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1、教材版本:PEP小学英语五年级上册第四单元课题Unit 4 What can you do?备课时间内容B Read and write & Lets check & Lets wrap it up C Story time主备人 复备教师 一、课程标准1. 能够听、说、读、写本单元的核心句型。2. 能够借助图片读懂小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯,正确朗读所学短文。3. 能够借助图片听懂录音材料。二、教材解析Read and write分为读写两部分:第一部分要求学生阅读机器人Robin的一封电子邮件,完成判断句子正误的活动;第二部分是个性化的书写活动,要求学生参考电子邮件,写出三个关于自己能

2、做什么或者不能做什么的句子。三、目标预设1. 能够在图片的帮助下,读懂电子邮件并完成判断正误的活动。2. 能够写出三个描述自己能或不能做什么的句子。四、重难点预设1. 能完成“Read and write”部分的阅读任务和写作任务,复习本单元的主要句型。2. 能用“I can ”灵活介绍自己会做哪些事情。五、评价设计1. 用听音跟读、Pair work、游戏、书写等活动检测目标1的达成情况。2. 小组合作在情境中利用已会的词汇自创对话,检测目标2的达成情况。六、教学设计第 6课时教学环节教学预设一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)一、Warm-up1. 课堂口语练习。T: Hel

3、lo, boys and girls.T: Nice to meet you.2. Brainstorm in 1 minute.全班分成两组,两组学生分别在一分钟内用What can you do? Can you ? 讨论会做的事情,活跃课堂氛围。二、呈现新课 (Presentation)二、新课呈现 (Presentation)1. B. Read and write.1. 阅读前T: You can do many things, you are helpful! Today I am going to tell you a helpful friend. Look! He is co

4、ming. What happened to him?(出示Robin图片)Robin wants a new friend. It writes something about itself. 多媒体课件呈现邮件的图片:“This is an email. I want to send the email to my friend.”然后介绍一下邮件的收发件人以及特征。2. 阅读中Lets read the email.(1) 第一次阅读:Read quickly and answer.What is Robin like?He is funny and friendly.(2) 第二次阅读

5、: Read and tick or cross默读或小声朗读,并判断对错。What can Robin do? 1. ( ) He can speak English.2. ( ) He can play basketball.3. ( ) He cant play ping-pong.4. ( ) He can swim.5. ( ) He can do some kung fu.及时板书,同时及时教授并领读短语。(3) 第三次阅读:朗读更进一步跟读录音,注意语音、语调和重读。三、趣味操练(Practice)1. Introduce yourself.T: Do you want to b

6、e Robins friend? Write three sentences about yourself.学生写完后在四人小组内轮流介绍自己会做的事情,然后请两三位小组代表介绍本组的各位成员都会做些什么。2. Lets check.(1) 介绍听力任务。T: Listen to the tape, lets see what John and Zhang Peng can do and fill in the blank.(2) 第一次播放录音,根据录音内容完成选择和填空任务。第二次播放教学录音,核对答案。3. Story time.(1) 故事背景。T: A snake meets a c

7、lever rat and wants to eat it. Can the rat run away? Lets read the story and see.(2) 展示图片,理解故事的大意。(3) 播放教学录音,学生跟读,提醒注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。4. 打开U4 B Read and write课堂训练,即学即练,检测当堂学习情况。四、小结(Summary)Lets wrap it up. 师生一起总结play引导的动词词组的规律。五、作业设计1. Listen to the tape and read the email and story 3 times. 听录音,正确朗读Ro

8、bin邮件和故事三遍。2. Review the words and talks of Unit 4.复习本单元词汇和对话。板书设计:Unit 4 What can you do?What can you do? sing English songs play the pipa do kung fu,I can dance, draw, cartoons, cook, swim,Can you ? play ping-pong, speak English,Yes, I can./No, I cant.七、课前预习作业1. 复习朗读A/B部分的单词和对话。2. 初步朗读43页邮件和第45页故事,画出不明白的地方,查字典或做标记。八、课后拓展作业根据表格内容写一篇小短文。要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,不少于40个词。 My friendsI am Oliver. I have three friends. They are John, Tom and Amy.Tom can NAMECANCANTTomplay basketballplay footballJohnplay the pipaplay the pianoAmydancesing English songs


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