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1、 重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文)松藻煤电有限责任公司渝阳煤矿(600Kt/a)矿井初步设计学 生: 学 号:指导教师: 专 业:采矿工程重庆大学资源及环境科学学院 二一四年六月中文摘要 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing UniversityPreliminary Design(600kt/a)for The First Coal Mine of Yuyang in Songzao Coal-Electricity Limited Liability Company Undergraduate: Liu ZhongwenSupervisor: Pro

2、f. Ge Zhaolong Major:Mining EngineeringCollege of Resources and Environmental ScienceChongqing UniversityJune 2014重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 中文摘要 I 摘 要 本次毕业设计的内容为松藻煤电有限责任公司渝阳煤矿(60万吨/年)初步设计。该矿井可采煤层有M7、M8两层,为近水平煤层,平均倾角11,回采工艺设计煤层为M8。此次设计以渝阳实际开发利用方案为基础,根据井田地质条件及煤层赋存条件,对该井田进行了初步设计。本次设计中,提出了四种开拓方案,结合矿井实际情况并经过技术经济分


4、采。采煤工作面采用三八制正规作业,作业方式为“两班采煤,一班准备”。同时,本次还对通风、排水、运输、供电等系统做了设计,并对各系统所用设备进行了选型;在煤与瓦斯突出、瓦斯爆炸、煤尘爆炸、顶板事故等灾害方面也提出了相应的防治措施。关键词:初步设计 近水平煤层 斜井、平硐综合开拓 综采600kt/年1 1 ABSTRACT This graduation design is a preliminary design (600kt/a) for the first coal mine of Yuangyang in Songzao Coal-Electricity Limited Liability

5、 Company. There are two coal seams in this mine. They are all horizontal seams, and the average angle of them is 8. According to the geologicl conditions and occurrence conditions of coal seams, the preliminary design for the mine field isdone based on the actual development and utilized scheme for

6、the first coal mine of Yuyang. In this design, I put up four plans, and at last I selected the combined development method with inclined shaft-shaft according to the analysis. The coal mine is devided into three working levels, +350m +50m and -100m. Working faces are arranged with upward and downwar

7、d mining method in the +350m working level, which is devided into South No.1 Panel, South No.2 Panel and North No.1 Panel, North No.2 Panel , to exploit the coal seams above +350m. While in the +150m working level, which is devided into North Panel, East No.1 Panel and East No.2 Panel, working faces

8、 are arranged with upward mining method to exploit the coal seams between +150m and +350m .While in the -100m working level, which is devided into East No.3 Panel, East No.4 Panel North Panel, North No.4Panel ,and North No.5 Panel, working faces are arranged with downward mining method to exploit th

9、e coal seams down +150m . Mining to the rise in the inclined longwall mining with fully technique is used in the design. The coal seams are mined coordinately with “one thin and one medium thicks”. There are 23panels mined at the same time when the mine achieves its design production capacity. The c

10、yclic operation way of coal mining workface is “two mining shifts and one preparing shift”. At the same time, I made some design for ventilation, drainage, transportation and so on. Morever, this design also presents some prevention measures on coal and gas outburst, gas explosion, coal dust explosi

11、on, mine flood, mine fire, roof accidents etc.Key words:preliminary design, horizontal seam, combined develop inclined shaft method with adit , fully mechanized mining technique, 600kt/重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 目录 重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 目录 目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII前 言11 井田概况及地质特征31.1 井田概况31.1.1矿区和矿井的位置、交通概况31.1.2矿井地形、地势41

12、.1.3气候、温度、湿度、雨量、雨季、旱季、风向、风速41.1.4主要河流、湖泊、水库、池塘等的分布41.1.5本地区的地震史、结冻期、冻土期51.1.6矿区开发史及近况51.1.7矿区附近农业、工业、矿业概况及原材料的供应情况61.1.8生活用水及工业用水来源;电源供给71.2地质特征71.2.1矿井范围内地层情况71.2.2井田范围内外的地质构造91.2.4顶地板岩石性质、厚度、特征111.2.5矿井水文地质条件121.2.6瓦斯、煤尘和煤的自燃141.2.7煤质、牌号、用途和主要用户151.3 勘探程度可靠性161.3.1井田勘探的总体情况161.3.2地质勘探程度及存在问题162 矿井

13、生产规模172.1 井田境界172.1.1井田四周边界名称描述172.1.2井田境界确定的依据172.1.3井田参数172.1.4井田今后扩展、井田储量的预估172.2井田储量172.2.1地质储量的计算172.2.2工业储量的计算202.2.3保安煤柱留设种类、煤柱计算和总煤柱损失计算212.2.4可采储量的计算212.3矿井生产能力和服务年限222.3.1矿井设计生产能力222.3.2矿井设计配产后的年产量、月产量、日产量22 2.3.3矿井设计服务年限222.4 矿井工作制度232.4.1矿井年工作天数、每天工作班数、每天工作小时数、矿井每天净运输、提升小时数232.4.2矿井采煤工作面

14、工作方式233 井田开拓243.1 概述243.1.1矿区内相邻生产矿井开拓方式概述和评价243.1.2矿井开拓方式选择的影响因素263.2 开拓方案的提出和选择273.2.1 广泛提出开拓方案273.2.2 开拓方案的分析、选择、比较323.2.3 选定最佳开拓方案343.3 选定开拓方案的开拓系统详述343.3.1井筒形式和数目343.3.2井筒位置、坐标、主要尺寸353.3.3开采水平划分363.3.4主要石门特征363.3.5井底车场形式选择363.3.6运输大巷和总回风巷特征373.3.7煤层群的分组及联系方式403.3.8带区划分403.4井筒布置和施工403.4.1井筒布置及井筒装备403.4.2井筒延伸初步设想443.5 井底车场及硐室443.5.1井底车场形式的确定443.5.2井底车场的布置443.5.3井底车场机电硐室及其它硐室443.5.4井底车场主要巷道及各个硐室的支护方式443.6开采顺序453.6.1水平开采顺序453.6.2带区开采顺序453



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