2015届英语总复习book4 unit2.ppt

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英语人教版 Book4Unit2Workingtheland decade freedom rid therefore nationality regret production struggle reduce hunger summary comment sunburnt sunburn disturbing disturb expand expansion circulate circulation export import occupation occupy confuse confusing confused confusion nutrition nutritious discovery discover output input withthehopeof searchfor besatisfiedwith buildup turnto focuson thanksto rid of wouldrather leadto keep freefrom of Ifso whatiscalled hasbeenhislifegoal wouldmuchratherkeep makingitready forcrops thatneed 语境填词 常用单词自测 重点掌握的单词 选词填空 常用短语自测 重点掌握的短语 完成句子 常用句式自测 重点突破的句式


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