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1、山东省肥城市湖屯镇八年级英语Unit6I m more outgoing than my sister 学案(无答案)人 教新目标版 1 / 6 Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister . Section A as,be good at 三、教学重难点: 1. 表示个人特征的词汇; 2. 形容词和副词的比较级。 四、学习过程: (一)预习导学:预习并完成下列各题 1) 友好的; 外向的 _ 2)孪生的、 双胞胎 ( 之一 )_(复数形式) _ 3)镇静的 _ (反义词)_ 4)严肃的 _ 5)活跃的、强健的_ 6)注释 _ 7)表 达的意思_8) 某个方面

2、_ 9)两个(都) ;两者(都) _ 10)她的(所有物) _11) 物理 _ 12)然而 _ 13)超出 _ 14)共有(的)_ 15) 擅长 _ (二)自主学习:Finish 1a,1b (三)合作探究: 1. 形容词和副词的比较级的变化规则和用法。 山东省肥城市湖屯镇八年级英语Unit6I m more outgoing than my sister 学案(无答案)人 教新目标版 2 / 6 形容词比较级的变化规则 (1)规则变化 : 一般地直接在词尾加一er( 以 e 结尾的,只加一r) 。 talltaller quietquieter 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词,变y 为 i ,

3、再加一er 。 funny funnier heavy-heavier 以“一个元音字母+一个辅音字母”结尾的重读闭音节单词,需双写词尾的辅音字母,再 加一 er 。thin thinner bigbigger 多音节和部分双音节形容词的比较级由more 加形容词原形构成。 athletic more athletic beautiful more beautiful (2)不规则变化 :有些形容词的比较级的变化是不规则。 goodbetter well-better bad worse many more little less much more far fartherfurther 形容

4、词比较级的用法 (1)表 示二者比较时,常用连词than 连接。 (2)形容词的比较级可以由much,a little,even,far等表示程度的词语修饰。 特殊用法 表示“两个中比较”,用“ the+ 比较级 +of the two” 。 表示“大几岁” 、 “长几米”之类的比较时,用“数量+比较级 +than ” 。 2. 写出下列单词的比较级: 1)funny_2)thin_3)tall_4)quiet_5)interesting_6)smart_ _7)serious_8)athletic_ 3. Practice the conversations like 1c. 4.Finis

5、h 2a,2b. Reading (四)拓展创新 Re ading and writing 1. Read 3a and answer the six questions. 2. Recite 3a. 3. Write an article about things that are the same and different between you anda member of your family or a friend. (五)梳理归纳 1. 表示人物特征的词你掌握了多少? _ 2. 形容词和副词比较级的构成: _ _ _ 3. 你能写出多少关于比较级的句子? _ _ (六) 达标检

6、测 : 一、根据汉语完成句子 1. He is an _ (外向的 )boy 2 .Don t be so _(轻率的 ) 3.My father is a very _ (沉着的 )man 山东省肥城市湖屯镇八年级英语Unit6I m more outgoing than my sister 学案(无答案)人 教新目标版 3 / 6 4.Lucy and Lily are _ (双胞胎 ) 二、用所给单词适当形式填空 1MrSmith is much _ (old)than his wife. 2This book is _ (good)than that one 3Which is _ (

7、big),the sun or the moon? 4She is_ (healthy) than her brother 5I think its much _ (nice)to stay at home than to go out on a hot day. 6. This little boy is _ (outgoing)than that one. 7My teacher is as_ (serious)as my mother. 8His story is funnier than_ (she) 9. He has _(many)books than I. 10 Are you

8、good at_ (read)English? 三、按要求完成句子变化 1.Sam speaks Chinese well. Tom speaks Chinese better.(合并为一个句子) Tom speaks Chinese than Sam . 2.Tom is short Jim is shorter(合并为一句 ) Tom is _ _ JimJim is _ _ Tom. 3. I am a little heavier than her( 改为同义句 ) She is a little _ than me. 4. I am calmer than her ( 改为同义句 )

9、 She _ _ than me. 四、单项填空 1. Helen _ than Kate. Ais calmer Bis calm Ccalm D are calmer 2. Now telephones are very popular and they are much _than before Acheap B cheaper C cheapest Dthe cheapest 3. Which subject do you like _, English or Chinese? Awell B better Cthe best Dgood 4. Lets go by planeIt s

10、 _ than by train Afaster Bfastest Cslower D slowest 5. Isabella and Maria _ girls A are all B are both Call are Dis both 6. _ we can see, our country is more and more beautiful and strongerA As BLike CIf DSince 五、典型例题解析 1. I prefer skiing to climbing because I think climbing is _skiing. A. not as ex

11、citing as B. not more exciting as C. not most exciting as D. more exciting than 解析:本体考查形容词原级和比较级的用法。由前半句“我更喜欢滑雪”可知,“爬山不如 滑雪有趣”。 A. not as exciting as表示“不如有趣“。符合题意;B.C 两项不合 语法规则, D不合题意。故选A. 2. Our family has bought a car so we can travel _than before. A. most easily B. less easily C. easily D. more e

12、asily 解析 : 由 than 可知空格处应用比较级,故排除A.C 两项。句意为:我们家买了辆小轿车,所 山东省肥城市湖屯镇八年级英语Unit6I m more outgoing than my sister 学案(无答案)人 教新目标版 4 / 6 以我们旅游比以前更方便了。故选D. 3._ you study, _grades you will get. A. The hard, the good B.The harder, the better C. Harder , better D. The hard, the well 解析:本题考查the+ 比较级, the+ 比较级越越句意

13、为:你越努力学习,成绩就 会越好。 六、中考链接 1.The population in China is _(large) than that in India. 2. Bob takes exercise every day and makes him _than before. A. stronger B. healthiest C. athletic 3._school is much bigger than_. A. Our; their B. Ours ; theirs C. Theirs; our D. Their; ours Unit6 I m more outgoing th

14、an my sister . Section B 一、教师寄语:Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。 二、学习目标: Knowledge aims: New words and phrases: schoolwork,laugh, interest, though, necessary, beat,care,friendship, information, be different form,make sb do, be good at, be good with Ability aims: 1)谈论自己所喜欢朋友的特征; 2)能从文字表达中获取有关人物特征的信息。 Emotion aim:通过对别人不同点的肯定和包容,让学生树立尊重他人尊重自己优良品质。 三、教学重难点:加深巩固比较级的用法。 四、学习过程: (一)预习导学:预习单词,完成下列各


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