陕西省2013高考英语一轮复习 《Developing and Developed》课时作业 外研版必修3.doc

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1、高三一轮英语课时作业.语音知识.情景对话Hello,may I speak to David?_6_Hi,David!This is Lin Tao speaking.Hi,Lin Tao.Whats up?_7_Nothing much.Do you have any ideas?Shall we go to the zoo?_8_A dolphin show?Good idea!How can we get there?By bus or bike?OK,lets go by bike._9_What about a quarter past ten?Why not meet a litt

2、le earlier?_10_Good!No problem.Where shall we meet then?Lets meet outside the zoo gate.All right.See you then.AWhat are you going to do next Sunday?BI hear theres a dolphin show there.CWhen shall we meet?DSpeaking!EI am David.FLets make it half past nine.GHow about half past ten?.单项填空11You will find

3、 this map of great _in helping you to get round Beijing.AvaluableBvalueChelpful Dcost12Its hard to imagine what progress they_in the past few months.Amade Bhave madeChad made Dmake13Some scientists say it is important that the amount of air pollution in big cities_.Areduce Bbe reducedCreduced Dwill

4、be reduced14The two sides have finally_,though some small differences still exist.Amade a decision Breached an agreementCsettled down Dbroken up15Which turning should I take to the Capital Building,Madam?Im sorry,_Im a stranger here myself.A/ BandCbut Dthen16She thought I was talking about her daugh

5、ter,_,in fact,I was talking about my daughter.Awhom BwhereCwhich Dwhile17The number of the students in the school has increased_10 percent and has got_5,000.Aby;by Bto;byCby;to Dto;to18If_,he promises that he will_in promoting public welfare.Aelected;spare no effortBelected;spare no effortsCelecting

6、;spare effortDbeing elected;spare any effort19Jone and Tony are_friends and they have been keeping_contact since they graduated from college.Aclosely;close Bclose;closeCclosely;closely Dclose;closely20He spoke_the top of his voice in order to make himself_clearly.Aat;heard Bin;to hearCat;hear Din;he

7、ard21The coat,which is surely not made_your own measure,is much too loose for you.Ato BbyCin Dfor22The poor man offered to wash dishes in the restaurant_three meals a day.Aexchange Bexchange forCin exchange for Dto exchange23Where_little Tom be now?I wonder what he_.Acan;is up to Bmust;is aboutCmay;

8、is doing Dmust;playing24I went along thinking of nothing_,only looking at things around me.Ain brief Bin doubtCin harmony Din particular25After receiving the news,immediate_was taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading.Aspeed BbehaviorCaction Dmeasure.句子翻译26你今年取得的进步真大!(what)_27你所说的

9、与事实不相符。(agree with)_28由你来决定谁先走。(be up to)_29在这个小男孩的带领下,我们终于找到了王教授的家。(with复合结构)_30This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language and as a result you improve fast._.阅读理解Forest guards in western India are using cell phones with ringtones of

10、 cows mooing,goats bleating and roosters crowing to attract leopards that have wandered into human settlements,officials said on Monday.The wild cats in the state of Gujarat often get into villages near forests in search of food,say officials,adding that this results in attacks on people.But rather

11、than use methods such as live bait (诱惑物) like goats tied to trees to lure the leopards,which then fall into large pits dug by guards,officials say they have found a safer method to trap the cats.“The moos of a cow,bleating of a goat from the phone has proved effective to trap leopards,”said DVasani,

12、a senior forest official in Gujarat.“This trick works.” Vasani said forest guards have downloaded the sounds of over a dozen animals as ringtones on their mobiles which they attach to speakers and fix behind a cage.They then play the ringtone continuously for up to two hours until the curious leopar

13、d appears and moves into the cage looking for its easy meal.At least five leopards have so far been lured from villages since the new ringtone method was introduced three months ago.The cats have all been released back into forest areas.Wildlife activists welcomed the new initiative saying that previous methods of trapping the cats using pits often resulted in the animals getting injured.31What can be the best title of the passage?ACell P


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