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1、跨文化商务沟通,Cross-cultural Business Communication 主编:郁文蕾 华东理工大学出版社,Class plans: 1. Greetings and personal introduction. 2. The significance of learning the book. 3. Introduce generally the structure of the book . 4. Study Chapter One 5. Deal with related exercises 6. Summary of class,Why we need to stud

2、y this subject?,Today , Internationalization and globalization has become a big trend in the human economic activities. People from different culture communicate with each other ,which will result in a barrier. To reduce the misunderstanding and differences in cross-cultural business affairs. To inc

3、rease communication and trust. Provide us with the useful techniques of marketing , management and negotiation in cross-cultural business . Lay a solid foundation for our work after graduation.,Introduce the structure of the book,Consists of 12 chapters. Chapter One :Differences in Culture: An Inter

4、cultural Perspective (视角) Chapter Two : Culture and Communication Chapter Three: Cultural Diversity at workplace (多样性) Chapter Four: Business Etiquette and Social Protocol (礼仪、规范) Chapter Five : Gender Differences in Communication (性别的) Chapter Six : Managing Across Cultures Chapter Seven : Cultural

5、 Conflict (冲突) Chapter Eight : The Conceptualization of Chinese “Face” (观念) Chapter Nine : Organizational Culture Chapter Ten : Intercultural Negotiation (谈判) Chapter Eleven : Intercultural Marketing (营销) Chapter Twelve : Culture and Globalization (全球化),Each Chapter has Preview, Core Text 1 and Core

6、 Text 2.(Put emphasis on Core Text 1, 精讲;Core Text 2, 泛读。 And some related exercises. In addition, there is a general introduction to the core text.,Chapter One :Differences in Culture: An Intercultural Perspective (视角),Learning Outcome 学习目标 After this Chapter, you should be able to 1.Understand why

7、 intercultural communication is a necessity 2.Define the implications of culture and appreciate the cultural gap 3.Explain the root of differences between the East and the West 4.Briefly describe the attributes of Confucian societies 5.Understand that Culture is neither right or wrong, merely differ

8、ent,1.Practitioners in a wide variety of fields have realized just how important intercultural communication is for their everyday work.(scientific cooperation, academic research, business, management, education , health, culture, politics, diplomacy, and others) Case study 案例研究 在外交上,最大的跨文化错误莫过于尼克松在

9、第一次访问巴西 时所犯的,如果了解尼克松的人都知道他最喜欢的手势,也是他的代表手势,就是高举双手做ok状,这一手势在美国文化里是代表胜利和友好,然而,在巴西就不然了,在巴西文化这是最下流的手势,等于美国文化里竖起中指的手势。,大家可以想象一下这么一幕,尼克松在巴西首都机场走出机门,面对全巴西人民和世界煤体,高举他那双手,打着ok手势,还不断前后摇摆,就像他赢得竞选胜利一般。第二天,巴西所有的媒体的头条都是尼克松这一手势的相片,尼克松这一错误所造成的影响,不言而喻。他这一行为也成了当今跨文化沟通课程上学生笑声最大的笑话。,Additionally, some global modern issu

10、es such as environment, governance of the Internet, poverty and international terrorism call for co-operation between nations. Intercultural communication is no longer an option, but a necessity.,The Implications of Culture,Culture is often thought of and composed of the products of a civilization:

11、art, music, dance, literature , architecture, foods, clothes and festivals. These are the aspects of culture which can be discovered through the senses and are obvious sources of discussions, delight and comparison.,Culture is Neither Right Nor Wrong, Merely Different,Case Study 三则小故事折射出的中西文化差异 第一幕:

12、一位学校领导向教师们介绍新来的美国老师Ladies and gentlemen, Im delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. She is a very good teacher from the USA. ( 对这番话,美国女教师一脸难堪的样子。) 文化差异:中国人介绍来宾,喜欢用褒扬的话语言辞。但美国人认为,初次结识,相互介绍,不必评头论足。凡是主观性的评论,尽管是美言,也会给人唐突、强加的感觉。对以上那番话,美国女教师感到难堪的是pretty和good两个词。在那种场合,介绍应该突出被介绍人的身份、学历

13、、职务等,而不应该是外貌和抽象的评论。相比之下,如果把pretty和good改成实际教育背景和经历,这样的介绍句比较客观,令人容易接受。,比较下面改变措辞的介绍: Ladies and gentlemen, Im delighted to introduce to you a new teacher from the USA., Miss Ann Brown. She is a Doctor of American Literature with experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language. 特别忠告:介绍客人要介绍客观事实,不要主

14、观评论。要注重身份,不要着眼外貌。,第二幕:一位美国同事感冒了,中国同事表示关心 Chinese: You look pale. Whats the matter? American: Im feeling sick. A cold, maybe. Chinese: Go and see the doctor. Drink more water. Did you take any pills? Chinese medicine works wonderful. Would you like to try? Put on more clothes. Have a good rest. Ameri

15、can: You are not my mother, are you? 文化差异:美国人比较看中个人的独立性。受人照顾往往被视为弱者。给对方出主意或提建议时,不能使对方认为自己小看他的能力。美国人对上面第一句话的反应通常是Take care of yourself. I hope youll be better soon.不必教人怎么做。中国人则以出主意提建议表示关心,而且以兄弟姐妹或父母亲人的口吻,或以过来人的口气,这对美国人行不通。 特别忠告:对病人表示关心,不必尽提建议。,第三幕:有空来坐坐 一位美国教师在中国任教,中国同事总是对她说:“有空来坐坐”。可是,半年过去了,美国同事从来没有

16、上过门。中国同事又对她说:“我真的欢迎你来家里坐坐。如果没空的话,随时打电话来聊聊也行。”一年下来,美国同事既没有来电话,也没有来访。奇怪的事,这位美国人常为没人邀请她而苦恼。 文化差异:中国亲朋好友合同事之间的串门很随便,邀请别人来访无需为对方确定时间,自己去探访别人无需郑重其事征得同意。美国人则没有串门的习惯。一年内遇到大节日,亲朋好友才到家里聚一聚。平时如果有事上门,实现要有时间确切的预约。没有得到对方的应允,随时随地随便上门时不礼貌的行为。因此,美国同事对“有空来坐坐”这句话只当作虚礼客套,不当作正式邀请。无事打电话闲聊也是美国人视为打乱别人私人时间和活动安排的毛是行为。若想邀请美国人上门,应当诚意的于对方商定一个互相都方便的时间。 特别忠告:有心约会要主动约时间地点,Tips for appreciating different cultures : 1.W



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