英语写作(一)Unit 1 The Correct Word(I)课件

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1、7/23/2020,Unit One The correct word (),7/23/2020,Words are the building stocks of writing; therefore, we need to have a good command of them. When we put pen to paper, first and foremost we have to make sure that we choose the right words.,7/23/2020,Contents,. Lead-In . Denotation vs. Connotation .

2、Affective meanings of words . Collocative meanings of words,7/23/2020,Group Discussion,Suppose you are going to write about a respectable teacher whose body size is above the average. Then suppose you are to write the doorkeeper of your dormitory, an amiable middle-aged woman. He/ She is plump. He/

3、She is portly. He/She is fat.,7/23/2020,. Lead-in,7/23/2020,When we are asked to describe the person who is fat, we have to decide whether the word “fat” is the right one.,7/23/2020,Country /nation/ state / land,Can you distinguish between these words?,7/23/2020,Country,Nation,State,Land,an area of

4、land and its population and its government.,the people of a country.,the government or political organization of a country,less precise but more literary and emotive,Country,7/23/2020, 中国是一个历史悠久的伟大国家。 China is a great country with a long history. 听到这个噩耗,全国人民都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中。 The whole nation was in deep

5、sorrow at this news. 马克思与恩格斯对于国家有独创的见解。 Marx and Engels had original ideas of the state. 为什么我的眼里常含着泪水, 因为我对这片土地爱得深沉。 Why are my eyes always filled with tears? cause I love this land so deeply.,7/23/2020,. Denotation and connotation,7/23/2020,A connotation is a commonly understood subjective, cultura

6、l or emotional association that some word or phrase carries. Denotation, on the other hand, refers to the literal and primary meaning of a word, i.e. the definition you find in the dictionary.,7/23/2020,Task One :,Discuss the denotations and connotations of mother and weed.,Country,a woman who is a

7、parent,mother,Country,an uncultivated plant,weed,qualities such as protectiveness and affection,destruction and uncontrolled growth,7/23/2020,When we write, we have to watch out for the connotative meaning of a word. Otherwise, we may make silly mistakes.,7/23/2020,Task Two:,A. Discuss the denotatio

8、ns and connotations of father and wildflower.,the male parent,Father,Country,an uncultivated plant,Wildflower,support and sternness,vitality and pleasantness,7/23/2020,Interestingly, “wildflower” carries a different connotation from that of Chinese. In China, “wildflower” sometimes connotes negative

9、 senses. It can mean the woman with whom a married man flirts and has an illegal relationship.,7/23/2020,B. Fill in the table below and study the denotations and connotations.,7/23/2020,Country,Moon,Ice,Blood,Gold,a precious yellow stone,wealth, value, preciousness, etc.,the natural body that moves

10、around the earth once every 28 days,tranquility, purity, sth. out of reach,water frozen so that it has become solid,indifference, cruelty, death,red liquid flowing through the bodies of humans and animals,family background, descent, race, passion, courage,7/23/2020,. Attitude,7/23/2020,In all kinds

11、of writing, the words you choose may do more than inform. The selection of a word often reveals your emotions and attitude to your subject.,7/23/2020,Task One:,Can you detect in the following sentences how the writers attitude changes from sentence to sentence?,a. What a slim girl she is! b. How thi

12、n she is! c. The girl is so skinny/ bony.,Approval,A bag of bones,7/23/2020,So, the three words, though similar in their denotative meanings, are diverse in affective meanings that is, they reveal different attitudes of the writer. When we write in English, we have to be very careful with such emoti

13、onally loaded words.,7/23/2020,Task Two:,A. Complete the table with synonyms.,7/23/2020,Favorable,Neutral,Unfavorable,individualistic, unique, quaint,strange,bizarre, abnormal,strong-minded, resolute, steadfast,stubborn, dogged,pigheaded,praise, commend, flatter,compliment v.,lick ones boots,senior

14、citizen,old person,fossil,bachelor girl,single woman,spinster,7/23/2020,B. Fill in the blanks with the words in the above table.,7/23/2020,. collocation,7/23/2020,Task One:,Fill in the blanks with do or make.,Certain words tend to occur together regularly.,7/23/2020,To sum up, collocation defines a

15、sequence of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance.,7/23/2020,Collocation is a very important language feature and we must make note of that when we learn a language.,7/23/2020,There are several types of collocation: v.+n., a. + n., v.+ ad., prep. +n., v. + prep. Le

16、arning a word is not only learning its meaning; it also includes learning which word or words it usually goes with, that is, its collocations.,7/23/2020,Task Two,Choose the best modifiers for the following noun phrases.,7/23/2020,Country,Glowing,Crowning,Outright,accent - effect,- report/ account/ description,- achievement - glory,- refusal/ ban/ abolition,Pronounced,7/23/2020,. False friends,7/23/2020,Task One,Read the following conversation between Ali



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