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1、沪江网校 2011 年年 9 月高级口译考试答案月高级口译考试答案 解析 完整版 解析 完整版 Spot Dictation What s in a surname You may ask A new website project has been released that helps you locate your past Have you ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did or where others with your surname live now A research project inves

2、tigating the distribution of surnames in Britain answers these questions And another study has found the surnames are still extremely regional Smith for example remains the most common surname in Britain used by more than half a million people It has exactly the same concentration it always did in L

3、erwick in the Scottish Shetland Islands Jones is the No 2 surname and is the most common among hill farmers in north Wales The data used for this project comes partly from electoral register A number of other files are held by Ex pairing which is probably Britain s largest collector of data about in

4、dividuals There re some of us who are fairly predictable Campbell for example as you might expect is somewhat concentrated in the northern parts of Scotland and it appears really bizarre to be found somewhere else Well with 25 000 names as difficult to generalize what you can do is put them in gener

5、al categories if for example you look at names which are people s work Like the name Webber you might find it is much more common in the Midlands than in the south of England If you go to Wales most people get their names from their ancestors and in Yorkshire for example a lot of people 沪江网校 have na

6、mes based on the places that they originally lived in or at least their ancestors did Well we only have 25 000 names on this website but there re another 50 000 names now found in Britain and they re particularly interesting for they are non British names Most British names are fairly common and abo

7、ut what we can now do as such is look for the frequency of all names from different parts of the world and different faiths religions and languages And what there is in names is actually extremely useful for researchers in anthropology and sociology may find a lot about different immigrant groups an

8、d their descendants now living in this country Listening Comprehension 1 W We heard up there that if you are turned down the first time you try and persevere but I can t imagine going back to a boss after you have been turned down M Don t give up It s so important not to give up The first thing that

9、 you wanna do is try to understand what the situation is engage in some candid conversation I understand that you weren t happy with my proposal or you are not able to approve it at this time Tell me what some of your concerns are because asking for a change in schedule is often about negotiation So

10、 maybe we can come up with some type of alternative or middle ground and if that s not possible right now let s set a timetable for when we can revisit it because what s not possible today could be plausible in 3 or 6 months from now because circumstances and attitudes change So don t give up W Righ

11、t You don t have to be a pest M That s right 沪江网校 W But just don t give up quietly OK We hear bosses saying I can t have people just wake up one day and say I need more time off what are they really saying M That s right You can t walk in and just make those demands The bottom line is bosses really

12、do want us to be happy but not at the expense of productivity And any type of a change in schedule any type of flexibility really is an accommodation not an entitlement and so it doesn t matter why I am asking whether it s I am a mom and I need more time with my kids or I am a dad who wants to coach

13、 a soccer team It doesn t matter what my reasons are for asking I have to be able to convince the boss that I m gonna produce results W That s one of these reasons you should say over and over again Don t go in with the pressing problem Go in with the pressing solution M Solutions really are your wa

14、y to victory not always But you are definitely not gonna succeed if you go in with a laundry list of problems If I come and I say I m so sick of my commute I really have to work from home one day a week W But maybe the most skepticism raised by bosses is about the fact that you re really gonna do as

15、 much or even more work How do you convince your boss that you mean it that more work will be done How do you convince and then show them M Offer benchmarks It s the best solution that you can provide Because you are gonna say here is the proposal that I have And here is how we re gonna measure the

16、results Because I know results are important to you and are important to me too So maybe we re gonna have a conversation for 50 minutes every two weeks So that we understand how the flow of 沪江网校 communication is working And if you are not happy or I m not happy we have the ability to make changes along the way W Right M Flexibility is the key In terms of getting these special accommodations because I might say I want to work from home every Friday But you know what If there is a pressing busines


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