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1、Module6 Unit1 第2课时优课教学设计(市优)Can I have some sweets? Period 2一、教学内容分析: 本节课是2013版外语教学研究与出版社新标准英语三年级起点四年级上册第六模块第一单元第二课时。本单元的教学内容是“请求获得允许”。在教学设计中,我加入了游戏,努力创设真实的语境,让学生在快乐轻松的气氛中学习新语言并运用到实际生活当中,提高语言运用能力。本单元知识容量较大,所以我对教材进行了整合和取舍。学生在本课时前已经学习了本单元的单词sweets、soup、bread、dark、turn on、light。本课时主要是让学生能够听、说、认、读并运用句型C

2、an I have some .? Yes, you can. / Sorry, you cant. You can have some . 二、学情分析: 四年级的学生活泼好动,具有好奇心,并且表现欲望强。大部分学生能够专心听讲,积极主动发言。所以,我在教学过程中基于本课内容的特点和四年级学生的心理特征,采用任务型教学法,以任务为主导,活动为主线辅以游戏教学法,让学生在真实的语境中通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式学习新知,感受用英语交流的乐趣和成功感,培养学生英语核心素养。 三、教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)能够听、说、认、读句子Can I have some .? Yes,you

3、 can. / Sorry,you cant. You can have some .2、技能目标: (1) 基本掌握(能灵活运用)“Can I have some .?”语言结构询问自己喜欢的食物,并回答“Yes, you can. / Sorry, you cant. (2)能根据本单元的内容在实际生活中得以运用,并促进学生积极参与各种表演、游戏的能力。 3、情感目标:让学生在生活中学会分享。 四、教学重点:能在真实情境中熟练运用目标语句“Can I have some .?Yes, you can./ Sorry, you cant. You can have some .”。 五、教学

4、难点:You can have some . and some . 六、教学准备: 头套,食物桌牌,食物磁贴,超轻粘土食物模型,四线三格磁贴,CAI。 七、教学过程: . Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Hello! Boys and girls! Ss: Hello, teacher! T: How are you? . T: Hello, boy! Whats your name? S1: My name is . T: Cool name! Do you like playing football? S1: Yes, I do. T: I like sports,

5、 too. Lets be friends. S2:. S3:. T: Hello! May I have your name? (找个长得相对壮一点的学生询问) S4: My name is . T: You look very strong. Do you like yummy food? S4: Yes! T: Lets have a big dinner tonight. S4: OK! T: You are so funny! Dont forget it! . 2. Review. 通过PPT及分组的食物桌牌来巩固旧知。 . Presentation and practice Ta

6、sk One: Whose birthday? 1. 呈现蛋糕,情景导入 T:Look! Whats this? Ss: Cake. T: Yes. Its a birthday cake. Whose birthday? Lets have a look. 2. 观看动画,整体感知 (After watching the cartoon) T: Whose birthday? Ss: Amys (birthday). T: Lets say happy birthday to Amy. Task Two: What does she want? 1. (出示Amy不开心的图片) Is she

7、 happy? Why? 2. 观看前半段视频,回答问题,呈现新知。 She wants some _, some_, and some _ . (老师戴Amy头饰,通过手势和肢体语言引出Can I have some.?及答语Sorry, you cant./Yes, you can.) 3. Practice. A game(幸运大转盘) Task Three: Tick or cross 1. 观看后半段视频,判断正误。 2. 读文本。 3. 角色扮演。 . Consolidation: 1. Sing a song (用两只老虎的旋律来巩固这节课的主要知识点): Can I have

8、some soup? Can I have some soup? Sorry, you cant. Sorry, you cant. You can have some sweets. You can have some sweets. Yes, you can. Here you are. 2. Sing a new song . Extension Task: Super helper 1. T: Welcome to my birthday party. I need some helpers. Who can help me? Share the food in groups? The

9、 best one will be our “super helper”. You can use the following sentences. 推荐使用句型: W: Hello! Can I help you? C: Hello! Can I have some/a/an .? W: Yes, you can. Here you are! / Sorry, you cant. You can have some/a/an . C: Thank you! 2. 情感渗透“learn to share.” V. Homework. 在家和你的爸爸、妈妈要东西吃时,练习说句型“Can I have some/a/an .?”并教他们说出正确的回答。 八、板书设计: Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? Can I have some .? GA GB GC GD GE GF Yes, you can. Sorry, you cant. You can have some .”


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