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1、茶道烹茶饮茶的艺术。是一种以茶为媒的生活礼仪,也被认为是修身养性的一种方式,它通过沏茶、赏茶、闻茶、饮茶、增进友谊,美心修德,学习礼法,是很有益的一种和美仪式。喝茶能静心、静神,有助于陶冶情操、去除杂念,这与提倡“清静、恬澹”的东方哲学思想很合拍,也符合佛道儒的“内省修行”思想。茶道精神是茶文化的核心,是茶文化的灵魂。 茶分六种:红茶、绿茶、黑茶、黄茶、青茶(乌龙茶)和白茶。 通过品茶活动来表现一定的礼节、人品、意境、美学观点和精神思想的一种饮茶艺术。它是茶艺与精神的结合,并通过茶艺表现精神。兴于中国唐代,盛于宋、明代,衰于清代。中国茶道的主要内容讲究五境之美,即茶叶、茶水、火候、茶具、环境,

2、同时配以情绪等条件,以求“味”和“心”的最高享受。被称为美学宗教,以和、敬、清、寂为基本精神的日本茶道,则是承唐宋遗风。,目录,Brief introduction of tea,Classification of tea,Function of tea,China is known as the hometown of tea in that it is the first nation discovery and make use of the tea.Accroding to records from books, our ancestors have started to plant

3、tea and make use of it for 3,000 years,Tea is a kind of small trees whose height is 1-6 meters. Tea is widely planted insouth area of the Yangtze River in China in that it fit for humid climate. Generally speaking ,people can get tea leaves from tea trees to make tea in the third years after plantin

4、g.,Chinese tea is classified into six categories: green tea, black tea, oolong tea, scented tea, white tea and compressed tea. Each category contains many varieties, each of which is sorted to several grades,The classification of tea,GREEN TEA,Green tea ,a sort of non-fermented(未发酵) tea, is of the h

5、ighest output in Chinese tea production, accounting for more than sixty percent of the total tea output .The main varieties of green tea are: Gunpowder Tea, Mee Tea(眉茶), Steamed Green Tea(蒸青绿茶), Green Tea Special (famous Chinese TEAS)(特种绿茶), etc.,BLACK TEA 红茶,Black tea, a sort of fermented tea, is o

6、ne main category of teas produced in China. The main varieties are: Black Gongfu Tea(功夫茶), Black Broken Tea(红碎茶), etc,OOLONG TEA,Oolong tea, semi-fermented(半发酵), is divided into the following varieties according to varieties of tea plants, processing methods and its quality characteristics: Suey Sia

7、n(水仙), Oolong(乌龙), Tieh-kwan-ying(铁观音), etc,WHITE TEA,White tea, slightly fermented, is classified into the following varieties according to the varieties of the plants and the degree of tenderness of leaves: Flowery Pekoe(白毫银针), Pai Mow Tan(白牡丹), Kung-mee(贡眉). Shou-mee(寿眉),SCENTED TEA 花茶,Scented Te

8、a, a sort of reprocessed tea, is a special product in China, made of crude tea with fragrant flowers in a closed cabin. It is divided into the following varieties according to different kinds of crude tea and the flower used: Scented Green Tea绿茶类花茶 (Such as Jasmine Tea茉莉花茶), Scented Black Tea红茶类花茶,

9、and Scented Oolong Tea乌龙茶类花茶.,COMPRESSED TEA,Compressed tea, also called tea bricks, is the oldest form of tea in China, made by compressing prime tea in moulds.,Chinas Famous Teas,Dragon Well(西湖龙井) Green Spiral(洞庭碧螺春) Iron Goddess(安溪铁观音) Yellow Mountain Tip(黄山毛峰) Red Robe(武夷岩茶) Silver Needle (君山银针)

10、 White Silver Needle(白毫银针),THE BENEFITS OF TEA,According to scientific measurement, tea leaves contain protein, fat, 10 vitamins, as well as green tea polyphenols(茶多酚), caffeine and nearly 500 kinds of components such as LPS(脂多糖), can regulate physiological(生理的) functions and play a wide range of he

11、alth effects., tea can be uplifting, enhance thinking and memory. tea can reduce fatigue, promote metabolism(新陈代谢), and keep the heart, blood vessels working the normally. tea of great benefit to the prevention of dental caries(龋齿). tea contains many trace elements beneficial to human health. tea ca

12、n inhibit cancer cell growth. Drinking tea can inhibit cell senescence, people live longer. Anti-aging(抗老化) effect of tea is 18 times more than vitamin E., prevent arteriosclerosis(动脉硬化), high blood pressure and cerebral thrombosis(脑血栓). tea can be excited to central nervous system, enhance athletic

13、 ability. Drinking tea has a good weight loss and cosmetic effects, especially Oolong tea is especially effective for this. tea can prevent age-related cataract.(白内障) Tea can protect body from radiation. Drinking tea while watching TV can reduce harm from the TV radiation , and to protect eyesight.,

14、Tea contains tannic acid can kill many bacteria, it can prevent enteritis(肠炎) and dysentery(痢疾). tea to maintain the normal acid-base balance(酸碱平衡) of blood. summer cooling. after drinking hot tea, skin temperature will drop 1-2 in 9 minutes, making people feel cool.,The tea technique -the Eighteen Flying Dragon Movements(龙行十八式),蒙顶山龙行十八式 第一式蛟龙出海 第二式白龙过江 第三式乌龙摆尾 第四式飞龙在天 第五式青龙戏珠 第六式惊龙回首 第七式亢龙有悔 第八式玉龙扣月 第九式祥龙献瑞 第十式潜龙腾渊 第十一式龙吟天外 第十二式战龙在野 第十三式金龙卸甲 第十四式龙兴雨施 第十五式见龙在田 第十六式龙卧高岗 第十七式吉龙进宝 第十八式龙行天下 四川蒙顶山茶艺表演1.mp4,


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