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1、大纲版英语第一册45分钟过关检测Unit 19Modern agriculture课堂训练二十一 Language study & Integrating skills基础过关.用单词的适当形式完成句子1.The students shared their_ (discover)of the wild plants at the foot of the hill.2.Much too often, what is learnt from books is not_ (practice) in actual life.3.Almost all crops need_ (irrigate) and

2、 fertilization as well.4.It was the old farmers_ (wise)that saved the whole village.5.Everyone should try their best to help with the_ (protect) of nature.6.There are still some_ (technique)problems with the imported machines.7.The Chinese_ (delegate)made rapid progress at Torino Winter Olympics.8.H

3、elen s father works as a_(garden)in that community.9.The manager calls on all the members to care about the companys_ (produce).10.In China,a_ (various)of GM tomatoes will be seedless.答案:1.discovery2.practical3.irrigation4.wisdom5.protection6.technical7.delegations8.gardener9.production10.variety.用所

4、给的词组填空as well as/a variety of/stand for/protectfrom/and so on/bring in/have a strong effect on/go against/depend on/make good use of1.You cannot_the trains.Theyre always late.2.Remember to write me a letter and tell me what you are doing_.3.The production has increased rapidly since the new technolo

5、gy was_from Japan.4.The disease spread everywhere, into villages, _into cities.5.Plastics can be produced in_forms.Theyre very useful in our daily life.6.Scientists have found that acid rain_lakes and forests.7.The letters“WTO” _the World Trade Organization.8.Staying in bed may_your wishes but thats

6、 what you must do if you want to get better.9.Students should be taught how to _their dictionaries while reading.10.In summer people love to wear dark glasses to_their eyes_the sun.答案:1.depend on2.and so on3.brought in4.as well as5.a variety of6.has a strong effect on7.stand of8.go against9.make goo

7、d use of10.protect;from巩固提高.单项选择1. _is_who wants to see you.A.It; heB.That; heC.It; ID.That; him答案:A提示:强调句型,根据wants可知被强调的主语是第三人称单数。2.Was it in this palace_the last king died?A.thatB.in whichC.in whereD.which答案:A提示:强调句型为It is+被强调部分+that+句子剩余部分。3.It isnt for this reason _I wont go with you.A.whyB.soC.

8、thatD.which答案:C提示:强调句型。4.It is because she is too young_ she isnt allowed to go.A.so thatB.whyC.soD.that答案:D提示:强调句型,被强调部分原因状语从句。5.It was the passengers _were in real trouble.A.theyB.themC.whoD.whom答案:C提示:当被强调部分为表人名词时,也可用who来连接。6. _was a bear that was shot by John.A.ThisB.ItC.ItsD.That答案:B提示:it用于强调句型

9、。7.(2006高考山东卷,24 )Id appreciate_if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A.thatB.itC.thisD.you答案:B提示:it指代下文所说的内容。8.(2006重庆二模,35 )Under what conditions is it_the method may be used?A.sinceB.whatC.thatD.before答案:C提示:本句意为“在什么条件下,这种方法能被运用?”是强调句型。9.He tried to go away without being noticed b

10、y the teacher, but luck_him.A.went withB.went againstC.went alongD.went over答案:B提示:go against意为“对不利”。10.Was it_Toms carelessness_your keys were all lost?A.because; whichB.for; whatC.because of; thatD.since; why答案:C提示:本句是强调句型,被强调部分是原因状语,由于Toms carelessness是名词,因此使用because of而非because。11.They supplied

11、me good living_, so I had_happy experience.A.conditions ;aB.condition; aC.conditions;/D.condition; /答案:A提示:living conditions意为“生活条件”;experience意为“经历”时是可数名词。12.Jia Sixie_a lot of time on research_agriculture.A.took;intoB.spent; intoC.spent; ofD.took; on答案:B提示:took表花费,主语通常是it,而spend主语应是人构成句型:sb.spend

12、time/money on sth.research into agriculture意为“对农业的研究”。13.He was_moved by the story and read_into the night.A.deep; deepB.deeply; deeplyC.deep; deeplyD.deeply; deep答案:D提示:deeply表示程度深;deep into the night意为“深夜”。14.The buses are much quicker_this time of night.A.atB.inC.duringD.for答案:A提示:at this time of

13、 night 意为“在夜里的这个时候”,at this time意为“在这个时候”。15.You should make a careful plan_the experiment.A.before to doB.before doingC.before you will doD.before done答案:B提示:本句是用现在分词作状语。before doing the experiment=before you do the experiment.拓展应用.下面句子均有一处错误,请指出并改正1.It had an almost immediate effect to his thinkin

14、g.2.In my opinion,its the best use that could be made this money.3.Whether he can go or not depends his parents wishes4.USA stands with the United States of America.5.It was in Guilin where I saw him last week.6.This is an important problem about which too few social scientists have researched.7.In this time of life you must be careful not to over


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