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1、Chemical treatment of crystalline silicon solar cells as a method of recovering pure silicon from photovoltaic modulesRenewable EnergyPhotovoltaic technology is used worldwide to provide reliable and cost-effective electricity for industrial, commercial, residential and community applications. The a

2、verage lifetime of PV modules can be expected to be more than 25 years. The disposal of PV systems will become a problem in view of the continually increasing production of PV modules. These can be recycled for about the same cost as their disposal. Photovoltaic modules in crystalline silicon solar

3、cells are made from the following elements, in order of mass: glass, aluminium frame, EVA copolymer transparent hermetising layer, photovoltaic cells, installation box, Tedlar protective foil and assembly bolts. From an economic point of view, taking into account the price and supply level, pure sil

4、icon, which can be recycled from PV cells, is the most valuable construction material used. Recovering pure silicon from damaged or end-of-life PV modules can lead to economic and environmental benefits. Because of the high quality requirement for the recovered silicon, chemical processing is the mo

5、st important stage of the recycling process. The chemical treatment conditions need to be precisely adjusted in order to achieve the required purity level of the recovered silicon. For PV systems based on crystalline silicon, a series of etching processes was carried out as follows: etching of elect

6、ric connectors, anti-reflective coating and n-p junction. The chemistry of etching solutions was individually adjusted for the different silicon cell types. Efforts were made to formulate a universal composition for the etching solution. The principal task at this point was to optimise the etching t

7、emperature, time and alkali concentration in such a way that only as much silicon was removed as necessary.Engineering, institutions, and the public interest: Evaluating product quality in the Kenyan solar photovoltaics industryEnergy PolicySolar sales in Kenya are among the highest per capita among

8、 developing countries. While this commercial success makes the Kenya market a global leader, product quality problems have been a persistent concern. In this paper, we report performance test results from 2004 to 2005 for five brands of amorphous silicon (a-Si) photovoltaic (PV) modules sold in the

9、Kenya market. Three of the five brands performed well, but two performed well below their advertised levels. These results support previous work indicating that high-quality a-Si PV modules are a good economic value. The presence of the low performing brands, however, confirms a need for market inst

10、itutions that ensure the quality of all products sold in the market. Prior work from 1999 indicated a similar quality pattern among brands. This confirms the persistent nature of the problem, and the need for vigilant, long-term approaches to quality assurance for solar markets in Kenya and elsewher

11、e. Following the release of our 2004/2005 test results in Kenya, the Kenya Bureau of Standards moved to implement and enforce performance standards for both amorphous and crystalline silicon PV modules. This appears to represent a positive step towards the institutionalization of quality assurance f

12、or products in the Kenya solar market.Electrical performance results from physical stress testing of commercial PV modules to the IEC 61215 test sequenceSolar Energy Materials and Solar CellsThis paper presents statistical analysis of the behaviour of the electrical performance of commercial crystal

13、line silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules tested in the Solar Test Installation of the European Commissions Joint Research Centre from 1990 up to 2006 to the IEC Standard 61215 and its direct predecessor CEC Specification 503. A strong correlation between different test results was not observed, indica

14、ting that the standard is a set of different, generally independent stress factors. The results confirm the appropriateness of the testing scheme to reveal different module design problems related rather to the production quality control than material weakness in commercial PV modules.Efficiency mod

15、el for photovoltaic modules and demonstration of its application to energy yield estimationA new method has been proposed W. Durisch, K.H. Lam, J. Close, Behaviour of a copper indium gallium diselenide module under real operating conditions, in: Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress VII

16、, Pergamon Press, Oxford, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, ISBN 0-08-044079-7 for the calculation of the annual yield of photovoltaic (PV) modules at selected sites, using site-specific meteorological data. These yields are indispensable for calculating the expected cost of electricity generation for different modules, thus allowing the type of module to be selected with the highest yield-to-cost ratio for a specific installation site. The e



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