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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。教师英文面试自我介绍46?AD$?eV?11452?AD$清?0 0?AD$?理?0 0?AD$?迨05?AD$?eV?1 0?AD$?eV?0 0?AD$_?0 0?AD$?eV?0 0?AD$?07?AD$?eV978?AD$?eV963?AD$是_?171?AD$?宨128734?AD$?作?0 0?AD$?eV?02838?AD$?请?应聘者在面试前,最好能反复练习面试自我介绍,以求能自然流畅的把握自我介绍的内容,本文是小编为大家收集整理的,欢迎参考借鉴。中英文的面试自我介绍【一】各位考官,你们好,非常荣

2、幸能够参加这次面试。Ladies and gentlemen, you are good, very honored to participate in this interview.我叫xxx、我是一名应届毕业的幼教专业大学生,我认为我对从事幼教具有一定的优势。My name is XXX. I am a fresh graduate student majoring in preschool education. I think I have some advantages in preschool education.首先,就社会现状而言,当今的幼儿教师普遍都是女性,这就间接的影响到一些

3、男孩的身心健康发展,从而缺少男性所特有的阳刚之气而趋向于母性化。所以,大力发展男性幼师推广父性教育是一项非常重要的工作。另外,我对幼教行业具有很大的兴趣。First of all, the social situation, the kindergarten teachers are generally female, this to some boys physical and mental health have indirect effect, so the lack of unique masculinity and tend to maternal. Therefore, it is

4、 a very important job to promote the development of male kindergarten teachers and promote their sexual education. In addition, I have a great interest in the preschool education industry.当然,对于我从事幼教这个行业会有很多的困难,我自身也有很多的不足,我对特色教育的理解仅仅是我自己的一些粗浅的认识,而且我缺乏工作经验,专业不对位。这些我都能够清楚的看待,我相信我具有坚定的意志,对于自身的不足,我会通过不懈的

5、努力和在工作中的锻炼、学习来弥补,从而提高自身能力不断完善自我。对于传统教育的改革,虽然我不会起到关键性的作用,但我也希望能贡献出自己的一份力量,因为我怀揣着对幼教事业的理想。Of course, I engaged in this industry for preschool education will have a lot of difficulties, I also have many shortcomings, I understand the characteristics of education is just some superficial understanding o

6、f my own, and my lack of work experience, professional position. These I can clearly see, I believe that I had a strong will, for their own shortcomings, I will make unremitting efforts and work in training, learning to make up, so as to enhance their ability to constantly improve themselves. For th

7、e reform of traditional education, although I will not play a key role, but I also hope to contribute to their own strength, because I carry the ideals of early childhood education career.最后,我真诚的希望园领导能够给我一次实现理想的机会,我相信我最后能否胜任这一职业靠的是实力而不是运气。同样,我也会为园里做出我最大的贡献。Finally, I sincerely hope that the leadersh

8、ip of the garden will give me a chance to realize my dream, and I believe that I will eventually be qualified for the job, not strength, but luck. Also, I will make my biggest contribution to the garden.中英文的面试自我介绍【二】大家好!我叫张天荣,是徐州师范学院小学教育专业综合理科方向2020届本科毕业生,今天能站在这里,非常感谢各位领导给我的机会。Hello, my name is Zhan

9、g Tianrong, Xuzhou Normal College Primary education, comprehensive science direction, 2020 undergraduate graduates, today can stand here, thank you very much for the leadership of the opportunity to me.首先,我热爱教师这个职业,想做一名老师,是一个确确实实想做老师的人,也是一个真真正正想在小学教育这个线上做出一点点成绩来的人。一直以来,我也是把自己定位在小学教师这个角色上,也为做好这个角色会出了

10、很大的努力。First of all, I love the profession of teachers, want to be a teacher, is a really want to be a teacher, but also a really want to make a little achievement in the primary school education online. All along, I also positioned myself in the role of primary school teachers, but also for the role

11、 of this will make great efforts.第二,我具备了作为一名教师所必须的综合素质,大学期间,除了扎实地掌握了本专业知识,还积极参加社会实践活动,在校担任过学生会干部、社团干部,负责过大型书法理论知识大赛,组织、管理、协调能力强,负责过大型书法理论知识大赛,被评为“优秀团员”、“优秀社团干部”。曾经获得学院课件比赛,征文比赛优秀奖,书法比赛二等奖。实习期间被评为“优秀实习生”,课件被评为“实习优秀CAI课件”,实习的收获让我受益很大。Second, I have a comprehensive quality, as a teacher to the Universi

12、ty, but has a solid grasp of the professional knowledge, but also actively participate in social practice, the school served as student cadres, cadres of society, responsible for the large calligraphy theory knowledge contest, organization, management and coordination ability, responsible for large-

13、scale calligraphy the theory of knowledge contest, was named outstanding member of &rdquo, “; “ outstanding cadres of society ”. Has won the College Courseware competition, essay contest Excellence Award, calligraphy competition two prize. During the internship, was named “ excellent Intern ” co

14、urseware was named “ internship excellent CAI courseware ” internship gains, I benefited greatly.第三,我觉得我最大的特点就是肯付出,在教师这个角色上,我成长得还是比较快的,用指导老师的话说就是有很大的可塑性,在这里我恳求每一位领导都能给我一个机会。Third, I think my biggest characteristic is willing to pay, in the role of the teacher, I grow quite fast, said teacher is to have great plasticity, here I pray every leader can give me a chance.我的教师自我介绍到这里,谢谢大家。My teacher introduced himself here, thank you all.



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