八年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 3 Language in use讲学稿(无答案) 外研版.doc

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1、Module 8 Public holidayUnit 3 Language in use一、 学习目标:掌握好时间状语从句,会运用好when,while after , before , until 引导的从句语法分析:用句子来表达一件事或一次行为发生的时间的,在英语里这个句子叫做时间状语从句1 when 连接的时间从句when 当。的时候When I feel tired, I will have a rest.2 Before / after 连接的时间状语从句before 表示“在、之前”after 表示 “ 在、之后”在他母亲回家之前。他把电视关了。He turned off the

2、 TV before his mother came back home.在吃完饭后,他们出去散步了。They went out for a walk after they had a meal.3 as soon as 连接的时间从句as soon as 表示“一、就、”强调动作紧密相连。电话一响他就拿起来。He picked up the phone as soon as it rang.4 until 连接的时间从句 until表示一个动作一直持续到某一时刻,即“直到、”直到他母亲叫醒他,他才起床。He didnt get up until his mother woke him up.

3、5 while连接的时间从句While连接时间状语时,表示言主句的行为在从句行为过程之中发生。由于while从句表示一个持续的行为。所以从句中要用持续性动词或状态动词,并且持续性动词常用进行时态。当婴儿在睡觉时,母亲洗衣服。The mother did some washing while her baby was sleeping.二、重点和难点1 Do you get out of bed as soon as you wake up?get out of bed 起床eg:每天他闹钟一响,他就起床。He _bed as soon as the bell rang.2 We hold a

4、big party , with lots of food and drink.hold a big party 举行一个大型聚会eg:当事故发生时,我们正在举行一个大型聚会。We _, when the accident happened.3 Susans mother likes flowers better than soap or chocolate.与肥皂和巧克力相比,苏珊的妈妈更喜欢花like better than .与、相比更喜欢、eg:与看电视相比,他更喜欢散步.He _ watching TV.4 Thanksgiving Day is not on the same da

5、te every year.感恩节每年并不在同一天。on the same date在同一天,在同一个日子eg:我们在同一天去购物。We went shopping _.三、单项选择( )1 All the students went home _ school was over.A before B since C as soon as D while( )2 You will feel much better _ you take the medicine.A before B after C when D while( )3 _ we were playing football , th

6、ey were playing volleyball.A until B When C If D while( )4 How long have you been there A For one year B Last year C Since two years D Before( )5 Do you know how_A do they celebrate the festival B they do celebrate the festivalC they celebrate the festival D they celebrate the festival do( )6 I _ my

7、 homework while my parents _TV last night.A did. / have watched B was doing/ were watching C had done/ were watching D would do/ were ( )7 My grandma didnt go to sleep _ got back home.A where B until C as soon as D while( )8_ did you see a cat from behind the door? As soon as I entered the room.A wh

8、at B When C Where D Why( )9 It was raining _I were waiting for you.A after B while C before D until( )10 _ he finished his work , he left his office.A Before B After C Until D While( )11 What present do you give your mother _?A on Mothers Day B on Mothers Day C in mothers day.( )12 If it _ tomorrow,

9、 well go camping. I want to know if you _A wont / go B not / will go C doesnt / go D doesnt / will go( )13 He looks tired, dont make him_.A to work B working C work D works四、完成句子1你一醒来就起床吗?_you _as soon as you _?2你将做什么一直到学期末?What will you do _ term?3你们没有在沙堆上和朋友聚过会.You _ with your friends at the beach.4母亲节在五月的第二个星期天。_is _the second Sunday in May.5每人都同时庆祝这个节日吗?_everyone celebrate the festival _?6他们在同一天出生。They were born _. - 3 -用心 爱心 专心



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