你要在班上待到获得一些学习的方法为止。然后你就可以在外面练习和进修了。学习很多时候是要靠你的个人动力。,.,4,00:-8.00A:So its really the same story. Practice, practice, practice and more practice is the only way to learn a language. 00:-8.50还是那句话,练习、练习、再练习是学习一门语言的惟一办法。 00:-9.00B:You said it. 0

5、0:-9.50你说对了!,.,5,00:10.002.Americans Have So Much Money 00:10.50美国人好有钱 00:11.00A:I used to think that Americans had so much money they didnt know what to do with it. 00:11.50从前我老以为美国人都钱多得不知道该怎么花。 00:12.00B:You did? 00:12.50你真这么想? 00:13.00A:Yes.But now Ive learned differently. Now I have a more reali

6、stic opinion. 00:13.50是呀。不过我已经知道不是这么回事了。现在我的看法更实际。 00:14.00B:What do you think now? 00:14.50那你现在怎么想?,.,6,00:15.00A:There are lots of jobs, and almost everybody works. There is a high standard of living. People earn a lot, but they spend a lot to live. So there isnt so much money after all. 00:15.50美

7、国有许多行业,而且几乎人人都工作。生活水准高,个人收入多,但生活开支也大。所以最后也没剩多少钱。 00:16.00B:But I still say Americans spend a lot more money on useless things than we Chinese do. 00:16.50但我还是认为美国人比我们中国人爱乱花钱。 00:17.00A:Thats true. But Americans work hard for their money like we do. I dont know why our spending habits are so differen

8、t. 00:17.50那倒是。但是美国人和我们一样努力地工作。我不知道为什么两国的消费习惯这么不同。,.,7,00:18.003.Could You Explain a Little More 00:18.50你能再解释一下吗 00:19.00A:What do you think is harder, reading or writing? 00:19.50你认为读和写哪个比较难? 00:20.00B:Well,theyre completely different. Reading is passive, and writing is active. 00:20.50它们是截然不同的两码事

9、。读是被动的,写是主动的。 00:21.00A:I dont think I understand what you mean. Could you explain a little more? 00:21.50我不知道你说的是什么意思。能不能再给我稍微解释一下?,.,8,00:22.00B:In reading you need to recognize language by seeing the words on the page and knowing what they are. In writing you have to produce language, you have to

10、 create your own words on a blank page. 00:22.50阅读是认识纸上现有的语言文字,而写作是在白纸上用自己的话创造语言。 00:23.00A:Oh,now I see what you mean. When youre reading, you are just looking, but when you are writing, you are actually doing something! 00:23.50哦,我明白你的意思了。读只是浏览,而写却是创造。 00:24.00B:A reading knowledge of a language i

11、s larger and different from a writing knowledge. Dont you think so? 00:24.50一种语言的阅读知识要比写作知识来得广泛而且大不相同。你难道不同意吗? 00:25.00A:I think I see what you mean. I can read Shakespeare but I definitely cant write it. 00:25.50我想我懂你的意思了。我可以阅读莎士比亚的作品,但却写不出来。,.,9,00:26.00B:Exactly. 00:26.50对极了。 00:27.00A:So I have

12、another question for you. What do you think is harder, speaking or understanding? 00:27.50我还有一个问题。你认为听和说哪个比较难? 00:28.00B:Theyre both harder than reading or writing. 00:28.50两个都比读和写难。 00:29.00A:In what way? 00:29.50在哪一方面? 00:30.00B:Because they are direct communication with another person, and theres

13、 a time limit. This time limit is the most serious problem for foreigners, even for those who know lots of English. 00:30.50因为他们直接与他人沟通,而且还有时间上的限制。时间上的限制对外国人来说是最严重的问题,甚至对那些懂得很多英文的人也是如此。,.,10,00:31.00A:You are making me feel really discouraged. 00:31.50你弄得我好泄气。 00:32.00B:Im not trying to discourage y

14、ou. Im trying to help you. You have to live with these difficulties. Isnt it better to know about them? The more you know about what you have to face, the better youll do. I promise! 00:32.50我不是在打击你,而是想帮你。你总得面对这些困难,了解了这些困难不是更好吗?你对要面对的问题了解越多,就会做得越好,我向你保证。 00:33.004.Dont Worry about Making Mistakes 00

15、:33.50不要担心犯错误,.,11,00:34.00A:Ive always wondered, whats the difference between English for Chinese students and English for native students? 00:34.50我一直弄不明白,中国学生学英语和美国学生学英语有什么不同? 00:35.00B:I dont know. What do you think? 00:35.50不知道。你觉得呢? 00:36.00A:I think a Chinese student concentrates on written E

16、nglish, and uses it as a basis for communicating. From start to finish hes learning vocabulary and fundamentals of grammar. This is a very difficult way to learn. 00:36.50我认为中国学生注重局面语言,而且以此来交流。他们从始至终都在背单词和学语法基础。这是一种很困难的学习方法。,.,12,00:37.00B:What do natives get? 00:37.50那美国人呢? 00:38.00A:They get higher level English, which is more formal than everyday spoken English. They also deal with matters of style and creativity. 00:38.50他们注重比口语更为正规和高级的成文英语。他们也学习文体和创作。 00:39.00B:Do you mean that a native d



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