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1、系統編號:092YZU00457082出版年:2004 研究生:宋家庭 研究生(英文姓名):Chia-Ting Sung 論文名稱: 整合策略規劃與平衡計分卡的績效評估模式 以PCB產業為例英文論文名稱:The Performance Evaluation Model of Integration Strategic Planning and Balanced Scorecard PCB Industry指導教授:湯玲郎 指導教授(英文姓名): Lin-Lang Tang 學位類別: 碩士校院名稱: 元智大學系所名稱: 管理研究所學號: 917642 學年度: 92 語文別: 中文 論文頁數:

2、 136 關鍵詞: PCB ; 策略規劃 ; 績效評估模式 ; AHP ; 平衡計分卡 ; ARIS 英文關鍵詞: PCB ; Strategic Planning ; Performance Evaluation Model ; AHP ; Balanced Scorecard ; ARIS 被引用次數: 0 摘要 整合策略規劃與平衡計分卡的績效評估模式以PCB產業為例學生:宋 家 庭 指導教授:湯玲郎博士元 智 大 學 管 理 研 究 所摘 要PCB產業為我國的第三大電子次產業,是我國非常重要的電子產業之一。本研究經分析後,發現PCB產業屬拉式供應鏈,產業之中很少進行垂直整合,大都是形成夥

3、伴關係分工合作,並大量使用外包屬於完整型供應鏈。另外本研究提出17項因應產業競爭策略供業者參考,並經由專家問卷及AHP法分析,提出4大構面36項供應鏈績效評估指標,由結果可知最重要的構面是品質構面及時間構面,最重要的績效指標是如期交貨率、樣品準時率、退貨率等,因為問卷包含PCB供應鏈的上中下游,所以績效權重也代表客戶導向意涵,業者可針對少數績效不佳的關鍵流程加以改善,對關鍵流程進行流程再造。本研究目的即是在整合PCB產業策略規劃及建立績效評估與流程再造的標準模式。本研究的流程是以PCB生產之供應鏈為基礎,經由相關文獻探討,對硬質印刷電路板(Rigid print circuit board)


5、式、AHP、平衡計分卡、ARIS 英文摘要 The Performance Evaluation Model of Integration Strategic Planning and Balanced Scorecard“PCB Industry”Student:Chia-Ting Sung Advisors:Dr. Lin-Lang TangGraduate School of ManagementYuan-Ze UniversityABSTRACTOne of the most important industries, PCB manufacturing, is also the th

6、ird largest one of electronic industry in Taiwan. After analysis, I found that the PCB business is able to follow a pull-based system supply chain. Within this industry, it is hardly to be integrated vertically, but most models have created cooperative co-planar partnership. Furthermore, many PCB ve

7、ndors have connected with their outsourcing partners to complete their supply chain system together. On the other hand, this research also revealed 17 competitive strategies for PCB suppliers reference and through investigating and pointing out four major principles to encompass 36-performance indic

8、es specialist consensus and AHP analysis. As a result, two of the most important indicators are quality and lead-time and there are some key factors which can help to evaluate performance, for example, on-time shipping rate, samples on-time delivery rate, and returned rate. The survey includes the e

9、ntire PCB supply chain, as well as customer-orientation. PCB supplier can improve their inefficient key processes and reengineer their core procedure by these indexes. The purposes of this research are for integrating strategies and establishing performance evaluation models for benchmark.The resear

10、ch evaluated the foundation of the PCB production supply chain with referring to related literature and analyzed current model of rigid PCB from suppliersto customers with Five Force analysis, and then, compared with competitors of PCB industry in Taiwan. It also used SWOT analysis which is a method

11、ology determines the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats to uncover the proper counter measures. Various references are mentioned to build an evaluate process to find effects of the supply chain, which are applied to the value chain structure. Afterward, AHP method is used to differentiat

12、e the important key index (KPI) to establish performance evaluative model of PCB industry. Finally, using KPI along with balanced scorecard and ARIS in different companies to modeling and analyzing core process. This procedure is utilized to recreate a concrete example of reengineering, which allows

13、 managers to have better master current situations and analyze its external effects, and will provide a strategy plan and establish an effective performance managerial model for decision makers reference.Key words: PCB, Strategic Planning, Performance Evaluation Model, AHP, Balanced scorecard, ARIS.

14、 論文目次 目 錄書名頁論文口試委員審定書授權書國科會授權書中文摘英文摘要誌謝目錄表目錄圖目錄第一章 緒論第一節 研究動機與背景第二節 研究目的第三節 研究範圍及研究限制第四節 論文架構及內容第二章 文獻探討第一節 產業供應鏈及特性之探討第二節 供應鏈績效衡量第三節 流程再造之相關研究第四節 層級程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process , AHP)第五節 平衡計分卡之研究第三章 PCB產業環境及流程分析第一節 印刷電路板之用途及分類第二節 PCB產業環境分析第三節 產業內競爭第四節 PCB產業五力分析第五節 PCB產業供應鏈第六節 台灣PCB產業之SWOT分析第七節

15、PCB產業價值鏈分析與流程績效指標第八節 本章結論第四章 建構關鍵指標與績效評估模式第一節 評估模式設計第二節 指標權重求解第三節 績效指標權重與說明第四節 本章結論第五章 績效評估與流程再造應用實例第一節 平衡計分卡構面展開第二節 個案分析第三節 個案公司流程塑模與流程改造第四節 本章結論第六章 結論與建議第一節 研究成果第二節 結 論第三節 對後續研究者的建議參考文獻附錄A AHP問卷調查表附錄B AHP計算方式及結果表 目 錄表2-1 供應鏈定義之區分表2-2 供應鏈的類型表2-3 供應鏈的類型三構面表2-4 以供應鏈嚴密度來區分之供應鏈類型表2-5 從供應鏈涵蓋幅度上來區分的供應鏈類型表2-6 各種供應供類型分類表表2-7 學者對於供應鏈管理的定義之彙整表2-8 SCOR第一流程的績效衡量表2-9 整合的供應鏈中四個連結的績效衡量標準表2-10 供應鏈管理三層次的主要的績效衡量標準表2-11 傳統企業V.S.流程企業表2-12 學者對企業再造之定義表2-13 AHP評估尺度表表2-14 AHP RI隨機指標表表2-15 企業策略性之財務議題表3-1 世界前五大PCB生產國(以產值計算)表3-2 評估台灣PCB產業資源及能力表3-3 策



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