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1、Library Workshop for REL 2232 Biblical Theology: New Testament,Searching Journal Articles : Using ATLA Religion Database,February 2008,one-stop shopping for religious studies resources,Information Scenario Exercise:,Scenario #1: you want to know about Martin Luthers “Two Kingdoms Theory”,Scenario #2

2、: you want information that discusses the critique on Martin Luthers “Two Kingdoms Theory”,Information Scenario Exercise:,Scenario #1: you want to know about Martin Luthers “Two Kingdoms Theory”,Scenario #2: you want information that discusses the critique on Martin Luthers “Two Kingdoms Theory”,Sea

3、rching Tool: Lib. Catalogue,Searching Tool: Databases,Keyword Search Skills,Truncation Useful to find words in variant forms Search all words that start with the same characters Represent multiple characters Placement of truncation symbol is significant,Phrase search To search multiple keywords as a

4、n exact phrase E.g. holy war, original sin With limitations e.g. “the betrayal of god” CANNOT find titles with “Jesus Christ Betrayal”, “betrayal of Jesus”, “Betraying Jesus”, etc.,Wildcard Useful to find words in different spelling, singular/plural form Represent zero or a single character,Combinin

5、g the use of AND, OR, AND NOT Useful to narrow down, expand your search To exclude unwanted concepts Use brackets to set search priority,Relig* VS Reli*,Behavio?r Wom?n,crucif* AND (God OR Jesus) AND NOT (cross),Search Techniques A Summary,Search Techniques Field Search,Keyword Search VS Subject Hea

6、dings:,Search Techniques A Summary,Subject Headings: Bible. N.T. Jude Commentaries (20 records) Bible. N.T. Jude Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible. N.T. Jude Criticism, Textual Bible. N.T. Jude Language, style,Keyword Search: Epistle of Jude (4 records),Keyword search: Paul AND Apostle What are

7、the subject headings found in the records?,2,Field Search To search the keyword in a particular field Example: s=subject, t=title, a=author,E.g. Subject: Bible N.T. - E.g. Subject: 聖經 新約-,Bible N.T. or Bible O.T.,Biographies,E.g. (s:bible) AND s:biography E.g. Subject: 聖經 人物 研究,Commentaries,E.g. bib

8、le AND s: commentaries E.g. new testament AND s:commentaries AND s:john,Quotations,E.g. s:(speeches or quotations or 格言 or 語錄 or 演講集) AND s: (bible),Chronology/ 年表,E.g. bible AND s:critic* E.g. new testament AND s:critic* AND s:john,Criticism, Interpretation,E.g. (bible OR 基督教) and s:(chronology OR

9、年表),E.g. (bible OR theology OR evangelis*) AND s:dictionar* E.g. Subject: Bible Dictionaries; 聖經 辭典,Dictionaries,Applications,Research on: the theological issues generated in the exegesis of the “Sermon on the Mount”,Identify the main concepts,List possible Search terms,Combine your search terms app

10、ropriately,Formulate a Search Strategy,Theological issues,exegesis,Moral or ethic*,Sermon on the mount AND (exegesis or interpret* or critic*) AND (Matthew) Sermon on the mount AND (exegesis or interpret* or critic*) AND (moral or ethic*),Sermon on the mount AND (exegesis orinterpret* or critic*),1.

11、 Identify the main concepts,2. List possible Search terms,3. Combine your search terms appropriately,Formulate a Search Strategy,Sermon on the mount,Interpret* Critic*,Sermon on the mount,Research on: the theological issues generated in the exegesis of the “Sermon on the Mount”,Any specific?,In a pa

12、rticular gospel?,Research on: Christ and culture in Y-Generation,Christ,culture,Identify the main concepts,List possible Search terms,Combine your search terms appropriately,Formulate a Search Strategy,Y-generation,Research on: Christ and culture in Y-Generation,Christ,culture,Jesus Religion Religio

13、us Church Christianity,(Jesus OR religi* OR Christianity) and cultur* (youth or teen* or adolescen*),Christ and cultur* (y-generation or youth),Identify the main concepts,List possible Search terms,Combine your search terms appropriately,Formulate a Search Strategy,Y-generation,cultural,Generation-Y

14、 Youth Teenager Adolescence,Religion with=W#, in exact order),Electronic Resources: Databases,Major Electronic Resources in REL & Phil.,Other Electronic Resources,E-Journals Project Muse JSTOR,E-Reference Tools Oxford Reference Online Encyclopedia Britannica Online,Library Digital Projects HKBU Hono

15、urs Project Db. Christianity in Contemporary China Clippings Db. China through the Eyes of CIM Missionaries,Research Support,How to Create your Bibliography?,: Campus-wide Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool Functions: Import references directly from major databases available through the Library

16、 homepage and the Library Catalogue or from text files, or enter references manually. Create personal folders and organize references into folders for different topics Format in-text citations Create bibliographies in a variety of citation styles including APA, MLA, and Chicago. Access your references from any location via the Web,Register for a FREEaccount from ITSC!,Unit 2.2: Citing Information Resources Library Tutorials,Apply fo



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