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1、工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文基于权变理论的DHL公司组织架构优化研究IIOrganizational Structure Optimization Research of DHL Company based on Contingency TheoryA Dissertation Submitted toNanjing University Of Finance & EconomicsFor the Academic Degree of Master of Business Administration BYHuang Weili Supervised by Associate Profess

2、or Kong Qun XiSchool of Business Administration Nanjing University Of Finance & EconomicsDecember 2014学位论文独创性声明本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明并表示了谢意。作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解南京财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以

3、公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定。作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 摘 要 2008年,全球金融危机的爆发扰乱了整个世界的经济发展秩序,受金融危机影响而爆发的欧债危机更是将世界经济置于动荡不安的境地。受到经济贸易市场不景气以及中东局势持续紧张的影响,国际航运业市场虽然几经反复,但目前依然在低估徘徊。2011年年底,航运业的发展状况依然让人极度担忧,航运企业的亏损面逐渐扩大,行业整体净利润也较上年同期下降,供需状况严重失衡。2012年上半年,航运业状况虽有微改观,但依无法走出低谷、重现繁荣景象,全球航运业正面临巨大危机,很多全球企业面


5、,以尽可能减少各种不利因素的影响,提高公司适应环境变化和规避风险的能力,除了积极改变经营模式,更重要的是构建合理高效的公司组织架构。 本文以权变理论为基础,运用案例分析的方法,分别从DHL公司内部结构缺陷、文化背景冲突、客户满意度下降等方面下手,结合DHL公司组织结构和企业文化情况,深入分析并研究了目前公司存在的一系列关键问题,最终总结出问题产生的主要原因和解决方法。认为一场组织结构的变革势在必行,通过对DHL公司原有的组织架构进行优化,帮助公司解决在运营中可能出现的实际问题,以增强其生存力和核心竞争力。希望对DHL公司今后的发展及其它处于变革期的企业能有一定的借鉴作用。关键词:权变理论、组织

6、架构、环境分析、50AbstractWith modern technology, management and information technology is widely used in the logistics system, the logistics industry has become one of the economic development of the market for basic industry, therefore, we must use a new thinking and ideas, from the perspective of the ent

7、ire logistics system to look at and discuss the development of Chinese production, distribution, consumption, and other socio-economic activities. In the past planned economy, economic activity in the production and circulation are isolated from each other as the two elements are divided into a numb

8、er of transport links is not an organic process. Now, with the gradual establishment of a socialist market economic system, this pattern has changed, the boundaries between them began to be broken. All aspects of production and consumption, and the two are closely linked to the flow of economic acti

9、vity will be logistics integrated together to form for market-oriented, to meet customer requirements for the purpose of obtaining the total system efficiency optimized adaptation modern social and economic development of emerging industry needs. Build a rational organizational weaknesses large logi

10、stics enterprise development process generally faced intensified international economic forms of domestic large logistics companies made increasing regulatory requirements. Especially under the strong influence of the European debt crisis, how to reduce operating costs, improve work efficiency is bo

11、und to challenge large logistics companies face. Therefore, large-scale logistics enterprises must enhance the management level, in order to minimize the impact of various adverse factors, improve the companys ability to adapt to environmental changes and to avoid risks, in addition to positive chan

12、ges in the business model, more importantly, the company is to build a rational and efficient organizational structure. In this paper, contingency theory, through the analysis of existing organizational problems and the company DHL adverse effects resulting proposed DHL company organizational struct

13、ure optimization program, and to provide more detailed painting ideas and optimize the design. By DHL companys existing organizational structure optimized to help companies solve real problems that may arise in the operation, in order to enhance its viability and core competitiveness.Key words:Conti

14、ngency theory; Organizational structure; Environmental analysis;目 录第一章 引言11.1 研究背景与意义11.1.2研究背景11.1.2研究意义21.2 国内外文献综述31.2.1国内外组织结构理论综述31.2.2 国内外权变理论的文献综述51.3 研究方法与技术路线61.3.1 研究方法61.3.2 技术路线61.4本文创新7第二章 权变理论与物流企业组织架构选择92.1权变理论的发展脉络92.2 物流企业常见组织架构比较122.2.1职能型组织架构122.2.2事业部型组织架构122.2.3矩阵型组织架构142.3 基于权变

15、理论的物流企业组织架构模式选择142.3.1 组织架构设计中的权变思想142.3.2 权变理论指导下的物流企业组织架构分析16第三章 DHL公司组织架构现状及存在问题研究203.1 DHL公司的背景介绍203.2 DHL公司事业部门组织架构现状213.3 DHL公司组织架构存在的问题22第四章 DHL公司组织设计的权变因素分析274.1 DHL公司环境因素分析274.1.1 政治环境274.1.2 经济环境284.1.3 社会环境294.2 DHL公司战略因素分析304.3 DHL公司文化因素分析334.4 DHL公司区域因素分析33第五章 基于权变理论的DHL公司组织架构优化设计35 5.1 DHL公司组织结构优化的原则与目标355.1.1 DHL公司组织结构优化的原则355.1.2 DHL公司组织结构优化的目标355.2 DHL公司组织结构调整的优化设计(中国区域)375.2.1行政划分375.2.2客户产业划分38


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