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1、分类号密级UDC编号采空场覆岩变形特性研究姓名:指导教师姓名、职称:学科、专业名称:研究方向:年 月The Behavior Study of Overburden deformation in Abandoned Stope郑 重 声 明本人的学位论文是在导师指导下独立撰写并完成的,学位论文没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的法律后果和法律责任,特此郑重声明 学位论文作者(签名):年 月 日3 摘 要随着人们对矿产资源的需求越来越大,采空区规模及开采深度也不断加大,由此引起的覆岩及地表变形问题也越来越严重,由此严重影响着人们的生产生活,并带来巨大的经



4、水平移动的范围大于垂直沉降的范围,最大水平移动量大约为最大沉降量的40,且水平移动不对称。另外,当覆岩发生整体下沉时离层主要存在于跨度两端,离层由层理剪切破坏引起。4)采用正交试验确定相似模拟试验中的材料配比,用云母粉模拟广泛存在于岩层中的层理,模拟了覆岩从变形到开裂、跨落的全过程,描述了离层的产生过程与存在范围,分析了地表沉降规律,得出了较为可靠的覆岩极限跨度:110m。并对试验中存在的测量误差,材料参数误差进行了分析。5) 通过对木架山矿区覆岩变形规律的研究,我们发现,不论是地表沉降,还是覆岩内部的变形破坏,数值模拟与相似模拟结果基本是一致的,并对层理的破坏模式与机理进行了深入研究。在全面

5、了解主要的沉降预防与治理措施的基础上,对类似工程的覆岩变形提出了可行的控制方案。关键词:覆岩变形;数值模拟;相似模拟;层理;离层;沉降控制ABSTRACTThe mining deep and the scale of abandoned stope is continuously augmenting as the demand for mineral resources increase more and more for satisfying the need of human development, which lead to the deformation of overburde

6、n and subsidence of earth surface are more and more serious. It put sorely impact on the peoples life and production action, at the same time it cause heavy economic losses. Wherefore, it is of practicability that study the rule and mechanism of overburden deformation and earth surface subsidence ca

7、used by underground mining.The characteristics of overburden deformation and surface subsidence is non-uniform、discontinuity and large displacement, so this is a exceeding complicated non-linear problem. Our predecessors have adopted some methods, for example, monitoring in-situ、theory analysis、labo

8、ratory test and computer simulation etc, to forecast the of overburden deformation and subsidence of earth surface, to study the distributing of cranny and layer separation and to discuss the defend and control scheme of overburden deformation, many instructive experience and conclusions have been g

9、ot.The paper carried through a series of study about overburden transmutation based on the project” Study of Abandoned Stope Disposal of Dayukou Ore of Mujiashan of Jingxiang Chemical Engineering Company of HuBei ”. The main content and conclusion of this paper are following:1)Comprehensive and syst

10、emic investigation and analyses on disasters caused by overburden deformation and earth surface subsidence were carried out. Recent main analyses methods and study development are summarized, especially, the development situation of similarity simulation and its merits and shortcomings were reviewed

11、, which provide a foundation for this thesis. So, the scheme that adopt FEM numerical simulation and similarity simulation to study deformation behavior of abandoned stope overburden was confirmed.2)Laboratory uniaxial compression tests、split tests and confined shear tests were conducted to obtain t

12、he rock mechanical parameter. Combine the practice experience and acquired production, the rock -mass mechanical parameters necessary for numerical simulation and similarity simulation were established.3)The deformation and breakage rule of overburden and earth surface、the limit span of roof are ana

13、lysed by FEM ANSYS software, an attempt is made to simulate the layer separation in overburden in FEM numerical modeling. It has been found from this research that the range of surface movement increases moderately with the collapse of jambs and the increase of the roof span. The subsidence area ran

14、ges from 1.5 times to 1.7 times of the roof span and the subsidence curves are symmetrical to the vertical line through the point with maximum subsidence. The horizontal movement, however, is not symmetrical and its impacting area is larger than the range of subsidence, with its maximum value equal

15、to 40% of the maximum subsidence. In addition, the layer Separation exist in the end of span of overburden if the subsidence happen in whole overburden,which is resulted from the shear failure of the bedding plane.4)Orthogonal experiments was adopted to determine material proportion of similarity simulation, the stratification widely in stratum was modeled by mica powder. The whole process from deformation to crack and collapse of ov



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