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1、英译汉补充,正反译,表达习惯不同,从正面或反面来表达同一概念。 Had you ever seen the man before then? No, I hadnt. He was a total stranger.” 你以前见过这个人吗? 没有。 我根本不认识他。(正面:完全是个陌生人) Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not alone in the garage. 他突然听见背后有声响,便立刻意识到车库里还有别人。(正面:他不是一个人),I do think that it is beyond his p

2、ower to fulfill the task. 我的确认为要完成这项任务是他力所不及的 Do you know why she is always trying to avoid you? 你知道他为什么老是不想见到你?,被动式翻译,At Eton the boys stand in a cluster and lift their hats when their names are called. 在伊顿,学生们站在一起,当他们的名字被叫到的时候,就举起帽子。 在伊顿,学生们站在一起,叫到名字就举起帽子。,长句拆译-主句先后行,Vice-President George Bush is

3、looking to President Ronald Reagan, a star attraction at todays opening of Republican national convention, to give some sparkle to his presidential campaign. 布什副总统盼望里根总统,一位今天开幕的共和党全国代表大会上最引人注目的人物,为其总统竞选活动注进活力。(?) 布什副总统盼望里根总统为其总统竞选活动注进活力。里根是今天开幕的共和党全国代表大会上最引人注目的人物。 里根是今天开幕的共和党全国代表大会上最引人注目的人物,布什副总统盼望他

4、为自己的总统竞选活动注进活力。,长句拆译-主句先后行,Airlines around the world, spurred by growing passenger volume and the need to replace hundreds of aging 1960s-era jets, have embarked on an unprecedented shopping spree. 世界各个航空公司掀起了一股空前的购机热潮。购机是迫于乘客流量不断增加,又加上各航空公司有必要对已日显陈旧的20世纪60年代喷气客机进行更换。 迫于乘客流量不断增加,又加上各航空公司有必要对已日显陈旧的20

5、世纪60年代喷气客机进行更换。世界各个航空公司掀起了一股空前的购机热潮。,长句拆译-词转句,With electricity erratic or even nonexistent, much of the city at night sinks intermittently into a darkness broken by cooking fires. 由于电力供应不正常,有的地方甚至根本没有电,这个城市的大部分地区夜里间歇性地陷入漆黑一片,唯有几点炊火偶尔闪现。,In a chapter written for the newly released paperback of his bo

6、ok on Diana, Andrew Morton states that the couple made a friendly agreement between themselves to separate. That pact did not survive stormy sessions with Charless parents. 安德鲁 莫顿写的一本关于戴安娜王妃的书,最近发行了平装本。书中有一章叙述了查尔斯与戴安娜两人协议分居的事。他们曾与查尔斯的父母有过几次激烈的争论,但最终这个分居协议未被首肯。,长句拆译-断句,A landmark decision yesterday b

7、y an industrial tribunal on pension equality could leave the UK pension industry facing extra costs of 13bn a year.,长句拆译-断句,A landmark decision yesterday by an industrial tribunal on pension equality could leave the UK pension industry facing extra costs of 13bn a year. 昨天一行业纠纷审理委员会,就退休金平等问题做出一项史无前例

8、的裁决。此举可能使英国的养老金管理事业每年要多支出130亿英镑。,长句拆译-结构重组,Food manufactures are flooding the UK market with new products in response to rising demand from a population hungry for “something different”. (There is )a population hungry for “something different”. The demand is rising. In response to this demand, Food

9、manufactures are flooding the UK market with new products .,长句拆译-结构重组,Food manufactures are flooding the UK market with new products in response to rising demand from a population hungry for “something different”. 英国人极想”尝新“,要求与日剧增。针对这种情况,食品生产厂商正一个劲儿向英国市场大量投放各种新产品。,长句拆译-结构重组,Hardly a day passes witho

10、ut him getting scratched or bruise as he scrambles for a place on a bus.,长句拆译-结构重组,Hardly a day passes without him getting scratched or bruise as he scrambles for a place on a bus. 他挤公交车,身上不是这里擦破,就是那里碰伤,几乎天天如此。,长句拆译-结构重组,Productions capacity is grossly underused with many idle workers and machines obvious to any visitor to the state factory.,长句拆译-结构重组,Productions capacity is grossly underused with many idle workers and machines obvious to any visitor to the state factory. 生产能力根本没有充分利用。到这家国营工厂参观,进入眼帘的机器设备闲置,许多工人无所事事。,



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