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1、英语句子的成分共九类,其中最主要的句子成分包括:主、谓、宾、表、定、状、补语和同位语。 1. 主语 (Subject) 是句子的核心,是人或事。 a) 位置:通常位于句子的开头或位于谓语动词前,表明动作的主体。 b) 可以作主语的成分包括:名词、代词、数词、主语从句(what/that/ how/ whether 从句等)、现在分词(-ing) 和动词不定式(to do)、the + adj.结构。 c) Study the following examples and underline the subject in each sentence. Eg1. An earthquake has

2、 claimed hundreds of lives. Eg2. Whether the football game will be played depends on the weather. Eg3. The ignorant can be fearless. 2. 谓语 (Predicate) 用来描述主语的动作、状态或特征。 a) 位置:通常紧接着主语。 b) 可以作谓语的成分包括:动词、情态动词+ 动词。 c) Study the following examples and underline the predicate in each sentence. Eg1. Life is

3、 full of ups and downs. Eg2. You cannot control your life, but you can control your attitude towards life. Eg3: In this day and age, an increasing number of people agree that gambling (赌博) is an unwholesome hobby. 3. 宾语 (Object) 用来表示动作或行为的对象。 a) 位置:位于及物动词或介词后面。 b) 可以作宾语的成分包括:名词、代词、数词、复合结构(双宾语等) 、从句(

4、what/that/ how/ whether 从句等)、现在分词、动词不定式。 c) Study the following examples and underline the object in each sentence. Eg1. Junk food impairs peoples health. Eg2. Change what you can bear, while bear what you cannot change. Eg3. Studies reveal that there is a definite link between obesity (肥胖症) and ser

5、ious diseases such as heart attacks. 4. 表语 (Predicative) a) 位置:位于 be 动词或系动词 (如:look, seem, 详见讲义P8) b) 可以作表语的成分包括:名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式或从句(what/that/ how/ whether 从句等 )。 c) Study the following examples and underline the predicative in each sentence. Eg1. Life is a stage. Eg2. I feel un

6、der the weather today. Eg3. What we should do is to teach children how to distinguish good from bad (right from wrong). 5. 定语 (Attribute) 用来修饰名词或名词性词组。 a) 位置:通常位于名词或名词性词组之前,有时也可放在之后(I want something to eat)。 b) 可以作定语的成分包括:形容词( 最常用)、代词、数词、名词、名词所有格、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式和定语从句。 c) Study the following exa

7、mples and underline the attribute in each sentence. Eg1. A warm smile is the universal language. Eg2. In recent years, the Internet has been gaining in popularity at an amazing rate/ at lightning speed. Eg3. Those who have spent some time earning a living or traveling to other places, have a broader

8、 view of life. 6. 状语 (Adverbial) 用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。 a) 位置:通常位于动词、形容词、副词或句子的前后。 b) 可以作状语的成分包括:副词( 最常用)、介词短语、名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词、状语从句和状语从句省略结构。 c) Study the following examples and underline the adverbial in each sentence. Eg1. Outdoor activities can greatly improve our health. Eg2. Compared with the c

9、orresponding period last year, imports in the first three months have increased by 10 per cent Eg3. When I was young, I was a troublemaker. 7. 补语 (Complement) 对于主语或宾语进行补充说明。 a) 分为主语补足语(补充说明主语的性质或状态 )和宾语补足语(补充说明宾语的性质或状态)。b) 在雅思写作中,主要的宾补结构主要是双宾语结构。 c) Study the following examples and underline the com

10、plement in each sentence. Eg1. I regard you as my best friend. Eg2. The graduates find the job market frustrating because of the economic recession. Eg3. The advent of information age makes technical knowledge more crucial than ever. 8. 同位语 (Appositive) 表明句子中的一个成分与另一成分表达同一概念,即 AB。 a) 可以作同位语的成分包括:名词、

11、代词、数词、形容词、介词短语、从句、动词不定式和现在分词。 b) Study the following examples and underline the appositive in each sentence. Eg1. We should ask Jim, the monitor, to be punctual. Eg2. Job satisfaction, a very important part of an employees sense of well-being (幸福,安宁), can be promoted in most jobs. Eg3. All countries

12、, big or small, should be treated equal. 回答:2012-09-30 22:12提问者对答案的评价:全脑开发巨人,提高记忆力超级记忆,思维导图,快速阅读,潜能开发,记忆大师揭秘,大脑先生力荐,牛 品牌提升的最佳选择品牌提升的最佳选择 爱上绝酷个性签名爱上绝酷个性签名欢迎登录知识人登会员名:注 册 邮 箱 /会 员密码:记住我的登录状态会员注册 忘记密码新浪会员请直接登录管理员推荐更多 英语诗歌翻译 遇到了误人子弟的老师,怎么办? 共享资料积分怎么获得? 左宗棠有什么事迹 四六级成绩单丢了,怎么补办? 热点推荐更多曹操可能见过孙权. 榴莲怎么样吃法是. 口气重用什么牙膏比较好? 什么食物是“维 C 之王”? 豆腐怎么炒不会容易烂? 为什么隐形眼镜有使用期限? 分手后还有机会吗? 隆鼻不用假体? 我被哈佛大学录取啦! 清华北大高级总裁研修班 30 分钟坐在家里提高成绩 新知点与课外辅导的区别


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