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1、外研社七年级下册期末复习资料汇总(英睿辅导)Module 1 总分_ (满分100分)一 词汇检测:根据中文写英文:(2X10=20分)(1)谁的_ (2)首先_ _ _(3)失物招领_ _ _ (4)小心对待_ _ _(5)从现在开始_ _ _ (6)匆匆忙忙_ _ _(7)数百的_ _ (8)奇怪的_(9)移动电话_ _ (10)在这儿_ _二,语法检测:(名词性物主代词)(1X32=32分)人称单复数人称代词物主代词主格作主语宾格作宾语形容词性(后加名词)名词性(不加名词)第一人称我(的)我们(的)第二人称你(的)你们(的)第三人称他(的)她(的)它(的)他们(的)一、用适当的人称代词填

2、空:(2X10=20分)1._ismyaunt.Weoftenvisit_. ( she )2. Chinaisadevelopingcountry._isintheeastofAsia. ( its )3.Whatdayis_today?_isThursday. (its)5.Ihaveabluebike.Theredoneisnt_. ( I )6.Thesenewhousesaresonice._areveryexpensive.( them )7._classroom is big, _ is small. ( you, I)8.LingLingisagirl._studiesinap

3、rimaryschool._brotherliveswith_andhelps_with_ lessons. ( she )9.Mikeismyclassmate._isgoodatEngliush. ( his )10.Katewantsaglassofmilk.Willyoupassitto_? ( she )二、用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空(2X14=28分)1.Iateall_sandwichesyesterday.( I )CanIhaveoneof_? ( you )2.Georgehaslost_ ( his )pen.Shewilllend _ to him. ( s

4、he )3.JackhasadogandsohaveI._( he ) dogand_ ( I )hadafight(打架).4.Theteacherwantsyoutoreturnthatbookof_( he )5.Mr.andMrs.Greenandafriendof_arecomingtoseeus. ( they )6.WearegoingtoParistostaywithaFrenchfriendof_. (we )7.Thisisnt_knife._isgreen. ( she )8.Theseareyourbooks,Kate.Put_inthedesk,please. (th

5、ey )9. Isthispencil-boxLiLeis?No,_isverynew. ( he )10.WeiFang,isthat_ruler?Yes,its.( you )Module 2 总分_ (满分100分) 二 词汇检测:根据中文写英文:(2X15=30分)(1)学期_ (2)俱乐部_(3)想要 _ _ (4)仅此而已_ _(5)担心 _ _ (6) 班长 _(7)相处融洽_ _ _ _ (8)强壮的,健康的_(9)承诺 _ (10)乐于做某事_ _ _ _(11)队伍_ (12)收拾_(13)正如,就像_ _(14)确信的_(15)高分_ _二,语法检测:(2X10=20分)

6、情态动词can / could / must/have to/ may/ might / should/ would/ought to+动词原形肯定式否定式过去式注解Can可以,会,表示一种能力,常与be able to 互换may 可能,可以,表请求,might比may语气委婉Must无必须,语气强烈,常表示一种命令,侧重主观看法Have to不得不,语气强烈,侧重客观需要should无应该,表示一种劝说,是shall的过去式ought to 无应该,表示一种责任,义务,语气较should强烈would无将会,是will 的过去式注意:May I use your bike? Yes, yo

7、u may. No, you mustnt/ cant. Must I finish my homework now? Yes, you must. No, you dont have to. No, you neednt. 练习:一、选用情态动词can, cant, must, may填空。(2X13=26分)1“ I use your rubber, Bill?” “Sorry, I dont have one. Ask Mary. She _ have one.2“ you say it in English?” “Sorry, I _. _I say it in English ?“N

8、o, you neednt. You_ say it in Chinese.”3. “_I listen to the music?” “Yes, you_. But you _wait a minute.4.You_ call me with your mobile phone on the plane. 5. _ you help me? Sorry, I _. I am too busy. 6,_ we go shopping together? 二、选择填空。(3X8=24分)( ) 1. May I take this book out? No, you_. A. cant B. m

9、ay not C. neednt D. arent( ) 2. “ I do homework first ?” “Yes ,you .”A. Must; must B. Can; are C. Must; can D. Am; can( ) 3. May I change the film here? No, you do that in the sunshine.A. neednt B. dont have to C. cant D. may not( ) 4. _ I take the newspaper away? No, you mustnt. You _ read it only

10、here.A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must( ) 5. _ I take my cat with me on the train? No, you _. A. Could, wont B. Must, mustnt C. May, mustnt D. Can, neednt( ) 6. You _ show your pass at the entrance unless the guard asks you for it. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. wont( ) 7. You _ watch TV, but you _ finish your homework first. A. must, can B. need, can C. may, must D. can, may( ) 8. Youd better take a map with you, or否则 you _


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