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1、鄱阳湖纪伟涛摄,中国湿地保护投资机制 Investing and Financing System of Wetland Conservation in China,温亚利 Yali Wen 北京林业大学经济管理学院 College of Economic Management, BFU 教授 Professor 副院长 Vice Dean,主 要 内 容,Contents 一、中国湿地保护投入机制的现状 The situation of wetland conservation investment system in China 二、中国湿地保护投融资机制的发展方向 The develop

2、ing trend of wetland conservation investment system,The situation of wetland conservation investment system in China 1、中国湿地保护的背景 The background of wetland conservation in China 国家和社会越来越重视湿地生态保护 More attention being paid by the government and society on the wetland conservation 公共财政投入不足 Shortage of p

3、ublic finance 社会经济环境压力越来越大 Facing increasing pressure from economic development and population 保护与利用的冲突较大 The conflicts between conservation and utilization are still serious 政策及法律体系不完善 The legal and policy systems are to be improved。,一、中国湿地保护投入机制的现状,一、中国湿地保护投入机制的现状,The situation of wetland conserva

4、tion investment system in China 2、中国湿地保护投入的总体政策 General wetland conservation investment policy 政府投入为主,鼓励社会参与湿地保护,积极参与和利用国际湿地保护项目及相关投资机制,以湿地保护区和湿地生态保护工程为投入重点,不断提高湿地保护的投入水平。 The governmental investment is the main approach. While the public and local communities are encouraged to participate in wetlan

5、d conservation. Also by improving cooperation with other NGOs with more project investment,the construction of wetland nature reserve and the implementation of wetland ecological engineering become the core of wetland conservation,to increase amount of investment,step by step.,一、中国湿地保护投入机制的现状,The si

6、tuation of wetland conservation investment system in China 3、中国湿地保护投入渠道 Investing Channels,湿地保护 wetland conservation (W C),湿地保护专项资金 W C special budget,相关生态工程建设资金 Relevant ecological project construction budget,湿地保护区建设资金 W NR construction budget,湿地生态工程建设资金 W C eco-engineering construction budget,国际湿地

7、保护项目 International wetland conservation project,社会资金投入 Social investment,中央和地方政府投入 Central and local governments investment,社会捐赠资金 Social donation,商业性融资 Commercial financing,国外政府 Foreign government,国际组织 International NGO,一、中国湿地保护投入机制的现状,3、中国湿地保护投入渠道 Investing Channels Six examples,The situation of w

8、etland conservation investment system in China,例1、湿地保护专项资金 Exp. 1 Special Wetland conservation Budget “三江三湖”污染治理项目资金投入表investment for water pollution control,资料来源:”三江三湖“治理十五规划,例2、湿地保护工程资金投入 Exp 2 wetland conservation project budget,湿地生态工程资金投入表 Table 2 Budget invested on wetland conservation projects

9、,资料来源:根据相关工程资料,资料来源:全国林业系统自然保护区建设工程总体规划,数据为2000年之前的合计情况,例3、湿地保护区和湿地生态示范区建设资金投入 Exp3 Investment on wetland nature reserve and wetland ecological demonstrate areas,国家湿地保护区基本建设投入表 Investment in national wetland nature reserve for infrastructure,例4、湿地保护相关生态工程资金投入 Exp. 4, Investment in relevant ecologica

10、l projects,我国生态环境建设国家基本投资建设表 单位:亿元 Investment in national ecological projects for primary construction (billion yuan),资料来源:中国国民经济发展白皮书(2000-2003),例5、湿地保护社会捐赠资金投入 Exp. 5 Social donation for wetland conservation,1999-2001年全国保护母亲河行动直接收到的筹资4500多万元,其中海外筹资1250多万元。 From 1999 to 2001,a public activity named

11、 as protecting the Yellow River gathered more than 45 million yuan, including foreign donation 12.5 mln R.M.B. yuan. 在湿地保护和恢复中,当地社区投工投劳是较普遍的社会参与湿地保护活动. The common way of local community participating in wetland conservation is that farmers input their labor without payments from projects and activit

12、ies.,例6、湿地保护国际项目资金投入 Exp. 6 Investment in wetland conservation from International Project,一些国际组织湿地保护项目投入表 Some international organizations investment in wetland conservation in China,注1:为中国长江等三大河流的项目资金总数。 注2:数据由相关资料统计合成,一、中国湿地保护投入机制的现状,4、中国湿地保护投入的成效 Achievements and results of wetland conservation i

13、n China 政府投入产生了显著的引导作用 Governmental investment plays a notable demonstrating role 重点湿地得到有效保护 key wetlands effectively protected.,The situation of wetland conservation investment system in China,4、中国湿地保护投入的成效 Achievements and results of wetland conservation in China 湿地生态破坏得到了有效控制 The destruction on w

14、etland ecology is under control. 湿地保护区快速发展 Wetland nature reserves have been developed rapidly. 初步建立起湿地保护投入体系 The elementary wetland conservation investment system has been set up.,1999-2003湿地保护区数量和面积变化情况 The change of number and area of wetland nature reserves from 1999 to 2003 in China,一、中国湿地保护投入机

15、制的现状,5、中国湿地保护投入机制的特点 Characteristics of wetland conservation investment system in China 投入总量不断增加 Gross investment keeps increasing. 政府投入为主 Governmental investment is the major approach. 投入的重点是保护区和湿地保护生态工程 Major of investment spent on nature reserve and ecological conservation projects.,The situation

16、 of wetland conservation investment system in China,5、中国湿地保护投入机制的特点 Characteristics of wetland conservation investment system in China 多部门投入增加了投入资金的来源 Inputs from multiple departments and agencies enlarge investment sources. 与湿地保护相关的生态投入巨大 The investment in ecological conservation relevant with wetland conservation is huge. 国际湿地保护项目成为有效的保护资金来源 International wetland conservation project becomes an effective way of investing wetland



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