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1、纺织品外贸英语入门教程 1本教材针对无外贸经验人士,同时有点英语基础。第一节 在展会上红是部分文字为介绍内容。1展会: FairI am in the fair now. 我正在展会上。2展位: boothWe will have a booth in the Canton Fair. 我们将在广交会有个展位3展位号: booth numberThis is our companys booth number in Canton Fair. 这是我们公司在广交会的展位号4简介:introductionThis is our companys introduction, please check

2、. 这是我们公司的介绍,请查看。5染色: dyeing6印花: printing7印染厂: dyeing and printing factory.8工厂: FactoryWe are a dying and printing factory.我们是一家印染工厂。9名片: name cardThis is my name card, may I have yours? 这是我的名片,可以给我你的吗?纺织品外贸英语入门教程 210样品: sample11挂钩:hangerCan I cut some samples from this hanger? 我能在这个挂钩上剪一点样品吗?12样品册:

3、catalogueMay I have your catalogue about your production? 我能有你们产品的样品册吗?13面料: fabric14专门从事:specialize inWe are a factory specializes in fabric. 我们专注于面料生产。15电话:telephone16传真:faxThis is my telephone and fax number. 这是我的电话和手机号码。17电子邮件: email18电子邮件地址: email addressThis is my email address, please send me

4、 email. 这是我的电子邮件地址,请发我电子邮件吧。19照片: pictureCan I take a picture on this sample? 我能拍这个样品的照片吗?20网站:websiteDo you have a website? 你们有网站吗?21价格:price纺织品外贸英语入门教程 3Whats the price of this sample? 这个样品多少钱?22贵的:expensiveYour price is too expensive. 你们的价格太高了。23便宜的: cheapPlease give me cheap price. 请给我便宜的价格。24强项

5、:Strong pointThis item is our strong point. : 这个产品是我们的强项。25主要品种: main itemIt is our main item: 这个是我们的主要产品。26市场: marketWhats your main market? 你们的主要市场是什么?27买家: buyerOur buyers are all over the world. 我们的买家遍布全球。28贸易公司: trading companyWe are not a trading company. 我们不是贸易公司。29织机: Loom30喷水织机:Jet Loom 31有

6、梭织机: Shuttle Loom 32片梭织机:Gripper Loom 33剑杆织机:Rapier LoomWhat kind of looms do you have? 你们有怎么样的织机。34生产能力:capacity纺织品外贸英语入门教程 435最大的:maximum36日产量/生产能力:Daily CapacityWhats your maximum daily capacity? 你们每天最大的产量是多少?37最小的: minimum38定单: order39数量:quantityWhat is your minimum order quantity?(MOQ) 你们的起定量是多

7、少?40规格:ConstructionWhat construction of this fabric, can I have some samples? 这个面料是什么规格的,我们能看一些样品吗?41缩率:shrinkageHow much is the shrinkage? 缩率是多少?42钉书机: staplePlease give me the staple, thanks. 请把钉书机给我,谢谢。43省: province44城市: city45镇: townOur factory is in ZHEJIANG province,SHAOXIN city,Keqiao town. 我

8、们工厂在浙江省,绍兴市,柯桥镇。46款,花型,设计: designThis is our new design. 这是我们的新款。47集装箱,柜子: container纺织品外贸英语入门教程 5Whats the quantity in one 20ft container? 一个 20 尺柜能装多少?其他常用句型:1) How are you? 你好吗? 2) Where are you from? 你从哪里来 3) Welcome to our booth. 欢迎来到我们的展位4) We are mainly doing. 我们主要做 .5) Can I help you? 有什么我可以帮

9、您的吗?6) What can I do for you? 有什么我可以帮您的吗?7) What kind of fabric are you looking for? 您在找什么样的面料?8) Please send me email after you go back to your country. 在您回国后请给我来个邮件。9) Long time no see, how is your business now ? 很久没见了,您现在生意怎么样?10) Which market you are doing most? 您主要在做哪个市场?简短的对话:S: Sales Man, B:B

10、uyer下面是在展会上业务员与客商的一次简单对话:纺织品外贸英语入门教程 6S: Hello, How are you? welcome to our booth。.您好,欢迎来我们展位。B:Thank, I am fine , what about you?谢谢,我很好,你怎么样?S: Fine, thanks. What can I do for you?很好,谢谢,我可以为你做什么?B:Ok, I am looking for this fabric, I can see that you have samples here. So, you have factory for this

11、item?我在找这个面料,我看到了你们有这样的样品。所以你们有做这个的工厂是吧?S:Yes, you are right. We specialize in this item. This is T/C denim with stretch. Our factory is in ZheJiang province ShaoXin city with 78000 square meters and 300 weaving looms.是的。我们专业做这个产品。这个是 TC 弹力牛仔布。我们工厂在浙江省绍兴市,有 78000 平方米,300 台织机。B:Ok, I see. So, can you

12、 tell me the minimum quantity you can do for this item?我明白了,所以你能告诉我关于这个产品的起订量吗?S:Yes, the minimum quantity is about 5000 meters per design. How much you want?这个每款起定量是 5000 米,您想要多少?B: Ok, Now I dont know the quantity, my buyer ask me to find this 纺织品外贸英语入门教程 7fabric for him. So, If we load one 20ft c

13、ontainer, how much you can put in the container and when you can deliver the goods?我现在还不知道具体数量,我的客人让我帮他找这种面料。所以如果我们要装一个 20 尺柜的话,大概能装多少? 什么时候能发货?S:Oh, we can load about 26000 meters in a 20 ft container, and it will take us about 25 to 30 days to make it.我们大概能装 26000 米在一个 20 尺柜里,大概需要 25 到 30 天。B: Ok,

14、 so what is the price for one 20ft container?那么一个 20 尺柜的数量价格是多少呢?S: About 1.28/M. Fob ShangHai.大概 1.28/米 FOB 上海。B:Ok, so you can do American 4 point system?那么你们能做美标四分制吗?S: Yes, of course. We usually do the inspection under this system. The most we are doing is 20 points per 100 meters, that can be A

15、 grade fabric.当然可以。我们通常都按这个标准做检验。 100 米面料最多能有 20分,这就是我们 A 等品的要求。B: Good. So can you give me the price for CIF C5% Busan port?好,那么你能给我报 CIF C5% busan 港的价格吗?S: Yes, that is 1.38/M. This is my name card, can I have your name card?1.38/m. 这是我的名片,我可以有你的吗?B: Sure, here you are. Can I have your samples? I want to show your 纺织品外贸英语入门教程 8sample to my buyers.当然可以。 我可以拿样品吗? 我想给我客人去看一下。S:Thanks. Of course, you just select some and take it. If you need big samples, just call me or send me email, I will arrange it and send to you by courier.谢谢,当然可以,您可以挑一些带走。如果您想要大的样品,可以给


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