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1、巴中龙泉外国语学校2015年秋七年级英语半期考试总分:150分 考试时间:120分钟 第一部分:听力部分(满分30分)一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(每个句子读两遍)。(共6小题,每小题1分;计6分)( )1. A. pen B. pencil box C. ball( )2. A. books B. box C. eraser( )3. A. on B. and C. under ( )4. A. table B. desk C. chair( )5. A. red B. tidy C. dirty ( )6. A. table B. chair C. sofa 二、听句子,根据所听内容

2、选择相符的图片(每个句子读两遍)。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)( )7.A. B. C. ( )8. A. B. C. ( )9.A. B. C. ( )10.A. B. C. ( )11.A. B. C. 三、听句子,选出所听句子的最佳答案(每个句子读两遍)。(共6小题,每小题1分;计6分)( )12. A.Its on the sofa. B. Its red. C. Yes, it is. ( )13. A.Theyre blue. B.On the table. C. My books. ( )14. A. Its red. B. Nice to meet you. C.Yes,

3、it is. ( )15. A.On the desk. B.They are on the table. C.Yes, they are. ( )16. A.Youre welcome. B. No, it isnt. C.Wheres the book?( )17. A. Its a radio. B. Its green. C. Its on the floor. 四、听短对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案(每段短文读两遍)。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)( )18.Wheres the boys notebook?A. On his table. B. On his bed. C. On

4、 his desk.( )19.Where are the womans keys?A. On the sofa. B. On the table. C. On the bed.( )20. Are the books in the schoolbag?A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they arent.( )21.Wheres the mans ID card?A. Its in the bookcase. B. Its on the table. C. Its on the sofa.( )22.Is the pencil in the p

5、encil box?A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. On the sofa.五、听长对话或独白,根据所听内容选择正确答案(长对话或独白读两遍)。(共6小题,每小题1分;计6分)听下面长对话,完成23-25小题。( )23.Where are the boys books?A. They are in the bookcase. B. They are on the chair. C. They are under the sofa.( )24.Wheres boys schoolbag?A. Under the table. B. On the sofa.

6、C. Under the chair.( )25.Where are his moms keys?A. On the chair. B. On the table. C. Under the sofa.听下面独白,完成26-28小题。( )26.Where are Jacks pencils?A. Under the table. B. On the bed. C. In the pencil box.( )27.Wheres Jacks jacket?A. On the bed. B. Under the bed. C. Under the chair.( )28. Is a sofa in

7、 the room?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.6、 听短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案(短文读两遍)。(共2小题,每小题1分;计2分)( )29.What color is Toms table?A. Yellow. B. Green. C. Blue.( )30.Wheres the red hat?A. Under the table. B. On the chair. C. On the sofa.第二部分:笔试部分(满分120分)1、 词语释义(4分)从下列方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近、并能替

8、换划线部分的选项。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)A. picture B. meet C. family D. father and mother( )31.My parents are middle school teachers.( )32.Here is a photo of my brother.( )33.Nice to see you.( )34.Im Linda. My last name is Brown.二、单项选择(共16小题,每小题1分;计16分)( )35.Whats this ? Its _eraser.A. a B. an C. ( )36.Whats this

9、_English ? Its a pen. A. in B. for C. of ( )37._ is this pen? Its blue. A. How B. What color C. What ( )38.Have a good day! _. A.OK B. Thank you C. Nice to meet you ( )39.Are you Helen? Yes,_. A. I am B. you are C. Im ( )40.Whats your telephone number? _3468966. A. Hes B. Shes C. Its( )41.This is my

10、 friend. _ name is Tom. A. Her B. His C. Its( )42.Whore they? They are my _. A. parent B. grandparent C. parents( )43._ your name, please. N-I-C-K. A. Look B. Spell C. Meet ( )44.Please _ me at L.A. call B. meet C. e-mail ( )45.My brother Tom isnt . Look! His books are everywhere in the room.A. nice

11、 B. tidy C. welcome( )46.Thanks your help, Linda. A. in B. of C. for( )47._, is this your pen? Yes, it is.A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. Thanks( )48.This is my pen. And that ruler is _, too. A. I B. my C. mine ( )49.This is_ hat. You see, her name is on it.A. Toms B. Marys C. Jacks ( )50. How _ your mother? Fine.A. are B. is C. am三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分;计15分) 先通读下面的短文,读懂大意,然后从题后所给A、B、C三个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。A Hi! Im Gina Smith. Smith is my 51 name. My phone number is 7366-8178. I have a jacket. What 52 is it? Its red. This



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