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1、定语从句和易混句型及典型题目一定语从句与并列句(注意用标点符号和连接词and, but等来区别。)1.Mr Li has three daughters, none of_ is an engineer. 2.Mr Li has three daughters, but none of_ is a dancer. 3.Mr Li has three daughters; _ are doctors. 答案:1.whom 2. them 3. None/They 二. 定语从句与地点状语从句(看是否有先行词,如果有,就是定语从句,如果没有,就是状语从句)1.Rice doesnt grow we

2、ll _ there is not enough water. 2.I still remember the farm_ my parents worked ten years ago. 答案:1.where 2. where/on which 对比下面两个句子:He left the key where he had been an hour ago. He left the place where he lived for many years. 练习:The visitor asked the guide to take his picture _ stands the famous t

3、ower. A. that B. where C. which D. there 答案: B. 三. 定语从句与强调句强调句型可以还原成正常语序的句子,也就是说,强调句型中去掉It bethat后,句子仍然通顺,意义也依然完整,只是没有那么强调突出。而定语从句去掉了It bethat后句子就不完整了。1. It is on the morning of May 1st _ I met John at the airport. It is the morning of May 1st _ I met John at the airport. 2. It is in the factory _Jo

4、hn works. It is the factory _John works. 练习:3.It was 5 oclock in the morning_he arrived home. 答案:1. that ,when 2.that, where 3. where 四. 定语从句与结果状语从句在定语从句中,若先行词被such 修饰时,关系词要用as, 组成suchas结构.这个结构与状语从句suchthat(如此以致)很相似,要注意区别。若从句中的及物动词后无宾语,就是定语从句, 用suchas.否则就是状语从句,用suchthat. 1.I have the same computer _

5、you have. ( as) 2. She is such a kind girl _all of us like to make friends with her. (that) 对比下面两个句子:He is such a good teacher as we all love and respect. He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him. 练习:It is such a good place _everybody wants to visit _it is well-known all over the w

6、orld. ( C) A. which; that B. as as C. as that D. that; as 五. 定语从句与习惯句型. 注意固定句型:It is the first/second/third time that+ 从句(从句用现在完成时)1.It is the first time _she has been in Shanghai. 2.It was the time _Chinese people had a hard life. 答案: 1.that 2.when 六. 定语从句与单句(注意标点符号。两个单句间用句号,而定语从句两个句子间用逗号。)1.The mo

7、ther told the lazy boy to work, _didnt help2.The mother told the lazy boy to work. _didnt help.练习:3.There are 56 students in our class, most of _are girls. A. which B. whom C. them D. that 答案: 1. which 2. It 3. B 七. 定语从句与名词从句1。定语从句与同位语从句的区别。首先看引导从句的关系词that是否在从句中充当句子成分。如果在从句中充当主、宾、表,则是定语从句。再看that前的名词

8、是否是一些需要有内容的名词,如:idea, fact, thought, news等。后面的从句是说明其内容的,(这个名词在后面的从句中部充当任何成分),这个从句则是同位语从句2。强调句型与主语从句的区别:强调句型可以还原成正常语序的句子,也就是说,强调句型中去掉It bethat后,句子仍然通顺,意义也依然完整,只是没有那么强调突出。而含主语从句的复合句中的it是指示代词,后面多为系表结构或被动语态。如果去掉It bethat,句子就不通顺了。1.The news _came from the front was true. 2.The news _he won the game was t

9、rue. 3.She was not _she used to be. 4.The city is no longer a place _ it used to be. 5._ is known to us all, paper was first made in China. 6._ is known to us all that paper was first made in China. 7. She was not the woman _she used to be. The city is no longer _it used to be. 答案: 1. that/which 2.

10、that 3. what 4.that 5. As 6. It 7. that,what 典型练习50题:1. I, _your good friend, will try my best to help you out. A.who is B.who am C.that is D.which am 2. The old man has two sons, _are lawyers. A.both of them B.both of who C.both of whom D.both of they 3. He is a man of great knowledge, _much can be

11、 learned. A.in whom B.about whom C.from whom D.of whom 4. I can tell you _he told me last week. A.all which B.all what C.that all D.all that 5. Is oxygen the only gas _helps fire burn? A.that B./ C.which D.what 6. Air, _we breathe every day, is around us all the time. A.that B./ C.which D.it 7. This

12、 is the museum _we saw an exhibition the other day. A.that B.which C.where D.in that 8. This museum is _you visited the other day. A.that B.which C.where D.the one 9. This is the museum _you saw the other day. A.that B.where C.in which D.in that 10. It is the third time _late this month. A.that you

13、arrived B.when you arrived C.that youve arrived D.when youve arrived11. It was in 1969_the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon. A.that B.which C.in which D.when 12.We often think of the days _we spent together on the island. A.when B.which C.in which D.during which 13. Have you ever

14、been to Shanghai, _I left ten years ago? A.where B.which C.that D.when 14. He has left Beijing, _a meeting is to be held. A.when B.where C.as D.which 15. This is the very place _Im wishing to live in.A.where B.which C.that D.in which 16.I have bought the same dress _she is wearing. A.as B.that C.whi

15、ch Dthan 17.Can you solve such problems _raised by the audience? A.what were B.as were C.that were D.which were 18.The reason _he didnt come was_he was injured. A.that,because B.why,that C.why, because D.that, that 19.He must be from Africa, _can be seen from his skin. A.that B.as C.it D.what 20.His father died last year, _made it impossible for him to go abroad. A.when B.which C.as D.that 21._is natural,he married Mary. A.It B.What C.Which D.As 22.The buses, _were already



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