人教新目标七年级英语上册Unit 9 Section A 2d-3c 学案.doc

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1、Unit9 My favorite subject is science Section A 2d-3c 【教师寄语】:It is difficulties that show what men are. 困境方能见人品。【学习目标】 知识能力目标:1. 识记并能熟练运用新词汇、短语; 2. 巩固就所喜欢的科目这一话题进行问答交流; 3. 熟练掌握用what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句提问题并能正确回答。【导学过程2d】温故互查:根据首字母提示补全单词。1. Green and red are my f_ colors.2. W_ are you late for school?3.

2、I dont like math b_its very difficult. 4. I think geography is interesting, but art is b_.5. This question is easy but that one is d_.自主探究一、小组内预习本课时新单词。二、略读2d,回答下列问题:1. Whats Bobs favorite subject?_2. Is Franks favorite subject history? Why? _3. Whats Franks favorite day? _三、细读2d, 找出下列短语及句子并在书上做标记:1

3、.上体育和历史课_ 2.我最喜欢的学科 3. 体育老师 _ 4. 和我们玩游戏 5.你最喜欢的一天 6. 第二天 7.今天过得如何? ? 8. 那太好了! _!来源:学科网9.的确如此。 . 四、大声朗读2d 三分钟,合上课本,补全对话。来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_KFrank: Hi, Bob. Hows your day? Bob: Its OK. I like _because I have P.E. and _. Theyre my favorite subject.Frank: Whos your P.E. Teacher? Bob: Mr. Hu. He always _ game

4、s with me.Frank: Thats great! But why do you like history? Its _. Bob: Oh, I think history is _. Whats your _ day ?Frank: _. Bob: Why? Frank: Because the next day is _! Bob: Haha! Thats for sure. I like Friday, too.【导学过程Grammar Focus-3c】自主探究阅读教材Grammar Focus-3c,大声朗读Grammar Focus并完成教材3a-3c问题。找出下列短语及句

5、子并在书上做标记:music teacher _ geography class _On Monday and Friday _ science teacher _来源:学&科&网Chinese class _ Mr. Chen _【精讲点拨】疑问词和特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头,提出疑问的句子。构成:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 注意:若疑问词作主语,特殊疑问句的语序则用陈述句语序!不同的疑问词用来提问不同的对象。特殊疑问句一般不用yes或no来回答,而要根据具 体情况来作答。我们学过的重点疑问词有:疑问代词:1.对事物进行提问用“What”,表示“什么”。 2.对人进行提问用“W

6、ho”,表示“谁”。疑问副词:1.对地点进行提问用“Where”,表示“在哪里”。 2.对时间进行提问用“When”,表示“什么时候”。 3.对某人或某事的情况进行提问用“How”,表示“怎么样”。 4.对年龄进行提问用“How old”,表示“多大”。 5.对价格进行提问用“How much”,表示“多少钱”。 6.对数量多少进行提问用“How many”, 表示“多少”。 7.对原因进行提问用“Why”,表示“为什么”。填入恰当的特殊疑问词(组),完成对话。1. _ is the boys name? His names Eric. 2. _ is your new baseball ba

7、t? Its fifteen dollars.3. _ do you like purple? Because it makes (使) me relaxing. 4. _ plays soccer ball every afternoon? Wu dong does. 5. _ is the school trip? Its on October 22nd. 6. _ is my ping-pong bat? Its under your bed. 7. _ is your art teacher? Maybe (或许) shes forty years old. 8. _ do you s

8、pell your English name? F-R-A-N-K.【中考链接】( ) 1. _ does Linda like dogs? (2012. 内蒙) Because she thinks they are cute (可爱的). A. When B. What C. Why D. Who( ) 2. When do you have P.E, Jenny? (2012. 杭州) _ Friday afternoon. A. At B. In C. On D. For 【达标测评】一、单项选择( ) 1. Ken and Lindas favorite subject _ P.E.

9、 A. are B. is C. am D. be( ) 2. Saturday is the _ day of a week. A. six B. seven C. sixth D. seventh ( ) 3. He likes science_its very interesting. A. and B. so C. because D. or( ) 4. Our teacher always plays games _ us. A. at B. for C. with D. in( ) 5. I like biology and history. Why do you like_? A

10、. they B. it C. their D. them( ) 6. What subject do you like best? My favorite subjects _ art and music. A. is B. are C. be D. am( ) 7. Whats your aunts favorite _? Green. A. color B. teacher C. Subject D. fruit( ) 8. This is _ Miller. He is our English teacher. A. Mr. B. Miss. C. Ms. D. Mrs.二、句型转换。1. Her favorite subject is history. (就划线部分提问)_2. I have math on Monday. (就划线部分提问)来源:学|科|网_3. Tom likes history very much. (变成一般疑问句) _4. Tom likes math best. (同义句) 5. Why doesnt Bill like geography? (用difficult进行回答)来源:学科网


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