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1、江苏省涟水县红日中学八年级英语上册Unit2Schoollife(第2课时)导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版school life一、学习目标1,了解英国学校和美国学校生活的区别2,了解文章的主要大意3,理解作者的观点二、重点难点 1.掌握下列单词:mixed, together, subject, myself, tasty, meal, guys, twice, softball, practice, senior, hero, close, admire 2.掌握下列短语:a mixed school, do sth for oneself, cook healthy and tasty

2、meals Bring in, the end of sth, as well, take a bus , twice a week, help sb with sth 三、自学交流 1. life n. 生活 lives(复数) live a happy life(过着一种快乐的生活) school lives (学校生活) 2. mix .vt. 混合 mixed adj. 混合的 a mixed school 一所混合学校 mixture .n. 混合物3. French 法语 France 法国4.borrow sth from.从.借某物5.bring in 带来6.at the e

3、nd of在的尽头 in the end最后7.discuss sth with sb和某人讨论某事8.seem to do 似乎做某事 seem +adj练习:1.Our school is a (mix)school2.Boys and girls have (lesson)together.3.Among all my subjects, I like French (good).4.Would you like (bring)in some books from home.5. (learn) foreign languages is fun.6.It seems (rain)四、展示

4、点评1.Do you think dogs are (smart) than you.2.My parents like (watch) TV.3.Can you tell me any (different)between the work.4.Jill isnt as (tall)as Lucy.5.Of all the things, the one on the left is (bad)6.Maths (be) very important. We should work hard on it.7.The movie (be)on at the cinema next week.8.

5、I know they are trying their (good)in this matter.五、达标检测 I. 用所给动词的适当形式完成下例句子1. Tom _(hurt) his leg yesterday.2. Eddie is crazy about sports. He doesnt spend much time (learn).3. Be quiet! The students are _ (have) an English class.4. Watching TV is better than_(do) housework.5. My father_will _(fly)

6、 to Beijing in two hours.6. Youd better_ (not go) out.7. This is a _ (drive) lesson .8. He told me _ (not talk) in class.9.9. _ (read) books is very interesting.10. Does your father enjoy _(drive) a car?II.选择题( ) 1.One of my_ is clean, but_ one isnt.A. foot, other B. feet; the other C. foot; the oth

7、er D. feet; the other ( ) 2. Do you and your brother_ each other? A. is like B. be like C. are like D. look like( )3. Tommy usually chats_-the phone_ his friends. A. with; on B. on; at C. at; on D. on; with( )4. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall?A. will rain; do; visit B. will snow; will;

8、visit C. rains; do; visit D. rains; will visit( )5. I cant do the job _ you.A. so bad as B. as badly as C. as worse as D. so worst as( ) 6.He did well in the final exam. He made _ mistakes than before.A. less B. fewer C. little D. few( )7. Thank you _inviting us. I think its time _ us _ leave now. A. for, for, to B. of, to, to C. for, to, for D. of, of, to.( )5. There is going to _ a Maths exam tomorrow. A. have B. has C. is D. be六、反馈反思3 / 3



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